*Blue Nostalgia*

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Momo POV
I lay on the bed with Katsuki, enjoying the moment, While yes I was still nervous again for him but I feel at ease when he is near, It was relaxing in a sense and enjoyable. I heard a buzzer coming from his pocket, He picked up his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. What is it? I said. "It's Cheeks, She wants to hang out with me after school." He replied. I didn't want to show it but she had something up her sleeve, I don't know what Katsuki's motives are either because he's very hard to read or to know what he's thinking. Oh, Alright, Are You going to see her? I said. "I agreed to at least hang out with her sometime this week, So I have to." He said, Alright, I hope you two have fun I said before getting up. I should be going, I gotta get ready for tomorrow's classes and such. "Alright, See you around Momo." He said, I smiled and walked away, When he said my name it felt nice, Knowing Katsuki and his nicknames, This was a special thing for me.

Bakugou POV
Momo left the room, While Yes Cheeks wanted to hang out with me after school, I already agreed to things and really couldn't say no, Even though this weekend I want to go back home and relax, So I don't deal with these extras, Nor did I want to deal with that old hag, So just sitting in my room playing god of war sounds good right about now. It was almost dinnertime and I decided to go wash up in the shower, We had bathrooms installed in our rooms since that pervert kept peeking into the girl's bathroom, I didn't mind the change as I could bathe or shower in peace, And that I did...Until I heard a "Knock Knock Knock." God damn it, Who the hell is it! I said, Yelling from the shower. Its Ochaco,You there Katsuki? I faintly heard. What do you need!? I yelled back. "Dinner is ready and you're not here?". Just fucking start without me I'm taking a shower. She was silent for a moment before responding with an "Ok." 5 minutes later, Dried off, New clothing, Got my Favorite shirt, and Went to go to eat. The new kid was also late to dinner but nobody reminded him.

Hey Bonehead! I said, Come on your late to dinner." So that's your nickname for me, Huh." He replied. I don't know how he can wear that mask for everything. So what? I said, "Either Or, You should be going as well, What's holding you up?" He replied. Took a shower, Does That suffice? "You're trying to look for someone, Am I wrong?" How the hell did this bastard know? What's it to you? I said. "When The man goes to find a potential mate, They change things about themself that help him seem like he's suitable for the person, It could be a change of heart towards things, A change in routine, Could be appearance?" The? Wha- what the fuck? "Am I Wrong, Katsuki Bakugou?" Tch-God damn it your right. "So, Whos the person?". . .Ponytail. . . "I don't know people through your nicknames." Fucking Momo Yaoyorozu, Happy? "What does she look like? I don't know everyone's names yet." Black Hair, Good Looking, Prim, Always a Damn Smile on her face, and- Hey Wait a Minute!- "Oh Her, She seems like the prim and proper type, Good luck" W-What! And he walked away, How the fuck did he know and how the hell can he read me like a book.

Tenzu POV
It's Fun when you get someone to spill the beans on who they like, you just got to word things correctly and play mind games with them. I peered over to the ponytail girl who looked like she was looking for something or someone, It appears my suspicion may be right, There is Something between those two. "Hey Tenzu, Why don't you take off that mask?" The Pink Girl said, No thank you. I replied, "Aww what's wrong, Scared?" She kept pushing. I said No Thank you."Come on Tenzu, Lighten Up, Take off the mask." How Many times do I have to say before the message gets through that thick head of yours, I said No. "But Why- Lay off Ashido, If he doesn't want to he doesn't want to, Said The White And Red Haired Kid. She kept quiet and had a pout on her face, I simply began to eat, Attack mode wasn't on so it just looked like a mask so I ate through the bottom of the mask. This dinner tasted good, I looked around the room and saw how vibrant the class is, It seemed like one big family, I saw The person with electricity hitting on the person with ear plugs, A staredown between the ponytail girl and the brown-haired girl, Theres Bakugou sitting between them, It seemed...Familiar? As if I've seen this before, Back in Russia...I missed this. This Familiar Feeling that Seems All So Real.

Momo POV
I swear is she trying to cause trouble tonight? Because she sure is, Currently I and Uraraka are locked in a staredown because I'm on one side of Katsuki, And she's on the other. We continue this until "God damn it you crazy bitch get off my lap!, Toga went and sat on His lap, Which made me and Uraraka focus our attention on her "But there are no other seats." She said, "I'll give you mine if you let me get up" She got up and Katsuki took his plate and went off. We continued to eat our dinner, Everyone still enjoying it, Mina was still pouting from earlier, I glanced over at a few people, Kaminari And Jirou Were...Well Kaminari was Hitting on her again and Jirou was blushing, I saw them exchange a quick kiss, Nobody else noticed, I think? Kirishima was Comforting Mina by letting her sit on his lap since he was finished with his food, Midoriya was talking with Iida about moves and how to improve them, and Todoroki was keeping to himself.

I looked over to Tenzu, He was silent, I saw 2 flashes of light and a glimpse of his yellow eyes, Liquid was coming down from the eye holes of his mask, Todoroki noticed it too, "Hey Tenzu, You alright?" He said, Tenzu stood up, Excused himself, and walked towards his dorm, What was up with him, It didn't look as if he was alright, Was he crying? He seemed fine though on the way, He was even talking to Katsuki. But whatever the case may be, I hope he's alright.

Katsuki POV
Damn Crazy bitch made me eat in my room, Well it's better than dealing with all of those extras, I watched Cyberpunk while eating and it's a pretty good show, But overall it's alright, Once I was finished I threw out my stuff and went to the living room to play of god of war, Since we were obligated to "Share" our possessions, especially Video games. Bonehead was walking down the hall, and Half and Half was following him, For the rest of the night, It was mostly quiet apart from some extras playing some games along with me.

I Missed This Feeling, This Feeling Of Family. It's Rare for Me

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