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You held your breath as you stared at the glass of vinegar in front of you as if you could change it into wine just by your thoughts. And actually, that was exactly what you were supposed to do, since you were practising non-verbal spells today. So you kept on hypnotizing the liquid, totally forgetting everything around you. But little did you know that not everyone was as concentrated on mastering the spell as you were.
Only a few seats next to you Draco Malfoy was more busy staring at you than at the glass that was standing on the table in front of him. He watched you closely, as you furrowed your eyebrows. Even if he couldn't be exactly sure, the way you puffed your cheeks and the fact that your face slowly reddened told him that you were probably holding your breath right now. You narrowed your eyes even more and he noticed how your hands clenched around the table, whitening your knuckles. Then, all of the sudden you let out a heavy breath, your whole body relaxed, and your tensed face gave way to a proud smile. You took up the glass and took a sip from the red liquid that filled it by now. You pulled a face as you did so, but the grin on your face only widened.
Professor Flitwick must have seen the same thing Draco had just witnessed because he came over to you and inspected your cup. Draco couldn't quite understand what he was saying, but the way your face reddened once more and how you puffed your chest proudly made him suspect that Professor Flitwick was very pleased with the result of your efforts.
Draco couldn't help the small grin that sneaked on his face as he watched you whispering with your neighbour excitedly, before you -after you had made sure Professor Flitwick was now occupied with someone else- took another sip from your glass, that by now wasn't filled with vinegar anymore but with wine.
"Now, Mr Malfoy, let me see what you have learned this lesson.", a squeaking voice interrupted Draco's thoughts.
You had been right. Professor Flitwick's focus had by now actually shifted to another student and this student was Draco. The boy looked at the glass in front of him, which was still filled with vinegar. But how in the name of Salazar was he supposed to focus on the task if you were only a few meters away, managing to make -as you somehow always did- the things you were doing so much more interesting than the classes? Draco could see the disappointed look Professor Flitwick gave him as he saw that Draco seemed to not even have tried to transform the liquid. His gaze flickered to you one last time before Draco focused on the glass in front of him. He was Draco Malfoy after all. He would manage this small spell. And he wouldn't let himself get distracted by some stupid girl.
So he took a deep breath and after a few moments, he actually managed to transform the vinegar, earning some encouraging words from Professor Flitwick, before the teacher left to pay the next student a visit. But if Draco had thought that, now that he had managed the spell, he could get back to admiring you, he was wrong. Because as soon as his gaze shifted back to you, he heard someone clearing their throat right next to him. He looked up and saw Pansy and Blaise looking at him in amusement.
"What?" Draco's voice sounded sharp.
"Nothing.", Pansy said, acting innocent. "I was just wondering why it took you so long to manage the spell. Were you... distracted?"
"I don't think that's any of your business Pansy.", he snapped.
"Leave it Pansy.", Blaise chuckled. "I think he got something better to do than talking to us."
"You mean like worshipping (Y/n)?", Pansy grinned.
"I don't worship anyone."
"Oh yeah, right. Maybe stalking would be a better word for this. Or creeping around?"
"That's ridiculous.", Draco spit out, but his friends noticed the rosy shimmer that appeared on his cheeks, confirming what they already knew.
"Why don't you just go and talk to her, mate?", Blaise asked, now in a more serious tone.
"How often do I have to repeat it, Blaise? I don't fancy her. Just because she may not be as awful as all the other Gryffindors doesn't mean I'm interested in her or something."
"Never said you were.", Blaise responded. "That's what you said now."
"I said I weren't", Draco corrected his friend.
"Sure you aren't.", Pansy chuckled. And as Draco had turned his attention back to the class, or more precisely to you, she added in a low voice to Blaise: "We have to do something about it, it's just embarrassing to see him like this."
Blaise just nodded in agreement.

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