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Bakugou POV

I Woke up the next day, Weekend was over and we had to begin packing up for the trip home, I forgot that Momo was sleeping in bed with me. Wait a minute, She's in bed with me, Well shit good thing Raccoon Eyes and shit hair isn't here, or else I would have heard it, She shuffled a bit and woke up "Morning Katsuki" She said. Morning, I said in return, Enjoy your sleep? "Y-Yes it was good." Alright, Now we gotta get up and go pack, We're going back to UA. She quickly gets up and goes to wash up, Meanwhile, I take the time to pack and get into the day's clothing. "Katsuki can you get me a tow-" Ponytail What the Fuck! Didn't we establish a rule on not stripping when one of us is in the room? I covered my eyes because she god damn came out naked without a towel. "AHHH! I'm sorry!" She grabbed a towel and rushed back to the bathroom. God damn it, My face was red and now I can't get that vision out of my head... She had nice t- NOTHING, God damn it. Give me a minute I gotta refocus.

Momo POV

*insert Internal Screaming*

He's seen me naked, M-My crush has seen me naked, L-Lets just get through the day without any trouble that's all...I wonder if the carpets match the drapes- NO! Ahhhh!

Bakugou POV

Shit's Packed, Bed Made All good, Im not dealing with shit I'm going to get breakfast, As soon as I leave the room. "Morning Bakugou!" Cheeks was already there, The Fuck do you want cheeks? "Not in a good mood today huh, Do you want to talk about it, Was it something between you and Momo?" You could say that. I said before walking to the elevator. "Like I said before, Do you wanna talk about it?" She said. Maybe but not here. "Not here?" Hence why I said maybe, Cause I don't want to talk if people are around. "Alright alright I won't pry anymore, So, Did you finish packing?" Yes I finished, I'm just going to get breakfast then put my stuff on the bus. "Oh, Alright, Do you mind if I sit with you for the ride?" I don't care, do what you want. "Alright," She smiled. We got off the elevator and walked to the food court and quickly got our breakfast, Wonder what Ponytail is doing?

Momo POV

After Cleaning up my side of the room and leaving a tip for room service, I got my stuff packed, Katsuki must have gone down to get breakfast or something, So I went down as well to grab myself something to eat as well. I saw Katsuki and Uraraka talking again. Hello You two, I said. "Morning Momo" Uraraka Said and Katsuki Had Food in his mouth so he couldn't speak. Hey Bakugou, Can I sit with you on the bus today? I said before Uraraka quickly interjected "But you sat with him on the way here, I was gonna sit with Katsuki on the bus." But he's my partner still for the assignment. "The assignment is over you aren't partners anymore".

Bakugou POV

The two started to get louder and louder over just trying to sit next to me. I swear what is with people here? It's my final year and people are changing rapidly. Names were thrown by Uraraka and Momo kept exchanging things...WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP! I yelled. You two are acting like cats in an alleyway fighting over who is their mate or food or some bullshit, Shut up, Yes ponytail did sit with me on the way here, And Uraraka came first, End of discussion, Get your shit and go. I said, I didn't want to deal with a catfight nor have to be the one to always stop them, I finished my breakfast and went up to my room to wait for the call for the bus, Can I just get one day of peace without any fucking extras trying to ruin the show for once?

Momo POV

Katsuki Stormed off, Not looking happy at all, It's true, We did look like we were fighting over him, just for a bus seat, Uraraka Went off, leaving me to finish up and clean the table. When I was done I went back to my room, Katsuki was scrolling on his phone, Waiting for the call for the bus. Katsuki Im Sorry. I said, For what, He replied, For causing a heckle during breakfast. "What are you apologizing to me for, I was the one who just said your too loud, If your gonna fight, settle it somewhere where we won't get suspended." H-Huh? I looked at him in confusion. What do you mean? "If you're gonna fight, don't do it in public, Things can be settled in-house for now, just be quiet for the day how bout that". I didn't understand his motives but I'm sure it was for the sake of not public embarrassment. "You have your stuff together?" He said, " Everything is packed. "Good, now let's go, I wanna get a seat before it's packed." Katsuki gets up off the bed and grabs his things before walking out again. I grabbed my things and followed, Uraraka had the same idea and took the elevator with us down, We waited outside until the bus came, And then everyone came out.

