In love

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It was one of those usual lazy days. You were lying in the bed of your best friend Draco, your head placed on his chest, his arms wrapped around you. Neither of you said a word, you were just listening to the storm, raging outside the castle. It was a comfortable silence. There was no need to talk, you just enjoyed each other's company. You closed your eyes and felt the steady heartbeat of the boy beneath you. The boy that meant more to you than anyone else in this world.

People had always told you that they thought it was strange that Draco and you were so close. You didn't think so. The two of you knew each other since your first day at Hogwarts. You still remembered how lost you felt back then, roaming around the train, searching for a compartment to sit in. But most of them were already filled. Then you saw Draco and two of his friends sitting in one compartment and since there was one seat left, you asked them if you could sit there. It took all your courage to ask those intimidating looking boys, but it was probably the best choice you had ever made. Because even though Crabbe and Goyle wanted to get rid of you right away, Draco had told them to shut up and offered you the seat right next to him. And this was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. After the train ride you already got along with him very well but after the two of you were sorted into Slytherin you became inseparable. You got along with the others as well, even though you could never take Crabbe and Goyle seriously because of how dump they were. Especially Pansy, who shared the dorm with you, was an amazing friend and you could always talk with her about literally anything.

But still, what Draco and you had was something special. Sometimes you wondered how the connection the two of you had was even possible, since Draco and you couldn't be more different. Obviously, both of you were ambitious and cunning and you shared the pride for your house but then again you knew that Draco was a spoiled brat who enjoyed bragging with the money of his father and who treated others as if they were beneath his dignity, while you couldn't care less about his silly hostilities with the Gryffindors or whether or not he would have a Christmas dinner with the Minister himself. Because you knew a side of him, he rarely ever showed to others. Because Draco wasn't only that guy. He was smart and emotional, and he cared about the people he loved, and you knew he would always protect them. He cared about what people thought about him, much more than he wanted to admit. You knew how much the pressure of his family heritage weighted on him and how much he was scared to disappoint someone. He never liked to talk about it, but if he did, it was to you. The two of you trusted each other with your life. There was not one thing you couldn't tell him or that he had to hide from you. You just accepted and loved each other the way you were and there was nothing you would ever want to change about one another. And you were so thankful to have that boy in your life and you swore you would never take it for granted.

Other people who had watched you being so close to each other often thought that the two of you were together. But you both just laughed it off. But then again you sometimes wondered yourself why you weren't. You got along so great and you had to admit that your best friend was smoking hot. But then again why did this mean that the two of you couldn't just be friends? Why was it so unusual for a boy and a girl to be close but not in a romantic way? The both of you had talked about it many times made it very clear to you that, regardless of your own feelings, Draco would never feel like this for you. He was protective over you, especially when it came to other boys but not in a way someone would be if they had feelings for you. More like a brother. But you loved the relationship the two of you had and you didn't want to change it at all.

You let out a pleasant sight as Draco started stroking your hair absent-minded. Feeling his long fingers brushing through your hair made some chills running down your spine. Even though you knew -a hundred precent and absolutely for sure- that you didn't had any romantic feelings for the pretty boy beside you, sometimes his touch made you shiver. Probably because you were just a girl after all. Melting into his touch, you slowly drifted off into sleep.

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