Traitor pt. 3

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Your study session was successful in every way possible. Pansy was a great help indeed, teaching you more about the spells you had learned this year in an hour than you had understood by yourself in the entire last week. Also, you were able to consolidate your new position in the friend group. By now, you suspected they actually started liking you, which was obviously beneficial for your undertaking. What was less desirable however was the fact that not only they seemed to get along with you, but you also really enjoyed spending your time with them. You excused this inconvenience with the fact that you had been isolated for the last few weeks, but as Blaise told you, with a completely straight face and only a slightly amused undertone in his voice, a story about how Draco had blown up his cauldron in his second year and unsuccessfully tried to hide the damage it had caused from Professor Snape, you let out a laugh loud enough to alarm Madame Pince, who shot you some excoriating glances. What amused you even more than the story itself was the way Draco blushed and tried to shut his friend down, which seemed to encourage Blaise even more.
The only problem that remained was Pansy. Because even though she helped you out with your schoolwork, she didn't seem to take much pleasure in it. If anything, she looked like she would rather tear all the parchments, you had scribbled over with the things she had taught you, apart again. And when, at the end of the session, you agreed to help her put the books back in their place, she just ignored you, grabbed some of the books and strutted away towards the bookshelves. You were quick to follow her.

When Pansy handed you yet another book to put back, you smiled at her sweetly.
"Thanks.", you said, but Pansy just ignored you.
You sighed.
When she wanted to get back to the others, you held her back.
"Pansy, wait.", you called her out.
The girl obeyed but didn't even care to look at you.
"Thanks for helping me out today. I would have been completely lost without you."
Still, no reaction.
"I owe you something.", you tried again. "So if there's anything I can do for you..."
"You want to know what you can do for me?", Pansy suddenly snapped. She glared at you and you could see a fire burning behind her eyes. "If you really want to do something for me, then stay away from us. And most importantly, stay away from Draco."
You looked at her in surprise.
"But I just want to..."
"No (Y/l/n). I don't fall for your bullshit. I don't know what you are up to but I won't let you destroy everything just by walking by, fluttering your eyelashes and wrapping everyone around your finger."
Now you were utterly confused. But then you remembered what Ginny had told you. Apparently, Pansy had a crush on Draco since the very first day. And even if you hadn't intended to, by coming closer to Umbridge, you had automatically also come closer to Draco. And if the rumours were true and Pansy was actually into the boy, you had no doubt that the girl was ready to fight you at whatever cost.
"Pansy, if this is about Draco... I mean you and Draco... I mean I don't want to... If you are into him then..."
Pansy let out a harried sigh and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Why does everyone always think I have a crush on him?", she groaned.
You blinked irritated.
"So you... don't?", you asked carefully. Not that this was any of your business or that you were actually interested in Pansy's or Draco's love life. But you had to gather all information you could get, hadn't you?
"No, (Y/n), I don't. Believe it or not. Sometimes a boy and a girl can get along just fine without falling madly in love." She still seemed to be annoyed by the look of confusion on your face, but finally, she continued: "Draco and I are just friends. I know him ever since I can remember. I love him, but definitely not like that." She let out a small chuckle, apparently amused by the thought of her having any romantic interest in the blond Slytherin. "But he is still important to me. Really important. And for some stupid reason, you are important to him." Pansy's gaze hardened as she eyed you. "I know you ever since we were eleven. And you aren't a person to betray your friends and follow someone like Toadface. Don't look at me like that, do you really think we don't know what you call her? Or that we are doing all of this because we like her that much? We're doing this because we benefit from it. But that's not a reason you would do all of this, is it? And I can't think of a single other reason that would be a better explanation. Honestly, (Y/n), I don't care what you are up to. But what I certainly won't tolerate is you fooling my friends. And even more important, I won't tolerate you hurting Draco."
You looked at the girl standing in front of you, your lips slightly parted, too stunned to speak. Within a minute Pansy had managed to move up from an annoying problem to one of the, in your eyes, most respectable people.
The Slytherin let out a small sigh and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Anyway, we should get back to the others. It's getting late.", she said, now in a more normal voice again.
But as she turned around, you held her back once more.
"Pansy? I... I really don't want to mock any of you, okay? I enjoy spending time with you. And most importantly, I would never want to hurt Draco."
And this was the truth. After you had spent some time with the Slytherins, you had actually grown into feeling comfortable around them. Especially around Draco. You genuinely didn't want to hurt any of them. But that didn't mean that...
"Just because you don't want to, doesn't mean you won't.", Pansy finished the thought that had just formed in your head.
Without waiting for an answer, she turned around again and went back to her friends. You followed shortly behind.
And as you saw the Slytherins, sitting at the table, chatting happily, and as you saw Draco turning around and giving you a sweet smile, you finally couldn't ignore the lump of guilt that had started to grow in your throat the moment you had started to realize what you had gotten yourself into.

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