*Metal Vs Quirks*

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Momo POV

Where could they possibly be? Considering that most of the staff don't know anything about the whereabouts of this select group of students and staff tasked with the rescue. Mina and the other girls were worried about them as well. Suddenly we heard a scream coming from the main living area and we all rushed to see what was going on, it was Mina with the TV remote showing A helicopter crash. The girls were most concerned about seeing Katsuki Holding Kirishima, While Midoriya was holding onto Aizawa who Todoroki was carrying with flight. What could they possibly be doing? The News Says that they were engaged in another missile attack, what could this possibly be?

Katsuki POV
The Crew that survived the crash began to march forward on the building, it looked like an old Japanese-style Shogun Era. For this mission our objective was to save the hostage or Bonehead and to arrest whoever was responsible, Death was an easy way out, so it wasn't an option. "Hey Bakugou, You alright?" Said Shithair, I'm fine just focus on the mission, and we'll be alright. "Yeah, I'm just worried about the others, Todoroki had to strain himself just to land safely." Then he probably must stay back for medical or something, this shit is probably already on the news anyway. "True on that, might as well- "GET DOWN! A soldier yelled before gunfire reigned out, Shithair activated his quirk and some bullets bounced off him, down on the ground I could see Old Era Sentries being fired from underground bunkers. I returned fire with my quirk, managing to take out 2 sentries. Call on Air Support! Were Pinned down here! Understood- AGHH. The soldier was shot by multiple grunts coming from the side. Ugh! Fuckers! We returned fire and with Shithair's quirk, managed to take out the grunts, He also took out the sentries and pushed ahead, Aizawa tried to call for air support. "The Signal is jammed!" Fuck, I guess we're stuck on our own. Use whatever method you must survive, kill them if you must! I grabbed ahold of Kirishima and Blasted ahead, taking out the multiple foot soldier grunts that they had sent out of the building, either killing them or knocking them out.

We finally managed to press through to the building where we were met with quirked users. Multiple of them, Come on you Cowards! Fight me! "Umm, hate to break it to you Bakugou but we're outnumbered" Shut Up Shithair, and Just Fight! The First Quirk was energy-based, used to enhance strength, and charged forward ahead to land a punch before being intercepted by Shithair. "Get the rest of them, I got this one" He shoved the grunt back and pressed forward. The other two had projectile-based quirks and fired upon me. I managed to get some hits in by rushing them down. Those projectiles hurt like a motherfucker and managed to bang up my shoulder. Shithair managed to go for an uppercut which knocked the asshole clean out on the floor like the rest of them. We need backup if they're going to be more crawling all over this. "We're going to have to wait for Todoroki and Midoriya then if we are to continue." The explosions outside tell a different story of what is going on outside. We saw the mounds of ice and Izuku's Blackwhip. Some of the Ice was blood splattered on it. Hey, Deku! Icyhot! Get your asses up here Now! I yelled. After they took care of the fight down there and we dealt with more quirked grunts we came back together. "How is your condition Midoriya?" Said Icyhot. "I'm alright I can keep going, we finally managed to get radio contact with the others requesting backup." That's good, We don't know what is in this bu- "HI IZUKU" He jumped. Relax it's just Crazy bitch. Don't do that shit again, I pointed to her. "Ok!" I had fun killing people anyway". Alright let's go Crazy bitch we got shit to do. The group of 5 followed down this long hallway and we were met with more grunts than usual. Some were energy-based, appearance-based, and element-based. Equally, we all kicked their asses or killed some if they posed a more threat than we thought.Well the killing part was Crazy Bitch's idea so its whatever.

The building was filled with the sounds of soldier's gunfire or fighting.We continued untill we got to the stairs when we saw an all pitch black man,White eyes and what appears to be a white mouth as well. "Greetings,It seems that we can finally meet face to face." Alright Motherfucker where the hell is he! "Im afraid i cannot tell you that,As i am not the person that you are looking for,But im sure my partners would love to have fun with you." Suddenly Fire blasted us back and separated us from eachother. "Now it's just you and me" He dash forward ahead,Somehow gaining an axe on hand,I reached forward to use this opportunity to blast him but somehow he got in a punch,It seemed his other hand somehow is the axe.I went for a more ranged option but even he had that option covered as fire roared throughout the area,It was starting to get hotter and hotter.I could hear the yelling of Crazy Bitch and Icyhot and a Woman's laughing,What the hell kind of hellhouse is this. "If only you know Bakugou,We have only just begun our entourage."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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