*A Catfight over the Lion*

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Momo POV
I went back to my room to get ready for sleep, School began tomorrow, and knowing our class, Mr. Aizawa was gonna make us do a lot of other things. But I'm confident of my abilities, Im just worried that whatever is going on between me and Uraraka will carry over into school life.

I woke up the next day to the sound of Katsuki's yelling. It was...5 AM? I went over to see what is the issue.

Both Katsuki and Momo
What the Hell Are You Two Doing Here!? Bakugou Yelled, This Crazy Bitch, Apparently Both Uraraka and Toga snuck into Bakugou's Room, "Ahhh! I'm sorry Katsuki, I thought this was my room!" Said Uraraka, Quickly Getting up, "Knowing You Roundface, You seem to forget where everything is, But you crazy bitch I don't know why you are here." He said. Yaoyorozu stood there taking in the scene she saw and processing, Other People came to see what the issue was well as it wasn't normal for Bakugou to be yelling at 5 in the morning. "Oh, I'm here because I was cold," Toga said. "That's no excuse," He said before taking her out of his bed, Now get outta here, Both of You, Remember your shit next time, and don't do that again, I gotta change and get ready." "Well, That's Surprising" Mina comes over rubbing her eyes.."Who was even there with him?"..." Uraraka and Toga" Momo said and Mina gasped, "Uraraka? I didn't know she would do that."Y-Yea, I didn't know either." Momo tried to hide her clear-as-day jealously but it didn't work. "Wait, Yaomomo are you? Mad?" Mina said, She looked at Yaoyorozu like she said a funny joke. "No No, I'm fine", Momo closed her eyes and gave a soft smile and walked off. "Will you extras leave? I'm trying to change here." Bakugou said getting up and going to his dresser. "What if I wanna see you~," Toga said with a smirk. "GOD DAMN IT!"

Tenzu POV
"Whatever Hardships you have gone through, There in the past, Focus on the future, and ill help you along the way," I remember those words from what Shoto said to me, In case you were misinformed, I was visited by Shoto Todoroki, The son of japan's number 1 hero, Endeavor. I remembered my past of how terrible it was, and the only good parts of it made me uncontrollably shed tears, But he gave me some reassurance and told me about what was going on with him. I must admit, My past has been a rugged one, It made me feel comfortable that I'm partly not alone, It's Nice to know that someone understands some of your problems, I heard Katsuki's Explosions which jolted me awake. It's fucking 5 in the morning, and I went to go see what the issue is, another Problem is, I sleep without a shirt and there are some scars on my chest and back, "Tenzu," Kirishima said, "Looking Manly Man!" He gave me a fistbump and I continued down the hall towards Bakugou's dorm, Some of the girls gave me looks, I didn't know whether to take them as a compliment or not, And before you ask Yes I have my mask on. Bakugou's dorm was closed until I came by the door and he opened it. "The fuck you want bonehead?" He said. "Wondering why the hell your waking people up at 5 in the morning," I replied. "None of your concern" "Really, So you like waking people up at 5 in the morning?" "Fuck no, It was Cheeks and Crazy Bitch in my room" "So they Slept with you," I said, You couldn't see it but I had a smirk on my face, I heard a plastic cup crinkle from down the hall. "The hell was that?" I said, "Who the fuck knows, Get a shirt on before crazy bitch gets on your back for having scars" " "Aye Aye Captain,"  "The fuck you call me!?




We entered our first class, Math, It was a relatively easy subject for me, I looked over to The other students, Mina and Kirishima were flirting with each other, and Momo and Ochaco were staring at Toga who was patting Bakugou's hair, Among other things, I look over to the hallway to see Ms. Hatsume, I ask to go use the bathroom and walk to the hallway, "What are doing here? Stalk Much?" I said, "I wanted to see how you're adjusting to your class that's all?" "Huh, Thanks I guess, What are you doing in your support class?" "We're building your hero costume, It's more complicated than we thought." She said with concern but determination. "Do you need me to come down and help out?" " Oh, No you're fine, It's your hero costume, after all, The support class is really happy about working on it." "Oh, Alright, But still, I insist if it's complicated, Plus you can keep your "Tabs" On me."  She chuckled, "Alright Tenzi, Its A deal!" She said. "Don't call me that, I'll meet you during lunch" I said before saying goodbye and going back to class.

Bakugou POV
"Will you get off me Already?" Crazy bitch kept feeling my hair and people were looking at me, I don't need all of those damn extras looking at me like I'm some imbecile "Toga I think that's enough, He doesn't like it." Cheeks said, "Well his hair is fluffy, And I like it." Says Crazy bitch, I didn't like being pampered and looked down upon at the same time. Will you two knock it off or fuck off. Pick one, I said, Crazy bitch wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. God Damn It! I yelled, Let me go you crazy bitch you're making a scene! "But your comfy" Then Cheeks slapped her hands on her desk, got up, and used her quirk on her to get her off me, I looked over at Momo and she got up as well to get toga off, The bell rang and we had to go to our next class and I wasn't gonna deal with any extras since it was a study hall, "Let go Toga!" They both yelled, But she didn't let go. I had enough. I got the crazy bitch off myself and cheeks released her quirk.  And the three of them proceeded to argue and argue and argue...Ugh, What the Hell is all of your people's problem, Have you three hit your head or something because your all acting like damn dogs in heat, Fighting over something pointless, Im sick and tired of your constant bullshit, Even when you think I can't see your Bullshit, I do and I fucking hear it too, Leave me the fuck alone! I walked off leaving the three quiet, Just Quiet, That's what I want right now.

Momo POV
He went off on us, He was right, we were fighting constantly, I knew he was a person who had anger issues but still, I didn't expect him to go off on 3 girls, Uraraka walked off quickly, Toga as well, I just stood there, Processing, We weren't thinking on how he felt about all of this, That was his patience running out, I had a study hall with him so I went to go find him, Think Momo Think, Where would Bakugou Katsuki Go if he was stressed. . .The Roof, I walked to the staircase and went up and slowly opened the door and looked out, He didn't seem to be there, I walked out a little and looked around, Nothing I gave a sigh and began to go back inside before Katsuki Jumped in front of me "What the hell are you doing here ponytail?" Oh so He's using my nickname now, Katsuki, I want to apologize for my actions- "Either Save it or tell me what the hell is going on because it's always between either you and Cheeks, Now That crazy bitch is involved." He said to me as he backed me to the wall. "What the hell is the problem that it's causing all three of you to constantly fight or are you just gonna stand there like a sheep?" He said, W-Whats the problem? "Your Red, Ponytail" I was? He moved his hand to my chin and looked, Even though I was slightly taller than him, He still felt as if he was taller and more.....Dominant, His hand moved up to my forehead, You are fucking hot, we should get you to the-. I'm Sorry Katsuki! I rushed off before I thought he was gonna do something, I messed up and now embarrassed myself in front of Katsuki, Just Great.

What the hell is your problem?
I have no problem, You just keep interfering with my endeavors, You're in my way
So your way is through that boy, Please, Leave Him alone, I don't care if you "Changed" Leave Him alone, He's All Mine.

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