♤30♤ that thing called love

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"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."

- Peter Ustinov

This side of the beach was always quiet and empty, that was why Mix liked it so much

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This side of the beach was always quiet and empty, that was why Mix liked it so much. People were trying to stay away from there, afraid that ghosts of lost marines would hunt them because as the story went; back in the 18th century, four marines made a blood oath on that side of the beach, swearing that all of them would return from their voyage or they would all get lost at the sea. No one ever saw them again. Only the frightened people who somehow walked to this part of the beach not knowing what was awaiting them there.

At least that was the saying that was going around, however, Mix never met those marines' ghosts. All he met there during all those years he was coming there to feel at peace was a couple of teenagers making out and a small family of crabs. Other than that, nothing. And definitely no ghosts.

The motorcycle's loud humming quieted as Mix turned off the engine. He took off his helmet and ran his hand through his hair which got a little bit damp being under the helmet in the hot weather for so long.

The ride took them almost two hours but Mix hoped that it will be worth it once they sit down and talk.

Earth was still holding onto Mix's waist tightly preventing Mix from doing any big movement. But Mix wanted to stand up. "Earth?"

"Hmmm," Earth let out but other than that he didn't move at all.

Mix turned his head, looking at Earth's cheek pressed on his shoulder and his eyes closed. A soft smile appeared on Mix's lips and he reached out his hand to stroke Earth's hair that was falling out of the helmet. "Are you asleep?"


"Then what? Afternoon meditation?" Mix chuckled.


"Hmmm, okaaay, so...open your eyes, we are here."

Earth slowly opened his eyes, looking at Mix first before looking at anything else. He didn't fall asleep but during the time it took them to get there his mind was processing so much that it physically exhausted him. He didn't want to move if he didn't have to. And Mix's shoulder being way too comfortable wasn't giving him any reason to move either.

When Earth's eyes glided away from Mix's beautiful face, he realized where they were, "beach?"

"Yup," Mix nodded, "no one goes to this side of the beach because it's haunted."

"Haunted?" Earth frowned, taking off his helmet and putting it on the back of the motorcycle.

"Uhmm, but it's fine, I made friends with the ghosts," Mix winked and stood up from the motorcycle now when he wasn't held captive by Earth's arms anymore.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," Earth commented and followed Mix down closer to the ocean.

Mix walked them to a small part of the beach that was secluded by big rocks forming a half-moon in the sand. The ocean was calmly swinging back and forth and there was no sign of the crab family or horny teenagers.

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