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It was your sixth year in Hogwarts. In the last few months many things had changed. He who must not be named had officially returned and everyone knew, Harry was telling the truth about what happened over a year ago at the cemetery. Even though you were happy about the fact that people were now aware of the threat proceeding from the dark wizard, the tensed atmosphere around you made it hard for you to have a good time. It was obvious that everyone should be alarmed and acting more careful, still many people were literally panicking. Before the new year started Mrs. Weasley and your mom both seriously considered not sending their children back to Hogwarts. You could hear them talking about it while you visited Ron and the others in the Burrow. Both of you along with Hermione and Ginny had been sitting on the upper landing, hearing your mothers worked themselves into a state of hysteria, thinking about what might go wrong if their kids would return to Hogwarts. Luckily, Mr. Weasley returned home from work and was able to calm both of them down, convincing the two women that there was no place as safe as the school, especially as long as Dumbledor was the headmaster.

Thanks to Mr. Weasley you were now sitting on the Hogwarts Express together with Hermione, Ron and Harry. Harry had just returned from his dinner with the new professor, now talking about his new favourite topic. Draco Malfoy. Since what the four of you had seen at Boring and Burkes, Harry was a hundred precent sure that the Slytherin boy was now a death eater. Even though you had to admit that Malfoys behaviour had been really suspicious, you couldn't actually imagine that he was now one of them. He was for sure a spoiled prat and always been fascinated by the dark arts but that didn't necessarily mean he would follow in his father's footsteps. And even if he wanted to, you agreed with Ron, that He who must not be named probably wouldn't have a use for someone like Malfoy. He wasn't even of age. Still, Harry was fully convinced by his theory.

For his conviction, it turned out later this day, he had to pay with a bloody nose after Malfoy discovered him secretly listen to a conversation between him and his Slytherin friends, hidden under the invisibility cloak. Even though it was totally unacceptable what Malfoy did to him, you kinda thought to yourself that Harry might had taken it too far. You wouldn't want someone to spy on you either. But that didn't mean that you would break their nose if you would catch someone. But as you were sitting in the Great Hall, Malfoy didn't seem to care about Harry, who was now trying to clean up his face with the help of Ginny, anymore at all. It even seemed to you as if he didn't care about anything at all. Even as Dumbledore spoke up, he didn't seem to listen, just staring onto the blank table in front of him. Only when Dumbledore finished his speech and everyone got ready to leave the Hall to finally go to their dorms, he seemed to snap back to reality. His gaze shot up and he looked around in confusion as if for one moment he had forgotten where he was. You didn't realize you were staring at him until his gaze met yours and for a second the both of you kept the eye contact. There was something in his gaze that you couldn't define, something making your heart ache. But then he looked away and the moment was over.

You didn't thought about it anymore until you laid in your bed that night. You couldn't help but feeling confused. What was going on with that boy and why did you even care?

A few months passed without anything spectacular going on. Still, many things had changed. Especially with your friends. Ginny wasn't the only of your friends who dated someone anymore. Ron had somehow managed to get into some kind of relationship with Lavender Brown. You didn't see him often anymore and you had to admit that you weren't really sad about it, because any time you did see him, Lavender was with him, hanging on his lips, literally. Also, whenever Ron got near you, Hermione somehow managed to disappear within seconds to, as she claimed, go vomiting. You couldn't blame her for that, it was actually annoying watching both of them fooling around, yet you knew it wasn't the only reason Hermione avoided the contact with the couple. And even when they were not around, she seemed to be sadder than before, even though you tried your best to cheer her up. Harry, who tried his best not to get involved into the entire scene, also didn't have much time for his friends. He was either trying to get closer to Slughorn or reading in the potions book, that got him on top of the class. The third reason Harry was really busy these days was a certain blonde boy, you really started to worry about. Draco Malfoy seemed to also have much on his mind. He was often wandering around the castle and frequently disappeared from the Marauder's map, Harry was staring at nearly as often as he read in the book of the half-blood Prince. Any time Draco disappeared he came up to you, showing it to you as a proof that he was plotting something. You on the other hand weren't that worried about him conspiring against whoever Harry was thinking about he did, but about the fact he didn't look good at all. Still, he was handsome, even though it was hard to admit it to yourself, but he always seemed to have something else on his mind, something that made him physically sick. But not only his physical appearance made you suspect something was wrong with him. His grades dropped and he was meaner to literally everyone crossing his way, than he had ever been in the last few years, even towards his friends. But also if you would have loved to know what was going on inside his blond head, you never tried to find out. You would have felt silly if you'd spy on him like Harry did, but you were also aware of the fact you couldn't just walk up to him, asking him what was wrong. So, you just spend your time distracting yourself and studying, and hell, you had a lot of this to do.

