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Draco Malfoy had always been a spoiled idiot. Especially last year, when he had joined the Inquisitorial Squad, and took every chance to live out his new acquired power. The fainted scars on the back of your hand reminded you regularly of how he and the other members under the command of Dolores Umbridge had caught the DA in the room of requirement. You were aware of the fact that he hasn't been the one who had made the rules, still he was one of the people who obeyed them. He always was. Always following the rules, using them for his own good.

Yet, since you started your sixth year at Hogwarts, something had changed. You knew Malfoys father had been arrested after what happened in the department of mysteries last year, now sitting in a cell in Azkaban. You couldn't help but feeling slightly sorry for Malfoy, because you knew first hand losing a parent was never easy. But there seemed to be something else on his mind. He obviously was upset about what happened to his father, blaming Harry for it, but you didn't believe that this was the only thing that occupied him these days. He was roaming around the castle at strange times, sometimes also magically disappearing for some hours, as Harry noticed while staring at the Marauder's map, always accompanied by different people who never seemed to feel comfortable, scared to talk to anyone. Also, his grades were dropping drastically and while he, for the last five years, had used any chance to humiliate you, since you were a Gryffindor and friends with his arch enemy and a mud blood, he didn't seem to notice you anymore, neither anyone else, unless he was forced to. He looked as if he didn't sleep well these days, sometimes you even thought he might look sick. His pale skin now looked greyish, his craggy features, many girls had always found attractive, were replaced by sunken cheeks. Also, his grey eyes, you sometimes caught yourself admiring for the childish sparkle, now looked blunt. Sometimes they were bloodshot, making you wonder if he might have cried before.

And the further the year progressed, the worse it got. At some point you had forgotten that you were supposed to not like him but were simply worried about Malfoy. He had separated from everyone, even his friends. Not matter whether in class or in the Great Hall, he was always sitting alone, even at dinner. At some point you had to fight the urge to just go to him and sit down with him, asking what was wrong. Obviously, you didn't because even if you wouldn't make yourself a fool in front of everyone by doing so, you highly doubted he would tell you what was wrong, if he didn't even tell his friends. Also it was obvious that there was clearly something wrong with him, you still reminded yourself that you normally couldn't stand him. Still, the urge to do anything to help him grew with every day you watched him suffer silently. And by now, you were just annoyed by Harry assuring you that Malfoy was planning something evil and pretty sure that, whatever he thought he had seen back in the summer at Burgin and Burks, was just a pipe dream. Ron and Hermione shared that opinion, by now you were just rolling your eyes whenever Harry had a new idea what might be the reason for Malfoys strange behaviour.

In the wintertime, Harry had gone too far. You just got back to Hogwarts, talking to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. On your way back from Hogsmeade you had seen something horrible. You still weren't sure what exactly had happened but right in front of you, Katie Bell had been injured. You just remembered her arguing with a friend of hers when all the sudden she got lifted up into the air by an invisible force, screaming silently, looking like she was in horrible pain. Next thing you knew was that she crashed to the ground. For a frightful moment you thought she was dead but luckily, she was still alive. For now. She had been brought to St. Mungo's. No one could tell you what exactly happened, except it happened because Katie had touched the neckless that was now laying in front of you, while Professor Snape examined it. Professor McGonagall asked the four of you to tell her what happened. After you told her, she was obviously worried. Then Harry raised to speak. "It was Malfoy", he said. Completely convinced by his words. You could see Ron and Hermione now looking to the ground, not daring to disagree with Harry but also knowing that this accusation was far-fetched. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape looked at him in disbelieve, both fully aware of the fact Harry couldn't proof what he had stated, as he said he just "knew". Something snapped inside of you. You were aware that Draco Malfoy wasn't a boy with clean hands at all, still what Harry had said was just ridiculous. "Harry, with all due respect, but that's nonsense", you contradicted your friend. Now everyone was looking at you, slightly surprised by how sharp you tone sounded. You felt your cheeks heating. "Well, it's just... I don't think Draco would be capable of doing this.", you tried to explain yourself. "After all we know that's some really dark magic and really powerful. He would have had to manage to not only hex Katie but the neckless too" "He might have bought it or asked someone to do it", Harry contradicted." "But even if he would have the resources to do so, whether he hexed it himself or told someone to, why would he do this? What's his motive? I think I know plenty more people who would have many more reasons to want to kill Professor Dumbledore than Draco" Harry wanted to respond but Professor Snape cut him off. "Even though I never thought I'd say this, but I think Miss (Y/l/n) is right", he snared. You looked at him surprised by this unexpected support. "As long as Mr. Potter doesn't have any proof I don't think we should suspect anyone, especially someone who wasn't even on the ground at the time of crime" And with that statement the matter was settled.

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