♤29♤ the storm of emotions

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"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."

- Unknown

- Unknown

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Henry, falling into the water.

Mix's arms around Earth.

Boss, saying, "that's so you understand that I'm not playing here."

Mix, firing his Glock somewhere into the distance, and cursing when Boss got away without any harm.

Mix's arms around Earth again, holding him tightly.

Mix's voice, whispering soothingly, "baby, stop, stop, breathe. You can't go there. Do you hear me?"

Mix's voice louder, more pressing, "Earth, stop! You can't - you can't go there! Henry is gone."

Earth stopped, standing on the edge of the dock, watching the stormy surface of the water - the only evidence that something fell underneath it. That someone fell underneath it. "Gone?"

"I'm sorry, b-"

"How do you know? Maybe if I jump in-"

"Earth," Mix bit his lips, he really didn't want to say it, "I saw the bullet fly through his head. There's no way-"

"You saw it?" Earth finally looked at Mix, the storm of emotions inside Earth's eyes made even Mix feel miserable.

He closed his eyes, trying to shelf his new dreadful memory deep inside his subconscious where the similar memory lived for a while. Mix wasn't as shaken up as Earth not only because he didn't know Henry as much as Earth did but also because seeing a bullet shatter someone's head, sadly, wasn't something he witnessed for the first time.

Boss was right in one thing - Mix wasn't the innocent one there.

"Mix," Earth's voice was so much calmer all of a sudden, "I'm so sorry you had to see it."

Mix shook his head, "don't worry about me." Mix cupped Earth's head and lead him to lean on his shoulder, his hands wrapping around Earth's waist, "cry if you want to. I'm here. I'm here."

Mix was ready to hear Earth's sobs, to hold his shaking body but nothing came out. Earth held Mix close, his nose touching Mix's sensitive skin on his neck. He was breathing in Mix's familiar scent. He didn't need to cry, he was too shaken up to cry. His body and his mind didn't have time to absorb everything that had happened in the last hour.

Boss showed up in Earth's life to offer him one hand to bring his mother back and the other to take his friend away. Earth should have kept Henry in his past. He shouldn't have asked him for a favour. If he didn't contact Henry, Boss wouldn't have known about him and Henry would still be alive.

"It's my fault," Earth said into Mix's shoulder.

Mix let go of Earth and pressed a kiss on his forehead, "no, no, baby - that's not what we are going to do, okay? We should go out of here." Mix took Earth by his hand and turned around away from the dock. But Earth couldn't. He couldn't move. His eyes were back on watching the ocean surface peacefully swinging back and forth, keeping inside the deadly secret.

BURNING PLEASURE ☆ EARTHMIX AUWhere stories live. Discover now