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𝑺𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 7𝒕𝒉

"Be honest Soso, what would you do in this situation?" I asked her

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"Be honest Soso, what would you do in this situation?" I asked her. We were sitting in the club at three in the morning, drinking and having conversations that should've been held at home. Solána shrugged her shoulders and sipped some of her drink before setting it down. "Not sure, she clearly wants to fuck you."

"I already told her ass, Lána. She don't listen." Ari interrupted. I death glared her before looking back at Sza and sighing. I was still conflicted. I had this yearning for her since that night and it won't go away. In fact when I spotted her earlier tonight, getting kissed on by no one other than Megan I was... jealous? But of what? She's my boss and I don't know her. It's not my problem who's crusty lips are on her.

Diamonté gave me a knowing look but I just rolled my eyes. They weren't going to convince me that I wanted to have sex with this woman. I could feel it in her aura that she's no good. Dangerous even. Even if I just did it with her once why would associate myself with her at all. "It's not happening so stop suggesting it."

"Nic, we're in her club telling you to fuck her and get it over with. Stop playing around and get some dick before one of those peanut head bitches take it from you." Monté responded, folding her arms. I shrugged again. I guess they'll just have to take it from me. If I do this, it'll be awkward after because lord knows I'm not looking for a relationship. I don't plan to be locked down by anyone. Especially some baby thug named BK. "Oh well."

"Pussy." Ari mumbled.

"I will slap the shit out of you. Don't play with me Ariana." I glared. She rolled her eyes before they landed on the door to BK's office as it opened. Her, her brother, and Robyn came out along with the tall ugly one. They spotted us and I never wanted to hide as much as I did in that moment. I covered my face and turned to Lána who was behind the bar. She poured out another glass of Patron, handing it to me. I downed it in one go before laying my head down. God I was gonna regret that headache later on.

"Well I'll be, all these pretty ladies at the bar this morning. How are y'all?" Her voice rang in my ears as she took the seat next to me. "We doing good. Can't say the same for Oni- OW!" I kicked Ariana in her shin before sitting up and looking at BK. "We're fine."

She nodded, smiling at me. Jesus. Everything about her appearance gave off I'll fuck up your life. The fancy chains, unbuttoned shirt, the grill in her mouth. I didn't want that. I'm positive if given the chance she'd break my heart and have a flawless exit. I mean let's face it, God took his time on her. I'm sure she knows how to use the package she was gifted. She'd ruin me. I'm not ready for that and I doubt I ever would be.

I tap my glass asking for more liquor and Sza took the hint. "Damn beautiful, how many glasses have you had? It's damn near four in the morning. You been drinking all night?" The woman asks. Her hand was nodded rested on my bare back. I should've worn my other shirt. Her hand was warm against my skin and her palm was so soft.

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