*High Alert Homecoming (🍋)*

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I would like to remind readers that all characters involved in "Activities" Are Aged 18 and up and is consensual, You have been warned of what's to come

Tenzu POV
Security was increased throughout the campus of a potential raid but that didn't stop the homecoming, Everyone was getting ready for the day of formal and dance and other things, I was confused about it but it was said to be fun. All day people were talking about how would things work and who was going with whom and other things, I didn't care, I just wanted to go and get this over with and continue my career training. "Tenzi!" Well, There was the mechanic herself, I went to open the door. "Yes, Hatsume?" "You getting ready for Homecoming?" She said. "Yea, I don't understand this Homecoming thing but do you want to go with me?" Her face lit up "Yes!" And She proceeded to squeeze me. Well as we stood there for a while, To my Annoyance, Bakugou decided to take a picture and snickered away. Typical Bakugou, Anyway Most of the day was spent on doing planning and security checks.

Bakugou POV
An Hour before the Stupid Homecoming thing, We were processed through security checks, and to Bonehead's Dismay, He wasn't allowed to keep his Mask on...And he knew he was going to have a Really, Bad time.

I, on the other hand, Passed through security fine with everything along with Momo, The people who were there or who decided to show up. Deku was with Frog, Half and Half somehow asked Illusions, and Crazy Bitch somehow got in even after removing everything blood or knife related. Four Eyes showed up, Shithair was with Raccoon Eyes, Android Charger was with Ears and the Rest of the Extras Except for That Pervert because of Expulsion. Hopefully, that catches things up...Bonehead wanted to make his appearance a surprise since nobody else really saw him. "Are you Ready Katsuki?" Momo looked at me. "Fuck Yea." And we proceeded to the dance floor.

Momo POV
The Night was full of energy and Fun, A lot of dancing and activities were there, Eventually Tenzu And Hatsume Came in and I couldn't believe my eyes on what he looked like, He looked like an absolute Gentleman. Of course, All of the single girls swarmed him but Toga Fended them off for herself, The energy was very loud and exciting. Bakugou had a dance-off with Kirishima but both of them lost to Tenzu since apparently dancing with your legs is harder than it looks, It was lovely.

"Hey Ponytail, What are you up to?" Katsuki approached. I'm just taking a break, What about you? I replied. Here, Take a sip of this, And Only a sip. I agree and it looked like an ordinary punch but it tasted different. "Let's get out of here, Someone spiked the punch, And they're looking for trouble." I agreed and left with him after going through security to go back to the dorms. When we got back in it was eerily quiet but Katsuki didn't seem to care, We just went to his dorm and talked a bit...Until it hit me were alone.

Katsuki POV
Ponytail and I came back to the dorms, Trouble was starting to build up in that place so we got out of there quickly. "Hey, Katsuki?" Said Ponytail. What is it? "There is something I've been needing to tell you for a while now." Huh? What are you hiding from me? "N-Nothing"
Are you sure? "Positive" Then Say it.

"I.....I like you,Katsuki Bakugou"

Both POV
Bakugou was a bit surprised and confused at the same time, Like him? What does that mean? Like some stalker fan or who knows. What do you mean? Said Bakugou.

I like you Katsuki, Romantically...You are Determined to beat anything that comes your way, You're misunderstood for trying to help people. You are strong, Smart, and Passionate, You know what your goals are and you want to achieve them, I know of your flaws but those flaws make a person who can be protective over the ones they love and will do anything to make sure they are safe.

And stood there showed a rare sight to all, A blushing Bakugou, he didn't know what had just happened, it was now just two lovesick idiots blushing over confessions. And of course, Bakugou felt the same way

I feel the same way Momo, I'm not good with words but I'll show you.

Spicy Warning
Bakugou enveloped Momo in a kiss, Pushing her down to the mattress, She couldn't help but feel surprised yet happy at the same time. She held onto him tightly, Kissing him back with the most passion that she could ever give this boy...Now you have two lovesick idiots making out on the mattress, Bakugou began kissing her neck and she let out an audible but pleasureful moan, She reached down towards his crotch, trying to give him pleasure as he is to her, He took off his shirt and helped with her clothing, The two admire each other's bodies and they admired each other for who they were, Want to do it? Bakugou asked, She nodded, Bakugou placed kisses all over her body, Her chest, and neck and slowly made his way downward, Eventually having a 5-star meal, Fresh and Wet, She moaned with pleasure as he continued, holding his head, It didn't take him long for her to eventually release. You alright there Ponytail? She didn't respond but kissed him again, Grinding against him, Then finally getting the belt off him, She immediately went for his shaft, Showing him how much she desired him. Fuck.. He said, She only just kept going, After Five minutes she let off and spread her legs to him. "Come to me," She said, "Make me your woman" And he did just that, Although the two were no longer virgins, They sure as hell made love as if they were in heat, Grinding and thrusting against each other as they kissed underneath the moonlight. Bakugou knew he had to be careful of what he was doing, He kept going, Momo moaning loudly Underneath the hard fast thrusts. Bakugou pulled out and she quickly went and sucked him off and he released. Holding her head to the base as she swallowed. The pair continued this for 2 hours in the room until they finally got tired...Hey Momo? What are we? Were lovers Katsuki? She said tiredly, So like Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Yeah, Id like that. He nodded and hugged her, she wrapped herself around him as he pulled the blankets over them, The two of them happy as they finally got what they desired.

I don't care what you have to do, Invade the building if you want, just bring him here...Alive preferably, Got it? Core?


Let the newbie have fun with her old friend.


And Tell Exodia To Soundproof her fucking walls, Their constant make-out sessions with that dollar-store mummy are causing some complaints from the rest.

. . .


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