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This year was by far the worst one since you attended Hogwarts. You have dealt with three-headed dogs, Basilisks and innocent mass murders but none of them had made your life as hard as toadface. That's how you and your friends secretly referred to Dolores Umbridge when she wasn't around. For sure, you had been in many situations that had been more life-threatening than the classes of Umbridge, but no one you had ever met had taken that much pleasure in making your life feel like hell.

That's what you thought when you walked down the corridor and saw her walking around with a satisfied smile on her face while enforcing the rules she had made up since she had been appointed as the Hogwarts High Inquisitor. Toadface was a very appropriate nickname, you thought, when you watched her wide, slack mouth twisting into a, what she thought, sweet smile, while you heard her teaching Professor McGonagall about Educational Decree Number Twenty-Six, which didn't allow the Professors to chat with the students about anything but the classes. You saw Professor McGonagall's jaw clenching, while she tried to control herself as Umbridge's voice quacked through the corridor. You didn't know whether you wished that Professor McGonagall was going to hex her or were worried about the consequences your favourite Professor would have to face if she would do so.

You were so focused on the scene, that you didn't pay attention to your own path. You didn't think about looking ahead until you bumped into something hard.

"Damn it (Y/l/n), are you blind or just stupid?"

Maybe you had been wrong. Maybe there was someone who took even more pleasure in ruining your life than Umbridge. You sighed resignedly as you heard the sneering voice of Draco Malfoy. The blond Slytherin and you had never got along. But since the third year, when because of him, Buckbeak was meant to be killed, the two of you had your own personal hostility. By now you hated this boy with every fibre of your body and he did just the same. But while back in the last year you had sometimes secretly enjoyed the tiffs between the two of you, since Malfoy had always been a worthy opponent, by now you tried your best to avoid him. Because since he had joined the Inquisitorial Squad, he was allowed to dock House Points from you, when you broke the rules. But Malfoy obviously abused this power to dock points from you whenever he saw a chance. By now the hourglass of the Gryffindors was nearly empty. Not only because of the points he took from you but all the Inquisitorial Members who docked points from the hated Gryffindors. You really tried your best to not provoke them any further, but they always found a reason to do so. Just like Malfoy did now.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for you not paying attention to where you going."

You bit your tongue to not reply something unpolite and just rolled your eyes.

"I saw that (Y/l/n). Another ten points for being so rude. And if you won't apologize right away, I will take another ten points from you."

You mumbled a "Sorry" and wanted to pass the boy, but he stepped into your way. He looked down at you with a smug grin on his face. His grey eyes were sparkling from how much he enjoyed the power he held over you.

"I'm sorry darling, but I don't think you truly meant it."

You kept quiet and shot him a deadly glance.

"You don't have to rush, we can do this all day. Let's see how long it takes until there are no points left, I can take from you."

Oh, how much you wanted to hex him right there. But you were totally aware that this would get you in nothing but trouble. So you took a deep breath and smiled at him sweetly.

"I'm so sorry Draco. I promise I will try my best to never get in your way again. Please forgive me." At least the middle of this wasn't a lie. Draco nodded proudly and his grin only grew wider.

Draco Malfoy OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now