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We as humanity have ultimately decided to judge each other based upon the archetypes of "Good" And "Evil". The Hero or the Villain. Society has decreed that those they find not fitting the stereotype of a strong hero capable of fighting the villains and saving the people wherever they may live. But mostly, Society is filled with lies, lies that drive our motivations to increase those false heroes further. The heroes who only work because of fame and fortune, I know that Ms. Uraraka is the biggest example that I have. But now, After Countless Trials and Errors, I have reformed her into the perfect member of society, A true voice of reason for this corrupted world. Not to say that Core had any influence on them, but he had "Helped" her. The Mafia Exists for one thing only, to build our future for this Corrupted Society. I am Coming for You, Bakugou Katsuki.



Bakugou POV

The school was placed on lock down a few hours after Tenzu was last scene and was reported to authorities about his disappearance, some of the other extras began to say useless bullshit about how it could be someone that we know who held a grudge against him. Not much was known about him as he mostly kept his mouth shut on the important details. I looked over to Pony-...Momo gave me a slight smile "Everything is going to be ok Kat-Bakugou, we'll find him"-She said. Now I know one thing about Bonehead since I've gotten to know him, while it may look like he can be heroic, he can play dirty with his cards.

"Uhm Guys, we may have a problem here." Said the Shitty....Said Izuku

Just spill it out already you overgrown broccoli.

"Here" -He says before handing me a letter, I open it up, and out comes a fragment of painted metal, and a note.

"My Dearest Friends, I thought I could count on you to make sure that everything went smoothly according to plan, but it seems you never told me about the real story going on, And so because of that, I've decided to broaden my horizons, if you ever want to see your friend again, Katsuki, you will come alone, we have some issues to settle."


A rotten Corpse

Oh HELL NO, That flaming used condom sonna bitch wants to start shit with me!?

Todoroki perked up after hearing that and came over to see the letter. He read it over and looked at the fragment of metal that had fallen on the ground.

"Dabi wouldn't go to such lengths to get your attention, this is someone else."

Well whoever it is, I'll make sure they're buried in hell again.

Momo POV
Katsuki seems stressed out over what he saw, I don't know what it was but if it is causing him to be this mad then it is truly a threat that we haven't seen yet. The rest of us are starting to prepare for what we have ahead as we don't know who or what we are going up against, the league of villains is unknown and Toga is sitting on the couch watching the window.

"Hey Guys look, A rocket"

What do you mean by a rocket?

Just like that, multiple rocket barrages started to ring out, hitting the academy in various areas, we were lucky enough that one of the rockets didn't hit our area, We regained our footing before rushing to get our hero costumes on. We investigated the aftermath while some heroes were tasked with search and rescue. Katsuki wanted to know where the rockets came from, so he was with the team trying to find that out. I was tasked with making equipment for the search and rescue of those who were injured underneath the rubble.

A few hours passed by, and we were able to get out of those who made it. There were about 20 casualties in total,120 injured. The school put out a statement saying they are working with heroes from all over to be able to find whoever was responsible for this and put them away for a very long time. When I was able to finally finish the job I was given, I went to look for Katsuki and see how he was doing. But I found Tsu instead.

Hey Tsu! Have you seen Bakugou anywhere?

"No I haven't *ribbit* I was looking for Izuku as well. But I don't know where he is either."

Strange...Suddenly Mina ran up to us and she looked like she was out of breath.

"Hah...Have you guys seen Eijiro anywhere? I can't find him anywhere looked all over the place."-She said

Have you checked with the other group? I replied

"I did, but they're not anywhere to be found!" She Yelled Frantically.

Hey, calm down it's going to be ok they probably went out to do surveillance for the building, so things will be ok.

Or I thought everything was going to be ok.

Bakugou POV

Are you sure you want in this mission Sensei? You already lost an Arm.

"I'm sure of it, I won't let another one of my students get killed by someone else nor be taken again" Said Aizawa, His facial expression looked like muffled rage held in for a long time, he wanted someone to take the blame for everything and he would do as he must to accomplish that.

"Did you bring the prototype?"-He said

Yea, it's in cargo, We were currently being airlifted to the outskirts of the city, escorted by the military, The heaviest hitters were tagged along with us, We Had Izuku, Shithair, Half and Half, Crazy Bitch, And Some of the Extras from Class B who survived the rocket impact who wasn't a liability, I just waited for the helicopter to land for the ground invasion.

The enemy terrorists had their rockets launched from a remote base in the mountains, The military detected them and shot down more than we got at the school. Whoever is responsible for this, Hopefully, they are related to that "Rotten Corpse".

"Hey Bakugou, You alright? You seem quiet."-Said Shithair

I'm Fine, I'm just waiting for the fight to start, whoever it is, I'll kill them.

Shithair Chuckled. "Don't go too hard on them Bakugou, The Winner of the Sports festival is already a force to be reconned with anyway." He looked back to a picture on his phone, It looked like a picture of Raccoon Eyes and Him Posing for A picture.

"You know, once I get back to the school, I'm going to tell her how much I love her."

You're already dating her you idiot.

"What I meant is a promise."

Are you fucking serious? This is the last year of school, you can't get married yet.

"I meant a promise to stay with her for my whole life, don't have to get married.... yet"

Seriously you're going to get yourself into more shit and I'm not going to clean it up

He laughs. "I know, And I'm fine with that"

Whatever, the other two, Half and Half were talking about other things and overheard that That nerd is too chicken to even do his first kiss, what a wimp but to be fair I'll give him credit for even getting into a relationship, to begin with.


"We are under attack!"

Alarms were going off everywhere, One of the jets escorting us was just shot down by another missile. The other jet was soon taken down as well.

"Brace For Impact!"

A missile hit the front of the helicopter, causing us to free fall, In an attempt to make sure that we'd all survive, the back door was opened, even though our cargo was done at this point, the people who could use their ability for flight got those who they can out who survived the blast. We soon landed in the forest. The main people made it out fine. The next main issue that we had now was getting cover away from whatever by lying in the forest. We saw the base in the distance, it seems instead of an air invasion, we now had to do a ground invasion.

Imagine getting stuck in college for so long that you just totally forget that you had a story that you had to finish, yea sorry bout that

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