Traitor (final) pt. 5

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The next days felt like a dream to you. Only the next morning you found out what had happened in the department of Mystery. When you had rushed to the Hospital Wing, you saw with great relief that none of your friends would carry away any lasting damages.
You spent most of your time on your own or with Harry, commuting between the Gryffindor common room and the Hospital wing. You enjoyed the time you could spend with your friends. It helped you distract yourself when you were sitting on Hermione's bed, eating chocolate frogs and making fun of Fudge, who suddenly seemed to be Harry's biggest admirer.
When you were in the common room with Harry, however, you mostly just stared into the fireplace. From time to time, you got interrupted by people approaching you and apologizing ruefully. To Harry for not believing him or for his loss and to you for ever doubting your loyalty to your house. But you, as well as Harry, tried to cut the other students off before they could start asking questions you didn't want to answer. Then you went back to staring into the void silently.
You knew that the loss you suffered from was nothing in comparison to what Harry was going through right now. Still, both of you benefited from the fact that neither of you was alone with your pain. It comforted you to just spend some of your time with each other, especially since you were the only ones who didn't bombard you with questions.

A few days later, you made your way back from the Hospital Wing to your common room. Harry's and your ways had separated since he wanted to pay Hagrid a visit. But for some reason, you weren't in the mood for Hagrid's encouraging words.
As you turned around a corner, however, you wished you would have been. Only a few steps away, Draco stood in the corridor, frozen in place, just like you. The world around you became a blur; all you could see was him.
He didn't look as good as he did back the day you had talked to him last. But even with bags under his eyes and the ashen undertone of his pale skin, to you, he was still the most beautiful person in the world. You couldn't blame him for looking so tired, almost sick. Not only you had betrayed him, but his father had been arrested after he had led the attack on Harry and the others in the Department of Mystery. When you had heard about it, you had felt your heart clenching inside your chest. You had already realized back in Umbridge's office that the fact that you had lied to him had hurt him even more than you had ever expected it to. And now he had also not only lost his privileges due to the dissolution of the Inquisitorial Squad but also his father.
"Draco." It was just a whisper. You weren't even sure if he had heard it.
It felt like time slowed down, as the two of you kept staring at each other.
You wished he would do something. Anything. If he would scream at you, threaten you, hex you, you would be fine with it. But the way he looked at you with a blank expression, broke your heart once more.
Then, finally, Draco dismantled from his rigidity. He straightened his back and cleared his throat.
"(Y/l/n).", he said tonelessly, before he went on his way, passing you and turning around the next corner.
And just like that, Draco Malfoy had not only broken your heart but shattered it into a million pieces.
And you deserved it.

