Because that's what you do when you love someone

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Warnings: mentions of death, self-harm and panic attacks

A/N: I know that these topics are really sensitive, so please do not read this if you are uncomfortable with any of these or if you think it might trigger any kind of intrusive thoughts or impulses. If you are struggling with any of these themes please consider seeking help from others (if you don't already do), maybe a person of trust, a psychologist or some other kind of assistance. Live can be really rough sometimes and there is nothing wrong with asking for help. There are people out there who love you and care about you and if you are doubting this consider this text as a sign that I do care about you.

Also, I'm aware of the fact that fics like this might romanticize different forms of struggles that might appear due to serious health problems. So, if you are reading this fic, please remember that it unfortunately takes much time and effort to work on those things and really isn't something fun or desirable.

So, with that being said, I hope you all enjoy this fic!

You couldn't help but grin as you watched Ron smiling at Hermione sweetly, trying to lull her in. And it worked. Hermione rolled her eyes, but nevertheless, she grabbed Ron's half-finished homework and started to proofread it. Even though she tried to hide it, you could see the small grin on her face, as well as the rosy flush on her cheeks as Ron told her -like he had done so many times before- that Hermione was his lifesaver, and he would never say a single bad thing about her ever again.

Harry, who was sitting right beside you, watched the scene as well with an amused look on his face. You exchanged a meaningful glance with your friend. Since Ron had broken up with Lavender, Hermione and he were even closer than before and you highly suspected that it wouldn't take the two of them too long to finally admit their feelings for one another, not only to you or Harry but to each other. There was nothing more you could wish for for your friends than them finally putting wood behind the arrow.

But the peaceful scene was interrupted abruptly by an unwelcomed observer. And he did not only observe but also intervened.

"That's really pathetic, even for you, you know that Weaselbee?", the haughty voice of Draco Malfoy sneered through the Great Hall. "I mean, I always knew you're not the brightest star in the sky, but letting your homework be done by a mudblood? That's even beneath your dignity. And that really says something."

"Shouldn't it be beneath your dignity to talk to people like us then?", you asked, raising an eyebrow.

You weren't in the mood for Malfoy's snarky remarks and also weren't willing for him to destroy the comfortable atmosphere at your table. But it was by now already too late.

Malfoy looked at you, for a moment you thought you had seen some amusement in his grey eyes, but then his face hardened again.

"C'mon (Y/n). Even Malfoy knows that in the end, he's nothing better than us. Even if he doesn't want to admit it."

"At least I'm not as stupid as Weaselbee and in need to get help from a filthy mudblood. You really are a perfect couple aren't you?"

You could see Ron's face redden at Malfoy's words and feel Harry tensing next to you. But unlike the boys, Hermione wasn't that easy to provoke.

She laid her hand on Ron's calmingly before she turned around to Malfoy.

"At least Ron cares about his schoolwork. Unlike you from what I've heard."

You saw Malfoy's cheeks slightly redden. Hermione was right, the grades of the Slytherin boy had actually dropped drastically in the last few months, even if you couldn't explain to yourself why. Harry had his own theories about it, but you highly doubted that any of them were right.

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