Traitor pt. 4

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After the exam the next day, you were a nervous wreck. Not only because you were pretty sure you had screwed up the question about the Goblin riots of the eighteenth century, but also because Harry had some kind of seizure in the middle of the exam. With a worried look on your face, you had watched him leave the room, sharing a short look with Hermione, who just shrugged her shoulder, looking just as helpless as you.
After the exam, you spent the time until dinner with Draco, Blaise and Pansy, until you finally went to the Great Hall. But none of your Gryffindor friends was in sight.
When you already wanted to leave again, you saw Ginny entering the hall, her eyes wandering around, until her gaze settled on you. When she passed you, she let a small piece of parchment fall onto the ground right next to your seat. After a few seconds had passed, you unobtrusively picked it up. Need to get to Umbridge's office, distract the others. You looked up and saw Ginny sitting a few meters away from you. As she looked in your direction, you gave her a short nod.

"We should go down to the lake again.", you suggested after dinner.
Pansy, who had by now grown into somewhat accepting your presence, groaned.
"I don't want to go outside. It's so warm."
"Exactly. We've been in here the entire time, cramming. The weather is so beautiful. We should take advantage of that.", you tried again.
But Pansy shook her head.
"I don't want to.", she said in a whiny voice. "I'll get back to the common room."
That wasn't that bad either. You couldn't keep an eye on her there, but the Slytherin common room was located in the dungeons, far away from Umbridge's office. You shrugged your shoulder defeated.
"Alright, your loss then."
"I'll join you (Y/n).", Draco said, lying an arm around your shoulder, making you blush immediately.
"Of course you do.", Pansy muttered, but you could see an amused grin playing around her lips, even though she tried to hide it.
"Blaise?", you asked, looking at the tall boy questioningly.
Blaise's gaze flickered from you to Draco and back to you.
"I think I'll join Pansy.", he smirked, winking at his best friend in a not exactly subtly way, that only made the blush on your cheeks deepen.
"Let's go then.", Draco said happily, as he took your hand as if it was the most normal thing to do.
And you followed him without hesitation.

Lazily lying down by the shore with Draco was by now definitely one of your favourite things to do. Especially now, that you didn't have to spend time on studying for your exams anymore. However, today, you couldn't quite relax. You were leaning with your back against the trunk of the tree again, while Draco had placed his head on your lap. Your hands were tangled in his hair, drawing lazy circles on his scalp, making the boy sigh comfortably. But while right now nothing but this moment should matter, your thoughts drifted away regularly, and you involuntarily tensed under Draco. The boy obviously noticed. And as you once more didn't answer the question, he had asked you, he sighed and opened his eyes, glaring up at you.
"What is it (Y/n)?"
"You've got something on your mind, don't you?"
You just shrugged your shoulders.
"Is it because of Potter? Are you worried about him?" If you wouldn't be so occupied with your own thoughts, you probably would have noticed the jealous undertone in his voice.
"Yes. No! Well obviously I'm worried; he broke down."
"But he was back on his feet right after it. He'll be fine."
The fact that Draco didn't make any snarky remarks about the disastrous failure of his archenemy showed you how much he tried to calm you down.
"I know. And that's not what..." You took a deep breath. "Draco, I need to tell you something."
Your timing probably couldn't be worse, but then again you highly doubted that it would ever be right. And you really needed to get this off your chest. You just couldn't lie to the boy any second longer.
As he noticed the seriousness in your voice, Draco slowly sat up and looked at you attentively.
"What is it (Y/n)?"
You sighed.
"I... I don't know how to tell you. It's just... Draco you... I like you, okay? I genuinely do and I'm just scared that if I tell you... You're gonna hate me if I do."
You turned your head, fixing your gaze on the lake that was glistening in the light of the setting sun.
Only when you felt some hands carefully cupping your cheeks and gently forcing you to turn your head again, you did so. Still, your gaze was fixed on the ground.
"(Y/n). Hey, look at me." Draco's voice was as soft as you had never heard it.
Slowly, you glanced up at him smiling down at you.
"(Y/n). I want you to listen to me, okay? I could never hate you. There's nothing in this world you could do that would ever change what I'm feeling for you."
Normally, you would have blushed now due to his words, but right now, he unknowingly made things only harder for you. You could feel tears pricking in your eyes.
"That's even worse.", you whispered. "Because I don't want to hurt you."
A small smile appeared on Draco's face.
"I guess that's a risk you must be willing to accept if you love someone." You blinked quickly to banish the tears welling up. "(Y/n), whatever it is. You can tell me."
You took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Only when you had managed to do so, you started to talk.
"Before all of this, I never really liked you, you know that Draco?"
The boy let out a small chuckle.
"Don't you say."
"And I didn't like what you and your friends stood for. And when Umbridge turned up, it only got worse. I mean, everything she has done... She's just such a horrible person. And I hate everything she has done to this school. Done to us."
Draco narrowed his eyes.
"Why did you become a part of all of this then?"
"That's the point, Draco. I never really wanted to. When all of this started and before we got... before all these things between us happened, it was all just... In the beginning, all of this was nothing but a l..."
You were interrupted by a silvery ball of light, that suddenly intervened. Irritated, you turned your head, looking at the orb.
"Emergency.", Umbridge's shrill voice echoed from the ball. "Meeting at my office. Immediately!"
And with that, the orb was gone again.
You stared at the place where it had vanished in shock. But Draco was already on his feet.
"C'mon (Y/n). We have to go.", he said in an antsy voice.
"You heard her."
"We aren't her servants, Draco."
"But it's an emergency."
"What I have to tell you is urgent too."
Draco stopped his movements and looked at you.
"Tell me then."
You stared at the boy, towering over you. You wanted to tell him. You really wanted to. No, you needed to. And since you suspected that the message had something to do with Ginny's note it was probably even more important to tell him now, before he would find out any other way. But right now, you felt as if the spell between the two of you was broken. What you were about to tell him needed time. It needed an explanation. And now you weren't able to take that time.
You sighed.
"Never mind.", you mumbled.
Draco nodded and offered you his hand as he helped you up.
"We're gonna talk about it after this.", he said, smiling at you, as if he had no doubt that after whatever was going to happen you would still be whatever you were right now.
But for some reason, you highly doubted this. And for that reason, you held onto his hand tightly as you made your way back to the castle, clinging on to it as if it was for the last time.

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