It was the last day before the Holidays. Tomorrow, you would return home. And for the first time, you actually looked forward to it. It wasn't like you hadn't missed your family in the last years, but Hogwarts felt by now more like your home than any other place. But after everything that had happened in the last few months, you felt like some distance from this place was just what you needed right now.
Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Ron had been discharged only a few days ago. Everything felt a bit more normal, now that Hermione's empty bed wasn't the first and last thing you saw every day. Plus, it felt good to not roam around the castle on your own anymore how you had done in the last days, except for when you had been with Harry who had usually preferred to spend most of the time on his own. Especially when you encountered the former members of the Inquisitorial Squad, who now treated you like you were a public enemy. And somehow, you were. You genuinely regretted this state of affairs, since you had actually grown into liking them over the last weeks.
The only one who had talked to you at all had been Pansy. When you had walked past her and neither your nor her friends had been in sight, she had stepped in your way, arms crossed in front of your chest. "I hope you're happy now.", she had hissed, with a murderous shimmer in her eyes. But it had disappeared again rather quickly as those damn tears had made their way into your eyes again and you had somehow managed to choke out a small "No.". Pansy had eyed you, her expression illegible. "Fix it then.", she had told you and strutted away, leaving you speechless.
There was nothing you wanted more than to fix this, but you had no idea how. By now, you had given up the idea of trying to talk to Draco, let alone any of the others. One night, when you hadn't been able to sleep once more, you had sat in your bed, writing a letter, but no matter how hard you tried, the words sounded hollow and meaningless. So you had given up on trying to approach Draco, contended yourself with staring at him awkwardly from the other side of the room, while he seemed to be completely unaware of your existence again, his gaze sliding over you, showing no signs of acknowledging that you had ever been more than just two people who happened to share a class with one another. And tomorrow you would get on a train, and you wouldn't see the boy who meant so much to you for two whole months.
But maybe it was for the best like that. One way or another. Because a part of you hoped that over the holidays Draco might be able to somewhat forgive you for what you had done. The more rational part of you on the other hand tried to tell you that you should use the time to let the boy finally go. Because you obviously knew that whatever the two of you had had, back when Draco thought you were on his side, would never come back to you. And even while it lasted you had somehow known that sooner or later you would lose him. Because if it wouldn't have been for the fact that you had smuggled yourself into the Inquisitorial Squad to get some information, it would be the fact that the two of you wouldn't stand a chance regarding what was about to come. Now that you-know-who was back. You knew Draco wasn't a bad person. He didn't take as much pleasure in actually hurting people as the others thought he did, but that didn't change the fact that he had grown up in the belief that the world the dark wizard wanted to create was the only right one. And the fact that Draco's father had been arrested while fulfilling an order from said wizard, told you, that his family still held on to those beliefs. But on the other hand, how could you ever judge him for that or deny him the chance to change? Hadn't Draco been the one to welcome you with open arms when you had pretended to change your mind? You knew that if Draco would ever do the same if he would ever actually wanted to change, you would be there for him. Even though you highly doubted that he ever would. Especially now that you, his only connection to the side fighting the dark, had betrayed him as you had done. If anything, you had taken the chance from Draco to decide on his own. You had taken his chance to change his mind. In the end, you were the evil one. And no one else.
You let yourself fall onto your bed and stared against the ceiling. You shouldn't have gotten that involved in the entire situation from the very beginning. If you would have just done your job, if you wouldn't have attached the strings as you had done, you wouldn't have hurt Draco as you had. And now it was too late and you would have to live with the consequences of your decisions.
Lost in your thoughts you almost missed the door of your dorm opening.
You looked up and saw Hermione stepping towards your bed. You raised your head, resting your upper body on your elbows.
"What is it?"
"There's someone outside for you." Her voice sounded strange and you could see that your friend looked rather irritated.
"Who is it?"
"You'll see.", she stated and frowned.
"Why don't they come in?"
"They can't."
"No Gryffindor?"
"God, (Y/n), just go and look for yourself."
You groaned and let your head fall back onto the mattress.
"I don't want to."
And that was the truth. Hermione had interrupted you in the middle of the spiral of your self-pity. You didn't want to be disturbed. All you wanted to do was dive right back into it, wondering where in life you went wrong.
"But I think it's rather important."
"I really don't care, Hermione. They can send me an owl if they want to."
"I don't think Malfoy will be satisfied with this."You sat up immediately and looked at your friend with widened eyes.
"Draco? Here?"
"Outside the common room, more precisely.", Hermione said, grinning knowingly as she observed your reaction.
You were almost out of the door of your dorm when you froze.
"Why do you think he's here?", you asked your friend.
Hermione shrugged her shoulders.
"I didn't ask him. He wasn't really happy talking to me, and honestly, I wasn't delighted either."
"What if he tells me that he hates me? That it's all my fault? That he never wants to see me again?", you whined.
Hermione looked at you compassionately.
"There's only one way to find out.", she said in a soft voice. "And (Y/n)?"
You looked at your friend questioningly.
"In the end, you've done nothing wrong. And no matter what will happen, I am always here for you."
You nodded and threw your friend a thankful smile before you left.

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