Love hits different

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You felt your heart pounding in your chest heavily. You took a deep breath. The cold air that filled your lungs made you feel more alive than anything else. So did the wind, which was pulling on your hair and clothes and made it hard to hold your broom steady. But you still managed to do so. You hovered several meters above the pitch, watching your teammates from above. For now, that was your only job. Keeping an eye on everything and everyone. Until you would get your chance.

And you couldn't think of a single thing you would rather do. Up here, when you could almost touch the clouds, you felt like that was where you were meant to be. It felt like the world around you was slowing down, like the loud sounds coming from all sides were muffled. The only thing you had to worry about, the only thing that was important, was the game. You were circling far above the hurly-burly down there, watching your teammates passing the Quaffle around, sometimes trying to score. Your gaze was wandering around restlessly, scanning every centimetre of your surroundings.

And that's when you saw it. It was just a twinkle in the corner of your eye, a golden shimmer, barely visible and only for a split second; but it was enough. You turned around your broom in no time, eyes wandering over the place where you thought you had seen the sparkling. And your eyes hadn't fooled you. With your gaze fixed on the price, you leant forwards, gaining more and more speed. The only thing you could hear was the swooshing of the wind in your ears. The world around you turned into a blurry haze. By now, you were almost lying on your broom, trying to reduce the surface the wind could thwart as much as possible. You extended your arm, and your whole body was tensed, from your toes to your fingertips. You leaned forward even more, almost losing your balance, but only almost because your broom sped up even more and...

"Got it!"

Your fingers closed around the golden snitch. You slowed down immediately, coming to a halt and hovering in the air. You raised your arm triumphant, holding onto the snitch tight, while his wings were still flattering weakly, trying to escape your grip.

You could hear your teammates cheering.

"Alright guys, that's it for today. Good job!", Roger Davis, your captain called.

Slowly, you floated back down, until your feet touched safe ground again. You tucked away the snitch safely, before giving a high-five to Bradley and Chambers.

When Roger came up to you, he nodded approvingly and pat your back.

"That was good (Y/n). Much faster than last time. But when you speed up, you still list. Try to keep more control, even if you might lose some speed. Don't want you to fall off the broom."

You rolled your eyes. Roger was a good captain, and he was totally right, but in your opinion, sometimes you just had to take the risk.

"It won't help me fly better if I'm not fast enough to catch the snitch.", you argued. "We want to win the game after all."

"Yeah, but it also won't help if it knocks you from your broom and we don't have a seeker for the rest of the season."

You shrugged your shoulders.

"After the match against Slytherin, it's only Hufflepuff anymore. You can take them without me."

Obviously, that was a joke. You didn't have any intention to break your neck any time soon, but on the other hand, you were eager to win.

Roger sighed.

"Maybe I should send you to the Gryffindors. Wood would love that mentality. You either win or die trying. But I'd like you to focus on the long run."

"I know Roger.", you smiled. "Don't worry, I'll hold back. But we'll need a good tactic for next week. You know that the Slytherins have the better brooms."

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