*Truth or Dare Anyone?*

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This Chapter May Contain Mentions Of Smut

Bakugou POV
I got onto the elevator wanting to go back to my room and clean up and keep enjoying my relaxation before I have to go to Kirishima's room. As the elevator was about the close, Ponytail stopped it and entered with me. "Katsuki, We need to talk." Well, something's up because she's giving me the most serious expression I've ever got in a while. "Yea, Back in the room or here?" I said, Scratching the back of my head." "In Our Room, There's something up". "Alright" As the elevator door closes and we got up, I look over at Momo who seems to be distressed.

It's unlike ponytail to be this way. For once I didn't want her like this. I took her hand and grasped it not too tightly. "Katsuki?" She looked over at me with wide eyes. "You looked like you needed it" I looked at her. "Whatever shit is bugging you I'm sure that you'll be fine". She pulled me into a tight yet firm hug. I, I liked it, Nothing else, I liked It, and I hugged back. "Don't tell anyone about this or ill blast your stuff out the window". I said."Don't worry Katsuki, Our secret is safe."

Momo POV
I felt better when I hugged Katsuki, He wasn't exploding mad, Or annoyed, He was understanding, Out of all people that I knew I can trust I'd never expected it to be the short-tempered blonde boy who says too many curse words. It felt warm and soothing. I wanted to stay there for hours...What am I saying? THIS IS KATSUKI BAKUGOU! OK NOW IM GOING TO TALK TO TSU OR MINA ABOUT THIS AT THE HANGOUT!

The elevator doors open to our floor..."Come on ponytail, Let's go." He walks out and I realized that I hugged him when he was not wearing a shirt and were just in our swimsuits. AHHHHH!!!!

Connection Terminated.....Switching Channels

Bakugou POV
"Hey, ponytail! What's got your face all red, You want to talk or not?!" I didn't understand what was going on with that girl she's s there, Make up your mind woman!
"Yes Yes! Im coming." She says and catches up. We get back to the room and I grab my clothing and go to the bathroom to change Since Ponytail insists on using the main room to change. Actually no I go and take a shower.  when you have blonde hair and you have chlorine it's a fucking bitch. Your hair turns green if you don't wash it. And I don't want to become that dollar store produce. "Katsuki are you in the shower? "Momo said. "Yea! I'll be out a second" If you know me, I like to clean. Clean is badass, And it makes me smell like a badass too. Anyway, I get out of the shower and change into regular clothing and open the door. "The shower configuration is weird, Right is hot, and left is cold," I said and walked out of the bathroom. "Oh, Thanks for telling me," She said.

As I went to lie down on my bed, I think to myself. Ponytail, She's is nice to everyone, But why me of all things, Why not half and half? What value do I have to you, Other than training you? What am I to you,Momo Yaoyorozu. "Katsuki, Can you pass me a towel?"Ponytailed yelled out from the bathroom "Aren't there towels in there already?" I replied. "No there isn't anymore. Can you please get me one?" I sigh and get up and without looking at her I slowly walk over, hands over my eyes to not offend her. "Thank you Katsuki" she closed the door. Phew, Well that was something...Now...What time is it?. Oh, 6:25." Hey Momo?" Wait, Did I just. Well shit." Katsuki? Did you call me by my name?" "Yea, Do you have a problem with it?" "Oh no no, It's nice for you to call me by my name, It makes me happy to finally hear it from you." She smiled, She came out of the bathroom in some loungewear." Alright, I'm going to shit hair's room ill see you later."  "Alright, I'll see you later Katsuki, I'm going to Mina's. She said "Alright, If I'm asleep in here, don't wake me up".  She giggles, "I know you love your sleep."

I take my key and walk out and walk to Shithair's room, On the way there, I heard Deku and Smartass talking about hero abilities. And a few other extras doing extra things.

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