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A/N: Since I'm already on this app for once, one thing on my own account: Please always feel free to give me some (constructive!) feedback!

I have recently participated in a writing competition and unfortunately didn't make it (I'm slightly disappointed, not gonna lie, but I got a sneak peek at some other books and there was some really amazing stuff, so I'm not too mad) but now I even more want to improve my writing and maybe try again next year. And even though what I've written there is very different from what I'm doing on here I would still love to hear what I might be able to do better (I promise I will only be hurt by your criticism for a second but be thankful on the long run). So if you got any ideas feel free to hit me up.

Also, just in case anyone on here should be interested in German poetry, you can still buy my book on Thalia and Amazon, so if you are interested in what I've done there, you can always reach out to me 😇 

Also, I've recently been on vacation, so this is my first fic after getting into writing again, so I hope it turned out somewhat acceptable. Anyway, here we go!

Draco's head snapped around when he heard a familiar giggle only a few meters away from him. The Professor standing in front of the class long forgotten, he watched with widened eyes, how you nudged Pansy playfully, before the Slytherin girl whispered something into your ear, making you burst into laughter once more. Quickly, you brought a hand to your mouth, trying to stifle the sounds threatening to escape it. Once you had somewhat managed to calm down again, you straightened your back and took a deep breath, before you leant over to Pansy, apparently wanting to answer whatever she had just told you, but when your gaze caught something in front of you, you seemed to change your mind, because instead, you grabbed the quill that until now had been lying on your table uselessly and scribbled something on a piece of parchment, before you lowered your head, looking into the book in front of you. Draco watched in awe how you brought the tip of your quill to your lips as you got lost in the text you were reading. Even though he couldn't be sure over the distance between the two of you, Draco strongly suspected, that by now there would be a faint stain of ink smudged over your lips. You narrowed your eyes, bringing your head even closer to the book, seemingly coming to a part of the text that was harder to understand than the one before. Or maybe just harder to decipher. The ink in the old books you were working with was from time to time almost fainted, and the curved font itself was already hard enough to read. But regardless of what had caused the shift in your posture, it made some strands of hair fall into your face. But while Draco couldn't help but admire how perfectly they framed the shape of your face, only stressing your most beautiful – so pretty much every single one of your – features, you didn't even seem to notice, too lost in the world of the book you were currently working with. Just like Draco got lost in you. Oh, how much he wanted to brush that hair out of your face, taking in every single detail of it, while he would twirl those strands of hair around his fingers. And he could brush away the ink that would stain your pretty lips with his thump tenderly or he could just press his lips on yours so it would faint just as well and then he would...

   "Very well, Mr. Malfoy, since apparently you have already finished your task, would you mind sharing your results with the rest of the class?"

   Draco snapped out of his trance and blinked up in irritation. Professor McGonagall was standing in front of him, looking at him with narrowed eyes, her lips pursed. Slowly, the Slytherin began to fade back into the world surrounding him. Because unlike it had felt for him only seconds ago, it wasn't just you and him in this room, but instead, the entire transfiguration class, including the Professor. And every single one of those people was now looking at him. Draco felt their eyes lingering on him and cursed himself. How could he have been so stupid to let himself get distracted that easily simply by how absolutely effortlessly beautiful you looked? But now he would have to face the consequences. He glared up at the Professor, trying to give his face a humble look.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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