A love like in the tales

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When you were young, you used to be obsessed with the most cheesy love stories. Your mother used to read them to you when you weren't able to do so yourself and later on, you continued reading them. When you knew all the stories, you even smuggled some muggle books to your room. You loved the tales of bewitched princesses who could only be delivered from the curse by their true love or the penniless girls the prince fell in love with regardless of their origin. You knew that one day something like this would happen to you too. You would meet a man you would fall irrevocably in love with, a man you would marry and start a family with, a man who would love you just the way you were.

But as you got older you realized that this would never happen to you. Your family looked forward to the day you would get married since you could remember. But not because they wanted you to be happy and be loved but because they wanted you to honour your family name and continue the bloodline. And that was only possible if you would marry. A man they would approve, of course. Unimaginable what would happen if you would fall in love with a man who wouldn't satisfy all their requirements. Or even worse, a man who wouldn't be a pure blood.

The (Y/l/n)s were proud to say they were one of the last pure blood families of the wizarding world. And one of those who had a great reputation and loads of money. So the only man who would be worth considering as your future husband would be someone who would fulfil all of these criteria too. But unfortunately, they weren't many men who did so. And those who did weren't, in your opinion, anything but acceptable as your future partner.

And as time went by, you started taking much pleasure in frightening off your potential partners as soon as possible. So whenever your parents set up a date for you, you tried to beat your own best time in scaring the other one away. Your parents were furious. They wanted to give you the chance to choose your partner on your own, out of those they had selected for you, but as time went by, you didn't even tried to give them a chance anymore, just caring about getting rid of them again. Because by now you had lost your faith. You didn't believed in true love anymore. You didn't believed that it existed at all, but in your case, you were absolutely sure, that it was hopeless. Neither would anyone ever fall for you nor would you ever fall for anyone. Well, anyone except one.

You didn't exactly remember the moment you realized you were in love with Draco Malfoy. Well, to say you were in love with him, might be slightly exaggerated. But there was a strong force that drew you towards the handsome boy with the grey eyes. You didn't noticed it at first but then, slowly, just like falling asleep, you grew to care more and more for him until at some point you had realized that there was no turning back.

The funny thing was, that originally you hated him. You still did, of course. At least you thought so. In your first year at Hogwarts, you only heard the stories about the Slytherin prince. Since you were a Slytherin as well, much to the approval of your family, you saw him in the common room sometimes, always surrounded by his so-called friends. But since he was one year older than you, the two of you never actually spoke to each other. You highly doubted that he had ever even noticed you. And at this point, you didn't mind. Something was intimidating about him, something, that made you forget what you wanted to say or do whenever his gaze unintentionally met yours. All you could do was flush and look away quickly. And because after those rare moments you strictly avoided looking in his direction again, you had never noticed the small smudge grins that appeared on his face, whenever he watched you reacting to him that way.

But this relationship changed when you, somehow -you weren't even sure how it happened yourself-, became friends with Luna Lovegood. She was a Ravenclaw in your year. You had never actually cared about the house pride of the other Slytherins, but also not much about the students from the other houses. But there was something about Luna, that was special. Whenever she was around you couldn't help but feel happy. And at some point, she became your best -and maybe your only true- friend. The other Slytherins didn't approved of that. They made fun of you for spending time with her and called you a traitor for standing up against your own housemates when they were bullying Luna. And one boy did so in particular.

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