*Eyes Of Hell And Brimstone*

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Momo POV
What are you two doing in there!? I saw a sight that I never expected from two people, I saw Kaminari in the closet with Jirou, naked, BOTH OF THEM! I closed the door slowly, Processing what I'd just seen, Before Jirou proceeded to tell me not to tell anyone, Naturally I agreed and quickly rushed off, I've expected someone like Bakugou to go with someone like Ms. Camie to do that but NOT KAMINARI AND JIROU! I knocked on Tsu's room door "Who is it?" It wasn't Tsu, It was Midoriya. "It's Me, Momo, Is tsu there?" I said, "Oh yes, she's here" He opens the door and greets me, I enter and Tsu is laying on her bed, She look over and does a small smile "Hi Momo, What brings you here?"

Bakugou POV
These Chains are getting a real bother, I didn't know where I was, but I knew for damn well I was going to get out, Throughout my imprisonment, I've been charging up my glands for one big blast, But the downfall is that my quirk will be unavailable for a time, Its a fight to get out and get out fast, But right now, I have to deal with a high school reject with a blood complex. "Bakugou-Kun~ Are you asleep? You're quiet in there" I didn't answer that blonde stank, I just kept quiet, charging for the day that I break out of this hellhole, Just you wait!

Momo POV
I had a long talk with Tsu, still trying to wrap my mind around the incident with Kaminari and Jirou, So I decided to go de-stress and ask someone if I would be able to go for a walk around the block, Aizawa agreed and I went, I was surprised on how different this place is then back home, it's much more "techy" and modern, It's nice, I cross a bridge and look over to see koi swimming through the stream, It was a little high up but I saw them-

Feed Disconnected


W-Where am I? What's on my hand? B-Blood? Someone tried to kill me! I am in a hospital bed, "Momo! Are you alright!?" It was Uraraka, "How do you feel?" She said. I feel, Soaked. I remember I was watching the koi and then everything just went black "Oh, Well at least your alright" She appeared to smile, Next came in the police and heroes along with Mr Aizawa for questioning, "Yaoyorozu, Did you see who pushed you?" No, I haven't, I replied I was just minding my own business then it suddenly went black and now I'm here. They write some things down and say that they're going to check cameras and other areas of surveillance and then they leave. I decide to rest for a bit and recover before recovery girl gets here, Just pure relaxation.

Bakugou POV
I've had enough, I'm tired of being in this cage, Today's the day I finally break out of this hellhole. I primed my hands and prepared for an explosion of fucktons and detonated. My shackles were off but those jackasses were on their way, The door was also broken in the process. I bolted and continued down a long hallway and sirens were going off, I just had to keep going,

Then I stopped after a few paces to see a woman, Looks like she was tall, and has horns and wings and eyes like brimstone. "Oh Sweetie, What are you doing out of your cell?" "Cut the crap lady! I'm getting out of here, When-either through you or the extras behind me! I said putting my fists up. She gave a somewhat mocking giggle "Oh sweetie I was just about to visit you to introduce myself, You may call me Exodia." Alright, you dragon tales ripoff I don't care, I'm gonna kick your ass whether you like it or not! I rushed towards her going in for a punch, But she punched me first with a blue fire quirk. What the Fuck! Your copying other people's quirks? "Oh, is there another person with a fire quirk like me?" Yea, and he looks like a rat in a KFC deep frier I rush to go in for a second, dodging her punch this time but her wing caught me off guard and managed to get two hits in, damn she was strong, But I showed her that I'm gonna be number 1, I kept going even with my injuries, But I learned that she always tries to use her right hand first and use her wings to catch people off guard, Also she may have headbutted me once and set me back, "Now now sweetie, let us go back to your room shall we?" I wasn't gonna give in to her bullshit, I felt a sensation run through my arm and I did an explosion once in my hand, Good, now I can kick some ass! I don't care if your a guy or a girl or someone else out there, If your evil I'm gonna kick your ass to the ground! I rushed towards her and got some hits in with my quirk, She got some in as well, Both of us going head-on and not stopping, I knew I had to end it so I primed up an explosion in one hand but she punched my chest hard and knocked me back, making me let go of the prime and release an orb of sparks and sweat. The amazing part is when they touched her, She exploded and was knocked down, I guess When your life changes very fast you tend to learn new things. HA, Finally! Whos the Top one now? I said, Relieved that I won the fight. "You may have won this one, But just wait. Either I or the other two will make sure you are thoroughly dealt with." She said while clenching her fist. Her expression gave me a slight chill,

But I continued, using my quirk slightly to give me a boost and find a way out of here. After a minute, I managed to explode out of the building and bolt, just run, I don't know where I am, I don't know my surroundings, All I know is just run and don't stop. I can't use my quirk to fly because they might have guns and or other quirks, So I just keep going, Forrest Gump style.

Momo POV
I was woken by Recovery Girl telling me that my wounds should be all healed by now, With me in the room were Recovery Girl, Mr. Aizawa, and Uraraka, Watching over me. They turned on the tv to watch something on the news, But what stood out to me, Was an explosion heard at an abandoned apartment complex 10 miles out from here in the suburban and rural areas. Bakugou? I said out of thinking and the two of them turned to me as if I was onto something."Bakugou?, Do you think that explosion was caused by Bakugou?" I-I don't know, They stay silent and Aizawa gets up and goes to talk to some heroes, I swear, The first thing I think of when I saw that explosion, it was Baku-It was Katsuki's doing.

She remembers, Damn it! I'll have to try harder, But I don't want to continue that way, I'll continue on my path, Even if it gets me into more trouble.

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