*Love Advice*

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Bakugou POV
Hey Shithead, Is there something you are not telling me, You look embarrassed, Did Deku kick your ass that hard? I snickered at the thought of it. "No Bakugou it's for a different subject, Can I just come into your room I want to talk to you about it." Ughhh, I just wanted to rest for tomorrow's trip, But you fuckers keep taking up my time.

Just come in before I throw you out. He walks in and sits in a chair near my desk. So, Spill, what's the shit that's been bothering you that you're coming to me for advice. "Well, I think I like someone, She is a funny yet kind person, and id like to get to know-" Let me guess, Raccoon Eyes, I said interrupting him, It was pretty obvious that he liked her, He would consider her a fucking inspiration and the mona Lisa, Not to mention that She made a move that's similar to his Quirk, Provides protection basically or whatever bullshit. "How did you know!? I haven't even told anyone" Dude your more obvious than all might at the grocery store. "Really? Like what then?" You're always smiling and some bullshit around her, You always look like a dog to be near her and crap.

"But I don't think she likes me back." Hey dumbass! She's always going up to you and shit, Trying to get your attention, And she was worried more than your fucking grandmother when you fought the yakuza! Seriously Man up and ask her out you fucking klutz. "Yea I know, But how? I was thinking maybe the trip you can help me get me close to asking her out" Dude we're going there to scout for yakuza, Not to do your fairy time romance bullshit.

I was getting sick and tired of this guy saying it's what a man does but he hasn't even asked out his crush yet. "Maybe if you liked someone you would know exactly how I feel right now." Well, I don't, And frankly, Whos gonna even accept my dumbass anyway, I've got a fucking goal and it's to kill villains and surpass all might! "Uh huh, Well we got Momo and Uraraka, They might be." PLEASE! As if they would even have feelings for me in the first place, I interrupted, I'm dead serious, Who in their right mind would have feelings for someone like me? Anyway just start giving her slight hints and bullshit like that, Take her out to dinner a few times, and man up and ask her, It's not that fucking hard.

"Bakugou when you come running to me about advice on someone you like I'm gonna say the same thing." Go for it then, I don't fucking care! "Uh huh, I Heard you crash landed onto Momo" It was just an accident we got over this already."Yea, she's ok but what about-" Im fucking fine Shithead, Why does everyone keep asking this question."Because that was a pretty heavy fall, you'd probably get more injured if Momo wasn't there" I'm fine. "Whatever you say Bakugou."

Now you know what to do, Do you need any more advice, Prince Charming? Or are you here just to bullshit my sleep away. "You got cooking duty tonight" SON OF A BITCH!

Momo POV
Mina? What's the matter? You seem flustered."Momo I need advice, Can I come inside? It's about Kirishima" Ooh, Yes yes come in. She walks inside and sits on the bed, I sit next to her, Waiting for her to talk.

"Ok Momo, I have a confession to make, I uh, Like...Kirishima." Oooooh, Kirishima is a nice boy. I'm sure he'll accept your feelings. "Yes but I'm afraid he likes other girls, I tried giving him hints like telling him one of my moves was inspired by his moves but I don't think he read it" Kirishima is the type of person to help others when they need them, Hes a nice boy and maybe you just need to show him that you want to be around him. "So you mean?" She started to blush more "I should be with him more?" Yes, It's whatever you want to do because it's how you show attraction to someone.

"Alright, that gonna be a little tricky because I've liked him since middle school. He's just Different Then everyone else." Alright, Maybe go out with him on a few dates to get to know him more, You can ask if he wants to be in a relationship whenever you feel you're ready." I am ready, I'm just nervous and don't know how to approach it, I've never done this actually, I've joked around about it." Alright Well, you do you, It's your relationship, not mine." Heh, that sounds like something Midoriya would say to Todoroki." It certainly does but it's the truth. "Thanks, momo your the best, She gave me a small hug and I hugged back, Anytime, Come to me if you need anything. "I will, Oh, and you have cooking duty with Bakugou."

Alright, I'd better get to it then, I'll see you when dinner is ready. "Yep see ya" She got up and walked out, I sit on the bed thinking to myself that hopefully, things go well between Mina and Kirishima, They'd be a good couple together. I suddenly think of the accident at the gym with Bakugou. And slowly put my hand on my chest, It felt weird but it wasn't forced or demanding, It was...Different.

