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The door to the common room opened with a loud bang, making you nearly jump up from your cosy spot on the couch. You looked up and saw Draco entering the room, followed by Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle, all pulling a face as long as a fiddle.

Draco let him fall down on the sofa right next to you with a huff, not even caring about the muddy Quidditch uniform he was still wearing. You looked at the boy to your side compassionately, as he stared into the fire burning in the fireplace in front of you gloomy.

"Hard day, hmm?", you carefully approached him.

Draco didn't even care to look at you and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Hard life.", he mumbled.

A small chuckle escaped your lips, but you quickly tried to hide it. Draco being so dramatic was often quite amusing, but you also knew he probably wasn't in the mood for jokes right now. But even if you tried to mask your laugh with a cough, Draco still noticed. He spun around and glared at you.

"You think this is funny?"

You were quick to shake your head.

"No, I just..."

"Do I look like I care about your stupid excuses?", he spitted out.

His tone was harsh and probably many people would have been intimidated by this, but you weren't. You knew Draco way too long to still fall for his wannabe attitude. You sat up more upright and locked your eyes with his.

"Look Draco, I'm sorry you had a shitty day, but don't you dare to vent that on me. If you want someone to take the blame for what's going on in your life, you can start looking for a new friend."

You knew you might had been a little bit hard on him, but sometimes it was just necessary, to give him your piece of mind. Because if you wouldn't have done it right away, it would go on like this for the rest of the day.

And it worked. You saw Draco's body language change, as he lowered his gaze and dropped his shoulders.

"Sorry.", he mumbled. "You know I didn't mean to chide you."

Of course, you knew. And you weren't mad at your best friend. You highly doubted you ever could be. So you melted back into the pillows on the sofa and smiled at him. As Draco saw this, he returned your smile shyly and slowly began to relax as well.

"I know.", you said. Then you tilted your head and narrowed your eyes, while your gaze was still fixed on him. "You want to talk about it?"

And an hour later, you were still sitting in front of the fireplace, now with Draco's head lying in your lap. While you played with his hair, he told you about everything that had gone wrong today. And you really couldn't blame him for being in a bad mood. At first, Professor Snape, who normally got along quite well with his Slytherin students, had had a talk with Draco about an essay that had gone wrong, then he had received a not-so-friendly letter from his father and last but not least, the Quidditch training had been an absolute disaster. And that shortly before the important match against Ravenclaw.

"But you know the last rehearsal always has to go wrong so the match will be good.", you tried to cheer Draco up.

"Is that some superstition you got from the muggles?", he chuckled.

You shrugged your shoulders.

"As long as it works out, who cares?", you answered and Draco hummed in agreement. "And even if you won't win, you already won the last match and Hufflepuff won't be a problem anyways.", you added.

Draco looked up at you, and his gaze met yours. He smiled at you thankfully.

"What would I even do without you (Y/n)?", he asked.

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