The most powerful feeling

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"Damn it (Y/l/n), are you in every class I'm taking this year?"

"Of course, Malfoy. I couldn't stand one without you."

"Well, I can't stand a class with you." "I don't think this is my problem, is it?" "You were really born to annoy me, weren't you?"

"No, but I rather took your classes as well to do so, than take those that might help me with my future plans."

"Is there space for anything but ruin my life?" "Oh yeah, you're probably right. All my life is dedicated to you."

You rolled your eyes. Malfoy just wanted to reply, when Professor Slughorn entered the classroom. The elder man greeted you cheerfully, while his students took their seats. You sat down next to Hermione, who was already listening to the Professor attentively.

After a short introduction, Professor Slughorn asked you to get closer to a table in front of him. On the table, he had placed some cauldrons.

"For the beginning, I have brought you some different potions. Who can tell me, which?" Hermione's hand shot up immediately.

"Very well, Miss..." Professor Slughorn stopped and looked at her questionably.

"Granger, Sir.", Hermione smiled.

You could see a flash of recognition on his face.

"Ahh, of course, Miss Granger. Mr Potter has already told me about you."

You could see Hermione's cheeks heat up in joy before she stepped forward and started to identify the different potions.

"I wonder how you even got in here.", you heard a familiar voice sneering behind you. "I don't remember you having any talent for this class." "And I don't remember the last time you were able to shut up."

You sighted. But Malfoy was right. If Professor Snape would still be the teacher, you wouldn't have been allowed to participate in the class, since he had some higher standards than the new Professor.

You brought your attention back to Hermione.

"This is Amortentia. It's the most powerful love potion in the world."

You could hear some gasps, but you were only slightly impressed. What was a love potion even good for? Why would you want to be with a person who you knew wouldn't want to be with you if you hadn't drugged them?

"Listen closely, (Y/l/n), this might be the only chance to ever get someone to love you.", Malfoy continued teasing.

"Do you have a question, Mr. Malfoy?", Professor Slughorn asked.

You could see Malfoy's ears turning slightly pink, as the Professor called him out. You couldn't help but grin in satisfaction.

"I am sorry Professor.", Malfoy said with an innocent smile. "But I was just wondering why you said this potion is so powerful. Aren't many more dangerous things in this room?"

Unlike you, Malfoy had seemed to be able to listen to the explanations of the Professor, while humiliating you once more. You sighted. This boy somehow always got his act together. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson snickered in approval at Malfoy's words. Professor Slughorn also smiled and nodded.

"My dear boy, I assume you have never truly been in love, have you?"

Malfoy didn't answer and just shrugged his shoulders, looking at his feet.

"Because if you had been,", the Professor continued, "You would know that love is the most powerful feeling in the world. It can make you feel as if you are the luckiest person alive, or the most unfortunate one. It can make time stop or make it go faster. It can make you feel alive, but it can also kill you." Slughorn stared into the void with a dreamy expression on his face.

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