Happily ever after

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Your eyes darted from the parchment in front of you to the books that were splattered across the table. The assignment about the history of the Cruciatus Curse was due by tomorrow and by now, you had only managed to work yourself through the chronicles until the declaration as unforgivable in 1717. You sighed in resignation as you flicked through the pages of the books, hoping to find anything helpful. But the results of hours of research were more than just disenchanting. Because even though Madame Pince had granted you access to the Restricted Section, details about the forbidden curses were still hard to find. The frown on your face only deepened. Why in Merlin's name would the Professors give you homework about themes that were that hard to research? You came to the conclusion, that they probably just took pleasure in your misery; especially if said teacher happened to be Professor Snape, who -contrary to your hopes- didn't go easier with you since he had finally gotten his dream job. Regardless of the Professor's motives, however, you had to finish the essay, if you didn't want to earn yourself a month of detention. So you let out a small sigh before you buried yourself deeper into the world of the one curse that made chills run down your spine more than any other.
But your state of concentration didn't last long. Some loud voices abruptly got you out of your trance-like state. You blinked in irritation. You knew those voices.
"This is absolutely unacceptable! Intolerable!"
You knew immediately that this was the shrill voice of Madame Pince. Probably every student in here had been at some point the victim of her tirades, once she had caught a student doing anything that -in her eyes- just wasn't done in a library. And the list of those things was sheer endless.
"I already told you, I have research to do."
You knew that voice as well. But for now, you couldn't identify it yet. You frowned as you put down your quill. You knew that you shouldn't get distracted by that kind of nonsense that easily, but somehow, that conversation was just so much more interesting than the books piling up in front of you.
"About what?"
"I don't think that's any of your business."
While you heard Madame Pince gasping for air, while she tried to process what the boy had just said to her in her sacred halls, something in your head clicked, increasing your curiosity. Because there was only one student you knew who would dare to talk to elders and betters like that. Silently, you got up from your chair and sneaked to the next shelf, glancing around the corner carefully.
Madame Pince had turned her back on you, so you couldn't see her face, but what you could see was that her shoulders were shaking from anger. The blond boy who had caused her furious state was standing right in front of her, towering the elder woman for several centimetres. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and the look on his face seemed rather unimpressed; almost bored.
"Get out!", Madame Pince spat out.
"I don't think you are in the position to tell me what to do."
"I am not... This is the library, young man. My library. And as long as you are in here, I am the only one to tell you what and what not to do."
"Oh yeah? Well, go ahead then. I am really curious what you want to do about it. Because I certainly won't leave before my research is done."
There was a dangerousness in the boy's voice that send shivers down your spine. And not in the way his presence usually did. Something felt off about this. As if something bad was about to happen if the situation wouldn't calm down any time soon. And you certainly didn't want to find out what exactly this thing would be.
So you took a deep breath and -just as Madame Pince was about to answer- stepped out of the shadows of the shelves and walked up to the two squabblers with the sweetest smile on your face.
"Excuse me, Madame Pince. I didn't mean to interrupt your discussion, but I think Draco is here for the same reason I am. You know, the essay for Professor Snape. We have to finish it until tomorrow and I..."
"Very well Mrs (Y/l/n), but I didn't ask for your interference. I think Mr Malfoy can very well speak for himself as we all have just heard."
You tried to widen your smile even more and looked at the librarian with doe eyes.
"I'm sorry Madame Pince. I just wanted to help out."
The witch looked at you with narrowed eyes, her lips pursed. Then her gaze shifted to the Slytherin in front of her, who looked at the two of you with an indefinable look on his face.
"Is that the reason you wanted to get in here, Mr Malfoy?", Madame Pince asked, her eyes piercing the blond boy.
He just nodded and mumbled something incomprehensible about Professor Snape and his research. The gaze of the librarian shifted between him and you, scanning you as if she could see all the way to the bottom of your soul. Even though you were aware of the fact that you had done nothing wrong, you still felt your hands getting sweaty and you gulped heavily as you tried to withstand her glare without lowering your head.
Finally, Madame Pince nodded slowly.
"Two more hours. Then I will lock this section up again. And Mr Malfoy" She glared at the Slytherin, who did a much better job in returning her gaze than you had done before. "The next time you will tell me about your projects yourself. Or I granted you access to this section for the longest time."
Then the librarian turned on her heel, not without shooting you one last warning glance, and strutted down the aisle soundlessly, her eagle eyes probably already looking for her next victim.
When Madame Pince was finally out of sight, you turned around to the blond boy, who had remained rooted in his spot, glaring at you, offering him a small smile that you didn't expect him to return, before you got back to your desk again, letting yourself fall onto your chair.

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