Warm summer nights

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"(Y/n), (Y/n), wake up!", you heard a voice whispering.

Your eyes opened fluttering and squinted at the bright light of the petroleum lamp, only centimetres away from your face. Your body felt heavy and was sunken into the soft mattress under it. Still lost in the world of your dreams you wanted nothing more than to drift back into the sweet void of sleep. But your roommates had different plans.

"(Y/n), let's go. It's time."

You mumbled something incomprehensible and wanted to turn around, away from the light and the voices, but someone grabbed you by your arm, preventing you from doing so. Another hand grabbed your blanket and pulled it away. You groaned. It wasn't exactly cold, but the cosiness you had felt slowly began to fade.

"What is wrong with you? Do you know what time it is?", you grumbled, as you blinked into the grinning faces of your friends.

"Exactly ten minutes before midnight.", one of your roommates stated. "And that's why we have to hurry. We don't want to be late, do we?"

Slowly you sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. As you did so, you started to remember what was going on. It was that night. The night of the nights. You and your friends had been waiting for this all year.

Within seconds, you were fully awake. You jumped out of bed and slipped into your shoes.

"What are we waiting for then?", you asked, while you took a short look into the mirror of your dorm, trying to fix your messy hair so it wouldn't be in the way.

Your friends stood already at the door of your dorm. You gave them a short nod as a sign you were ready. The door opened squeakily.

"Careful, we don't want to be caught."

"We're doing nothing forbidden."


When you left the dorm, you encountered some other students from your house. You gave them a silent smile as you crossed the common room.



The entrance door swung open. Carefully one of your fellow students looked into the corridor in front of you.

"The coast is clear.", they whispered.

One by one you left the common room and entered the corridor. You shivered. Even in the summer, the heavy stone walls of the castle kept the corridors and classrooms cool.

In your pyjamas, you tiptoed through the corridors. All you could hear was the heavy breathing and quiet footsteps of you and the others. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest and couldn't help but wonder if the others heard your heart beating as well.

Finally, you reached the heavy gate of the castle. You held your breath as one of the older students tampered with it.


You let out a sight of relief. Even though you weren't exactly surprised that it worked out. It always did.

Officially, none of the teachers knew what you were up to every first full moon of the summer. But for some reason, neither you nor any of the students before you had ever been caught that night. The gate was always open, even though Filch never forgot to close it and when you went back to bed, shortly before sunrise, the house elves had prepared some food and drinks for you. Plus, when you had school the next day, the teachers always took it easy with you, wondering with a knowing smirk on their lips why you were all so tired that day.

You didn't know who came up with the idea. All you knew was that already your parents used to sneak out to the Quidditch pitch on that particular night. You lived in a world full of magic, yet this was one of the most magical things you had ever experienced. Because every once in a year, all students from the fifth year and above sneaked out to the Quidditch pitch to play. But it was nothing like the matches of the house cup. It didn't matter which house you belonged to, whether you could play or not. There weren't even actual teams. You were all just sitting on your brooms, trying to get a Quaffle into the goal or trying to prevent it from getting in. Or you were just flying around, looking at the bustle from above. Some of the better Quidditch players tried to teach those of you who couldn't play and everyone could try out the best brooms the school had. You knew many people eagerly waited for this night to try out Harry Potter's firebolt. But some people, like you, also preferred to stay on the ground. It wasn't that you didn't like Quidditch. You simply preferred watching it with both of your feet on safe ground. Still, to watch the hustle and bustle from the stand was just as fun as flying. At least in your opinion.

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