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   You raised your upper body slightly, resting its weight on your forearms, as you watched the figure sitting at the desk, his back turned to you, with narrowed eyes.


   The blond boy just hummed in response.

   "When will you be done with this?"

   "Just a little longer, love."

   "But that's what you already said an hour ago.", you said, letting out a dramatic sigh.

   "It will take how long it will take, (Y/n). After this I'm all yours, I promise."

   "Pff, that's what you always say.", you huffed. "Until something else comes to your mind which is much more important than me again."

   "There is nothing more important to me than you, my love. You know that."

   "Oh yeah? Is that so? Because right now, you aren't even looking at me."

   Draco groaned in defeat as he put down the quill and turned around in his chair to finally face you. And even though he held an annoyed frown on his face, originally intending to scold you, his expression softened rather quickly when he saw you lying on his bed in one of his sweaters, looking at him with doe eyes. Even though you were trying to hide it, Draco just knew you for way too long to miss the disappointment in your eyes. And while Draco Malfoy wasn't one to care much about the feelings of others, when it came to his beloved girlfriend, he just couldn't bear to see even the slightest hints of dejection.

   So he quickly scribbled down one last sentence onto his parchment, before finally closing the book he had been hovering over for the last few hours, and with a few large steps, he walked over to his bed, letting himself fall down right next to you. The moment you felt the mattress lowering, you quickly shuffled over, huddling into the embrace of your boyfriend. Draco put an arm around you, as you rested your head on his chest.

   "Are you happy now, love?", he asked, letting out a low chuckle as you nodded eagerly. You could feel the vibration in his chest going through your entire body, making chills run down your spine. "But you know I can't stay long, don't you? I still have stuff to do."

   You pouted.

   "Stuff, what kind of stuff?"

   When Draco didn't answer immediately, you glanced up at the boy, noticing how with a blank expression, he stared into the void.

   "Draco?", you asked in a soft voice, making the boy beneath you jolt.

   He looked at you, seemingly confused for a second, before he got a grip on himself again and cleared his throat.

   "Nothing- Nothing important. I'll just... I'll meet up with Crabbe and Goyle. We... still have... It's some Quidditch stuff, you know? Nothing interesting."

   You frowned.

   "Six years and I still don't like these guys. I mean, the others are all so nice. Pansy and Blaise... But these two? I don't know what you see in them."

   Draco raised an eyebrow as he glared down at you.

   "You made it very clear that I shouldn't criticize you for the choice of your friends early on. So do me the same favour, love, alright?"

   You nodded in defeat, but you couldn't help but add: "But you have to admit that they are... well, not the sharpest knife in the drawer to say the least."

   A small grin sneaked on your boyfriend's face again.

   "Probably can't argue with that. Merlin, I feel like a troll could beat them in their exams if it would try very hard."

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