I got you

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A faint smile appeared on your face as you noticed the potion in front of you turning green when you added your frog brains, just like it was supposed to. By now, you had almost finished your potion. And you were quite good on time. While the brew would have to simmer over the fire for several minutes, you would be able to chop the beetle eyes, giving the potion the final touch.
You glanced over to your friend, who seemed to have some more problems than you did. You threw her an encouraging smile, before -unnoticed by Professor Snape- you passed her the leftovers of your own sliced frog brains, to save her at least some time and give her a chance to finish the potion until the end of the lesson as well. Not only because she was your friend, but also, because you knew how Professor Snape would react if a student wouldn't finish their assignment until the end of the lesson. And you didn't want to give him a reason to dock yet some other points from your house. What you didn't notice however was that -as you sneaked the brains to your friend- the sleeve of your robe tipped over a small veil with an unknown liquid inside, a few drops of it running over the table, mixing with the chopped beetle eyes, you had already prepared to add to your potion.
When Professor Snape passed your table and inspected your cauldron, he didn't say a word but you could see him raising one of his eyebrows slightly, which was for sure the biggest compliment you had ever received from the teacher. Motivated by this encouragement, you checked the bubbling potion in front of you once more and after you had made sure that everything went according to plan, you took the beetle eyes in your hand, throwing them into the bubbling liquid.
Your ears were ringing. Only muffled you could hear the screams of your classmates, and Professor Snape's harsh voice instructing them to stay back. You remained frozen in place.
Only when you felt a strong grip on your arm, that pulled you away from where you were standing, you obeyed. And only then you started to feel the hot liquid that was burning your face and also covering most of your arms and upper body. You winced in pain, eyes squeezed shut and lips pressed together. But since the viscous potion was also covering your nose, it made it hard to breathe without opening your mouth.
"Hold still.", you could hear Professor Snape barking and you just nodded, trying to stay as calm as possible, which was quite hard, since you were shaking frantically.
The Professor mumbled some words repeatedly and you heard a slurping noise as he slowly removed the potion from you, starting with your face, then your arms, then your upper body. You didn't dare to move, keeping your eyes and mouth shut, trying to breathe as flat as possible to not take the risk of inhaling any of the potion.
But then the noise stopped and you felt your skin being freed from the liquid again.
"Done.", Professor Snape stated. "You can move again. Get back in your place and clean everything up. And ten points from you. I thought worrying about Mr Finnigan blowing up this classroom would be enough, but apparently, we got a new expert now."
You could hear some people laughing in the background.
Carefully, you took a deep breath and sighed in relief. Apparently, you were out of danger. But as you opened your eyes carefully and turned your head to the left and right to look at the damage you had caused, you couldn't see any destruction. Neither you saw Professor Snape, who kept on ranting about the dangers of untalented people like you making even the easiest tasks life-threatening, nor your friend, touching your arm, asking you if you were alright.
And as you opened your mouth, your voice was surprisingly calm considering the panic rising up in you as you said: "I can't see anything."

"Do you see the light?"
"No Professor."
Some incomprehensible whisper.
"Still nothing."
"Can you blink?"
You did as you were told.
"Roll your eyes."
In every other situation, you would be glad to once be able to roll your eyes in Professor Snape's class for once, but now you would rather have it any other way. You were sitting on a chair in the front of the class, Professor Snape hovering over you, taking a closer look at your eyes. Because even though almost ten minutes had passed since the explosion, still, all you saw was darkness. It felt like a black curtain had fallen over the world, absorbing any source of light and with that anything you could see. When your friends had brought you to the chair you were sitting on now and Professor Snape had told you in a few words that he needed to examine your eyes, you had been positive that he would be able to clean them or fix them with a spell, but until now, he hadn't done so. And with every minute passing you got more and more nervous. Your fists clenched around the wooden seat and you felt some cold sweat forming on your forehead. You felt helpless without your eyesight, felt the eyes of everyone else lingering on you, but you couldn't return the gaze of any of them. Because even though your eyes were wide open and frantically darting from one point to another, you were surrounded by darkness. A pitch-black hole had formed around you, swallowing any visual stimulation.
"Get to Madame Pomfrey then. This seems to be a more complex medical issue. The others will clean up their cauldrons. Class dismissed!"
"And how exactly do you think am I supposed to get there, Professor?", you asked, your voice probably sounding a bit too sarcastic for your own good.
You could hear some people snickering in the background.
"Since Mr Malfoy seems to take much pleasure in this, I am sure he will accompany you.", Snape stated in an unfazed voice.
The class fell silent immediately.
"But Professor, I still need to clean up my things as well.", you heard Draco Malfoy's voice echoing through the dungeon. You couldn't quite identify the sound of his voice. It irritated you to not be able to watch his reaction and not know what exactly was going on.
"Mr Zabini will take care of it. He shared your enthusiasm about the situation after all." You wished you could see the boys' faces now. You weren't quite sure but from the giggling of the others you assumed they looked anything but pleased with the situation. "And you, Mr Malfoy, will take care of Miss (Y/l/n) until she is capable of doing so for herself again."
Draco groaned.
"How long will that take?"
"As long as it is necessary."
"But what if it takes days? Or weeks? Or maybe she will never be able to see again. What will happen then? Am I supposed to watch her for the rest of my life?"
Normally, you would be slightly offended by Draco's unwillingness to spend any time with you. The two of you never had much in common, but in comparison to most of the other students -at least those who weren't in Slytherin- the two of you got along quite well. Not that you had ever talked much with each other, but at least he had never insulted or bullied you. And that meant much more than it would in most other people. But now that Draco mentioned a possibility that you had tried to avoid thinking of until that very moment, your heart dropped. What if the damage the potion had done to your eyes was permanent? What if you would never be able to see again? What if the last thing you had seen in your entire life were the cold stone walls of the dungeon and the green of the explosive liquid that might now ruin your life?
"I suggest getting her to the Hospital Wing quickly then, so you find out.", Professor Snape's voice cut the boy off, leaving little room for a discussion.
And Draco seemed to notice that too because he sighed in defeat.
Then, you lost the boy in the murmuring of the other voices and the sound of the students getting to work and cleaning up the classroom. Only when you felt a hand touching your shoulder slightly, you found him again. You couldn't help but flinch at this unexpected touch.
"Let's get you out of here then.", Draco mumbled, as he wrapped his hand around your upper arm, to guide you out of the classroom and to Madame Pomfrey, who you hoped was able to get you out of your misery again. And hesitantly, you followed him.

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