Then I heard Bakugou yell a loud curse word and him stomping down the hallway to the kitchen...I guess I'm doing kitchen duty with Bakugou, I fix my hair and exit to go to the kitchen to help with cooking.

Bakugou POV
Fucking hell, Why does that dumbass always tell me to bother with someone else's shit. I get to the kitchen and look in the fridge to see what we have Beef, Curry, Ginger, And a bunch of other things.  "Hello again Bakugou, I guess we're doing the dinner tonight?" A familiar voice is heard from behind me. You too huh? Come on, Let's just get this shit over with, Then I can finally sleep."

You sure do like your sleep Bakugou." It's the only thing that keeps me happy Since what else is there around here? "What was that Bakugou?" Nothing, Grab the beef out of the fridge we are making spicy teriyaki hamburger steak. "You like spicy food?" Hell yea, It's my favorite, It gets me going for a good day." I heard there's this one place in Tokyo that makes delicious spicy food" I heard, It's fucking expensive as shit though."

Maybe we can go together when we're there?" Are you fucking serious ponytail? "Yes, I'm serious, Let's say it's my way of saying thank you for my training with you" Jeez, Thanks Ponytail But that means I'm gonna break you when it comes to training. "Oh, you're on Bakugou! Now pass me the chili powder, I'm following a recipe."

Both POV
The two engaged in lively conversation, Mostly Bakugou cursing tho but at the occasional laugh or grin, Momo looked at the boy, She's never seen Bakugou so lively, Somewhat positive, and determined in his way. She was happy that she was able to be friends with a boy who was gonna help her achieve her goal of becoming a top hero.

"Do you know what all that yelling was about coming from your room?" Momo said, "Yea" Bakugou replied "It was shitty hair coming into my room when I was trying to rest. He came in asking for lovely dovey bullshit advice, Simple as that." "Wait a minute," Momo said, Romance advice? I just had Mina ask me for romance advice too not too long ago." And who was she talking about, Why should I tell you Bakugou? Because I keep my mouth shut with shit, Unlike that dollar store produce. Do you mean Midoriya? "Who the fuck do you think I'm talking about he said, Who else has green spiked hair?" Uhhh, I'll get back to you, Momo said, Thinking about what he said. "Mina talked to me about Kirishima." IM FUCKING RIGHT AND I HAVE BEEN RIGHT!" Jeez Bakugou you don't have to yell But it was pretty obvious I have to agree"

"Hey ponytail, pass me the teriyaki sauce" She passes it and he begins cooking, I imagine Bakugou's full name is Katsuki Ramsey Bakugou but hey I'm just guessing She thought. "Katsuki do you have a middle name?" "No I don't, And Watch it Ponytail. You might want to think a minute on what you said." She does think for a minute, Realising that she called him by his first name.

"Oh my god, Bakugou I'm sorry!" She said, Showing him that she was sorry by bowing. "No worries ponytail I don't care if you call me my first name, I don't mind but as long as the extras don't hear it, They'll start shit faster than Flash's cameraman," He said with a somewhat calm and subtle tone." Oh, Alright, Katsuki." It was silent for 5 minutes Until people started coming into the dining area, Momo and Bakugou had their share of meals and went back to their respective rooms. Thinking about Bakugou being called by his first name or Bakugou getting called by his first name.

Momo POV
It was the middle of the night, and I decided to get up and grab some water since I was having a hard time sleeping. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, But on the way back I heard small popping noises coming from the hallway, I looked to see if it was someone making popcorn but these sounded more like quiet firecrackers. Was it someone's air conditioning? I followed the noise down to what appeared to be Bakugou's dorm room, I slowly creak open the door, Careful not to wake him, and walk to see what was going on.

When I fully get inside I can see him twitching in his sleep, His hands lit up a little bit and he was mumbling something about its all his fault, I couldn't just stand there and watch him anymore, I climbed into bed with him and hugged him, Making sure that he was ok. Something hit me that I should do it. "It's all my fault, She Was Right There!" I heard him mumbling, and I proceeded to hug him from behind. It isn't your Fault Katsuki, And It Will Never Be. I say to him. I don't know what he was dreaming about, But It wasn't good, I lay next to him making sure he is comfortable and calm.

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