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"(Y/n), (Y/n), quick, you have to come upstairs!" You looked at Lavender Brown in confusion, as she stormed down the stairs and into the common room. It was the first day of the schoolyear and you hadn't been in your dorm yet but something must have been going on there, since Lavender sounded so excited.

"What happened?", you asked, exchanging a worried look with Hermione who was standing right next to you. Lavender started to grin widely.

"It happened again.", she stated, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What exactly are you talking about?" When you saw the look on Lavenders face you realized that nothing bad happened and now you were even more curious. You followed her upstairs, Hermione shortly behind you.

"Seems like your secret admirer still can't get enough of you.", Lavender answered. Even though she was walking in front of you, and you could only see her blond tresses bouncing up and down at every step she took, you could her the smirk in her voice. You rolled your eyes, still you couldn't help but smile.

"What is it this time?"
"You'll see.", Lavender answered as she pushed the door to your dorm open. You entered the room and your gaze settled on the nightstand right beside your bed. There it was, a huge bouquet of red roses. You took a step closer and noticed the little note right next to it. You picked it up. The paper felt heavy and looked really expensive.

"Looking forward to the next year with you my love.", you read out loud. Lavender and Parvati Patil, who were standing at the end of your bed and watched you closely, squeaked in excitement. Hermione, who was standing right next to you, took the note and read the text again. Then she turned the sheet around.

"No signature."

"What did you expect? There's never been one.", you answered, while Lavender and Parvati sighted.

"That's so romantic.", Parvati whispered.

"And you still have no idea who it is?", Lavender asked. You shook your head as a response.

"And if he doesn't change method, I'll probably never find out." You sighted resignedly. "Doesn't matter anyway."

But it did matter. When you were lying in bed later that night you thought about who might have send you those flowers. It wasn't the first time something like this happened. Actually, you almost got used to it already. It started in your first year. As if by magic -and you had no doubt that magic was actually involved in this case- some small gifts and notes appeared all around you. In the beginning it had been only small things, like some sweets, and you didn't thought that much about it, but as time went by, the small gifts turned into more and more expensive presents and the small notes, like "good luck" the day before an exam, turned into actual love letters. But whoever sent you all these things seemed not to be interested in you finding out who he actually was. Hermione and you spend dozens of hours hexing the notes and asking different people in order to find out who was this mysterious person. The only thing you found out was that someone frequently asked the house-elves to sneak the gifts into your dorm but you just couldn't find out who it was. You had tried literally everything. You had asked the elves nicely, ordered them to tell you, tried to bribe them and even threatened them, what you regretted immediately and all the more after Hermione found out. But the elves had assured you with tears in their eyes that they would love to tell you but that the young man, who asked them to bring you the presents, had told them that they weren't allowed to tell you who he was. At some point you had given up trying to find out. At this point the presents had just annoyed you. Why would someone spend so much time and money on you if he didn't wanted to tell you who he was? But you somehow managed to arrange yourself with the thought that you would probably never find out if he didn't wanted you to. What actually bothered you the most about the situation was that whoever was sending the gifts to you must knew you very well. Because he didn't just sent you chocolate and flowers but also some way more thoughtful presents. Whenever you mentioned something, you wanted to have, it somehow appeared only a few days later on your nightstand. No matter how fancy or expensive your wishes were, your secret admirer fulfilled them all. But he didn't just give you things you wanted but also things you didn't even knew you needed. For example, last year, when you got detention with Professor Umbridge, he gave you a small bottle of a potion that healed your wounds in no time, leaving no scars. Or when you lost your cap in your third year, the next day there was a new one, very warm and cosy and also in your favourite colours. But it weren't the presents that made your heart jump every time, it were the letters.

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