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You were sitting in the Great Hall with your friends, laughing at a joke Ron had just made. But even more, you laughed about the fact that Hermione rolled her eyes, acting as if she was really annoyed by Ron's childish behaviour, while she actually had to try really hard not to smile herself. Your eyes were watering and your stomach hurt, while you wondered how you deserved those friends. Little did you know someone else just thought the same. And that certain someone was currently watching you from the other side of the room, turning green with envy when he saw you placing your head on Ron's shoulder, looking at him in admiration.

"Draco? Draco, did you even listen?"

Draco flinched as someone grabbed him by the shoulder. He untied his gaze from you and turned around.

"Sorry. What did you say Pansy?"

The girl next to him rolled his eyes before she exchanged a knowing look with Blaise Zabini who had watched the unilateral conversation of his friends with a small grin on his face.

"Honestly Draco. I don't even know what you see in her. I mean she is cute and all, but you haven't even talked to her."

"I have. Many times."

"Oh yeah, one time you apologized after bumping into her after you had been too busy staring at her to watch your own feet and one time you called her out after she had dropped her quill. If you want to call your stutter talking." Pansy sighted dramatically.

"Don't forget all the times he had insulted her when she was with Potter and his friends.", Blaise added in a deadpan voice..

"I never insulted her.", Draco defended himself, stressing the last word of his sentence.

"Oh yeah, just her friends and her house and probably everything else in her life.", Pansy giggled.

"It's not my fault. She would be better off with me. I mean with us. In our house and everything.", Draco mumbled, hoping no one would notice the slight rosy shimmer on his cheeks.

"Isn't it lovely how he cares about his fellow human beings?", Pansy teased in a sweet voice.

"I don't."

"You probably don't care about anyone, do you?"


"Anyone but her."

"If you keep on saying such nonsense, I will definitely stop caring about you.", Draco snapped, slowly losing his patience.

"Lovely, he cares about me. Seems like (Y/n) made his heart of ice starting to melt."

Draco sighed in resignation. It was useless to discuss with his friends. Besides, if he was honest, they might be right. Since he had met you, he had actually changed. He still remembered how he saw you the first time, walking down the hallways of the castle with a sweet smile on your face. You were one of those people everyone just had to love. But it might had hit Draco harder than the others. Because since he saw you smiling for the first time, he looked for it ever since. In every class, in the hallways, and during dinner. And when he heard your laugh for the first time, he knew he was doomed. It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard, more beautiful than any music, more beautiful than any birdsongs, more beautiful than anything that existed in this world. And when his eyes had met yours for the first time, he was absolutely sure that there was no going back. He still remembered how he had seen you, walking in the opposite direction. He had been so busy admiring you that he hadn't watched where he was going, had somehow stumbled over his own feet and fell practically right into your arms. He also remembered how you had asked him in a concerned voice if he was okay and how your eyes had widened when he had looked up to you, realizing that it was no other than Draco Malfoy, you had just held onto, preventing him from falling to the ground. And when he had mumbled an apology, as far as it had been possible, since his head felt completely empty as he stared into your beautiful eyes, you had just given him a sweet smile, assuring him that it was alright. He had seen your smile so many times before. But this had been the first time you had been smiling for him and him only. And he wore that smile in his heart ever since. But he also knew that it was foolish to think like this. It had been months since that incident and you had probably forgotten him by now. Still, he knew that he would remember your beautiful face and the sparkling of your eyes until the day he would die.

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