3rd Person Pov

As everyone got onto the bus Uraraka gave a seat to Bakugou and Momo sat behind the two, Bakugou, not wanting to deal with any more commotion as it is just looked out the window and slowly fell asleep taking a nap, It was a ride at least to say, Mina And Kirishima were snuggling with each other, Midoriya and Tsu were talking about different abilities, Kaminari and Jirou Fell asleep on each other and Momo and Uraraka were watching Bakugou to make sure he was alright.

The bus hit a pothole half the way there, Which caused Bakugou to land on Uraraka's lap, She tensed up and blushed red, Momo felt something inside her, She looked like she didn't approve at all, She didn't know what this was but it was completely new, Bakugou didn't wake up as he was classified as a heavy sleeper. Uraraka began to slowly pat his head, Happy that the boy was close to her, Momo on the other hand, Clenched her fist, still unsure of this feeling but she told herself that she was going to talk to either Mina or Tsu about it.

About an hour later the bus arrived back at the dorms, Bakugou, Still asleep, Even if Kirishima tried to use a scratching sound with his quirk. He was carried inside by Uraraka's quirk and placed on his bed along with his stuff in his room.

Momo POV

I felt Irritated throughout the bus ride, I don't know why but I just did, It was mostly when Uraraka was with Katsuki, It just seemed...Off to me, At least classes start tomorrow, Then we can get back to our regular agenda. "Everyone, please meet in the big room" Aizawa called out "Including Bakugou" So most of us went to wake up Bakugou, A prompt explosion was heard from his room "Hes Up!" Kaminari Called out.

As soon as everyone was in the room. "Come in you two" Two people came in, We gasped. "These are your two new classmates, Introduce Yourself," Aizawa said.

I'm Tenzu Morozov, Quirk Genocide, Im originally from Russia, Don't Ask about the Skull/Helmet/Mask.

You all know me,Himiko Toga~!

We couldn't believe that Toga was in our class! "What the hell is this bitch doing here!" Katsuki Yelled. "I'm here to change, I realize that there's a better path forward in life. All of the class looked at Aizawa "She's going to Many lengths of mental health care as well and we have her under constant surveillance. "Still, What the fuck is she doing-" Toga ran over to him and jumped, wrapping her arms around him and kissed him. The class gasped loudly and Katsuki fell. "OI! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU CRAZY BITCH." He yelled out. "Now we can be together!" Toga smiled and kissed him again, He tried to get her off. I and Uraraka Looked at each other in shock, It seemed it wasn't just Uraraka that was after Katsuki...It seems I'm fighting a war from two sides.

Tenzu POV (He will be another main Focus in this story)

I saw the Spectacle involving the blond, hotheaded boy, Some of the other students greeted me and complimented the appearance of my mask, They said that Someone from the support class would like my equipment, I am Self-taught in handiness and figure things out along the way so I don't understand why the support class is itching to try and get their hands on me. These new people breathe lies, mostly the blonde chick but for one thing's certain, never let your guard down.


So, There's a newbie here but he's in the hero class, Uncertainty, and mystery ooze off him, but I know that my babies will prove something once I find out...Tech Genius? Please, My Babies will shatter the competition.


Toga is gone, Where the hell did she go?

Dont, ask me, man, I'm just trying to figure it out too, Hey Dabi what do you think of the work partners?

If they're strong they're strong, The Sister of the other boss has something going for her But work comes first twice.

Yea yea, work first party later, Hey Dabi. What are we going to do if we find toga?

Either Kill her or Question her.

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