I could never hate you

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He hated you from the moment you first met. And obviously you hated him too. There wasn't any other way, was there? The first time you noticed Draco Malfoy was when Professor McGonagall called out for him at the sorting ceremony six years ago. You still remembered his self-satisfied grin when the sorting had, barley touching his head, sorted him into Slytherin, earning tons of applause from the people sitting around the table of the one house, which was known to bring out most of the evil wizards living in this world. But he was proud to call this house his family.

Now, six years later, he still did, still the same smile covering his face, but you couldn't help yourself but think that he somehow looked sad whenever you saw him around. Not that you would care about whether he was around or not, but still you had to admit that the spoiled boy with the blond hair and grey eyes might have grown up to a handsome man. But as it was you were a Gryffindor and as such you were obliged to hate any Slytherin and since you were a friend of Harry, it was even more important for you to not let Malfoy cross you mind too often. So you really tried your best to avoid the boy at all costs.

But this got more and more difficult as you started to hang around with one of his friends more. Blaise Zabini. The fist time you talked to him was on the train ride back to Hogwarts at the beginning of your six year. Your new Professor of Potions had invited you to a dinner along with some other students. At first you've been really confused how you've managed to have a meeting with one of your teacher before the term had even begun; turned out Slughorn had invited all students he knew had some connections to people in higher positions. And since your parents worked for the minister himself, he seemed to be interested in meeting you too. But arriving to dinner, you realized, you've never been in a more awkward situation. Slughorn tried his best to connect with each and every one of you but he was more interested in the people you might know than yourself. And there wasn't a chance, the other students who had shown up would make the whole thing any more interesting. While Harry stared awkwardly at Ginny the entire time, laughing far too loud whenever she said something, Cormac McLaggen was either making some inappropriate comments about any female inside or outside the room, or talking to Slughorn about his last meeting with the minister. So the only person left you slightly knew, even though you never talked to him, was Blaise. And even though after you got to know him you thought he was way too arrogant, he still wasn't that bad at all. While you two were talking, he actually turned out to be pretty intelligent and having a great sense of humour.

And that's when you started to hang out with him more frequently. Even though Hermione, Ron and Harry were pretty worried about your own well-being, your enjoyed spending time with him. And sometime even with his friends. While your Gryffindor mates strictly refused to hang out with Blaise, his Slytherin friends somehow grew into tolerating your presence. And from time to time they actually were pretty fun. At least most of them. Draco Malfoy seemed as if he couldn't bear your presence for more than a few minutes. Whenever you met up with Blaise and his friends, he somehow manged to disappear within a few moments. You didn't mind though. Because you were totally aware of how much he hated you. And you were also totally aware of how much you hated the tall guy with those beautiful eyes yourself.

Still, you couldn't help yourself wondering why he just never tried to talk you out of the group. You knew that normally Malfoy was the one to make the rules and if he didn't approve someone, he would let them know, regardless of what his other friends might think about it. One day you asked Blaise about it. Not that you would mind what he was thinking about you. You were just curious. "Why does Malfoy hate me that much?", you asked Blaise one day as you two were chilling near the lake, studying. Blaise looked at you, narrowing his eyes. "Why would you think that?" "I don't know, its just... Any time we meet he just disappears, I don't even think we have ever talked at all. I mean I do get it, the entire 'I'm a Gryffindor, you're a Slytherin and we all hate each other', but we made it work too, didn't we?", you asked him, meeting his glance. "He doesn't hate you", Blaise simply replied and looked away. "What other reason you know why he tries to avoid me like a plague?" "He doesn't", Blaise answered and closed the book he was reading. "I think dinner's ready soon. We should leave." And with that the topic Draco Malfoy was done.

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