One day in potions class, Slughorn was giving you a task, making Pansy Parkinson gasp and Romilda Vane nearly falling of her chair, even though the professor pointed out, he would be making sure none of his students would get a chance to actually use the potion. Today you were trying on Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. You had already talked about it in your first lesson, Hermione describing the effect of the potion and also revealing, it smelled different to every person, depending on what attracts them. You didn't get to smell it back then so you were kind of curious what it would smell like to you. But for smelling it you first had to brew the potion. And this was no simple task. But at the end of the lesson, you seemed to have made it, even though you couldn't smell anything yet, because Ron's cauldron on the opposite side of your table was smelling like some kind of rotten fish. You were pretty sure he didn't manage to brew the right potion and Professor Slughorn seemed to share your opinion because he asked "Wallenby" to clear it up quickly. As the disgusting smell vanished, it was slowly replaced with a much more pleasant one. You didn't seem to be the only one who noticed because some of the other students, who managed to brew the perfect potion, bended their heads deeply over their cauldrons. You noticed that Hermione next to you sniffed carefully at her potion only to quickly pull her head back and pull a face in disgust. "Didn't it work?", you asked her surprised, as Hermione was one of the best students of this (actually of most) class. "Oh, it did", she answered. You noticed that her ears turned slightly pink as she steeled a glance at the other side of the table, where Ron was still cleaning his cauldron. "What do you smell?", she asked you and you bended over your cauldron just like the others around you. You took a deep breath. You sensed a comforting smell, making you feel somehow safe immediately. But on the other hand, it made you kinda sad. There was a longing deep inside you for a feeling you didn't know yet. It was like a sense of a home you haven't been but still you knew from the bottom of your heart that this place was where you belonged. You knew you had already smelled it somewhere, but you couldn't remember where and also you were sure that you didn't feel like this the last time you smelled it. You stared into the cauldron, the poison inside mirroring your reflection in all shades of green and a colour you'd define as a light grey. You took a deep breath once more, trying to identify the exact elements of the scent. There was a smell that reminded you of the woods, but not those you knew from the forbidden forest right outside the castle. It smelled like a fir or maybe a pine. But there was more. You smelled some fruits, maybe apples, and also peppermint and candy. As you took one more breath you smelt a cologne, which was familiar to you, but you couldn't remember anyone specific wearing it. You tried to describe it to Hermione but somehow the words you used couldn't quite describe the feeling the smell produced within you. "Strange, isn't it? How we smell what attracts us even if we don't know it does.", Hermione said absently, throwing another glimpse at Ron. You nodded. "Strange" And on the other side of the class Draco Malfoy thought just the same.

It was a few days after class. You were still thinking about the smell of your potion, wondering why it seemed so familiar, even if you couldn't remember when you had smelled it before. You got on your seat at divination class, waiting for the other students to arrive. And that's when you smelled it. A strong scent of the cologne you remembered from your Amortentia. You froze, didn't dare to take another breath. Draco Malfoy was passing you, getting to his seat right behind you. As you couldn't hold it anymore, you took another breath. Quietly and carefully as if you could change what you had just smelled. Your head felt dizzy as you turned around, staring at the grey eyed boy, who was now taking a bite of a apple, when you realized. He noticed your gaze, seemed to be confused why you were looking at him like this, when a light breeze gently blew from the open window through the classroom, making you hair moving slightly as it caressed you. And the moment he smelled your shampoo, you had used when you were showering this morning, right before class, made him realize too. And for the first time since you could remember you saw a genuine smile on Draco's face.

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