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You were sitting in the common room, your eyes flickering over the pages of the book in front of you. But somehow, the words blurred in front of your eyes, and even though you tried your best to understand the text, your mind simply didn't process a single word written in an incredibly small and curved font on the heavy pages.
You groaned in annoyance as you dropped your quill, not even caring about the small sprinkles of ink splattering all over the old book pages, which Madame Pince would definitely hold you accountable for. You rubbed your eyes which were burning already from trying to decipher the writings for the last few hours. Your head was throbbing already and the fact that some first years were having some strident conversations only a few meters from you in their shrill voices, didn't help at all. But no matter the circumstances, you still needed to finish your assignments.
But as your gaze fell on the parchment in front of you, you sighed once more. Because even though you were already sitting here for what felt like an eternity, you hadn't even finished half of the writing you had to do for your essay in Professor Binn's class. With your fingers you massaged your temples, trying to somehow ease the pounding of your head as you tore your gaze apart from your parchment again and looked around. You glanced at your friends, who were sharing the table with you, engrossed in the literature in front of them, just like you were supposed to be as well.
But your essay was long forgotten when your gaze wandered from Pansy to Blaise before it got stuck on one of your friends. One, who was able to make you forget what you were doing, no matter how important your task was. Because there was for sure nothing more important in this world than Draco Malfoy.
Draco and you had been friends for years by now. Your families had known each other even before you had come to Hogwarts and from time to time, you had already seen him and had always gotten along with the blond boy back then. But since you attended Hogwarts, the two of you were almost inseparable. Ever since the first day, when you had sat down next to him after the sorting hat had announced that you were a Slytherin from that moment on, and he had applauded louder than anyone else in the room and had greeted you with a board grin on his face when you had strutted down the aisle with a smug grin on your face, you had been. You would sit together during the meals and classes, would study together, but also spend most of your free time with one another, sometimes with, sometimes without your other friends. And honestly -even though you loved all your friends dearly- you didn't mind whether they kept your company as well or not, as long as you were just with Draco. The tie that the two of you shared was something special and over the years it had only grown stronger.
What you hadn't expected though was that the older you got and the stronger the connection between the two of you grew, the more your feelings towards the blond Slytherin changed as well. Because while when you had been nothing more than kids, Draco had been nothing but your best friend in the entire world, now that you were almost grown up, he was much more to you than that. He truly still was your friend -you had no doubt of that- but by now the boy who would always look at you with the sweetest smile on his face that he only ever showed to you, the boy you would spend more time with than with anyone else and the boy who you shared all your secrets with, had by now become a secret as well. And little did Draco know that he was the only secret you hid from him as well. Because what your best friend wasn't aware of was that you had developed by now an oh so slightest crush on him, and felt your heartbeat quicken whenever he looked into your eyes and shivers running down your spine, whenever he touched you, completely unaware of how your legs threatened to give in every single time he did so.
And even now that he was sitting right in front of you, lost in the rather boring world of Wendelin the Weird, you felt your heart beating faster in your chest once more, even though he did nothing more than just being there. You knew how absolutely crazy and kitschy it sounded, but the sheer existence of Draco Malfoy was already enough to make a small smile creep on your face. And the fact that you were lucky enough to sit right here and watch him just being himself, made you feel like you were the luckiest person in the world. Your own essay was completely forgotten as you watched Draco's quill gliding over the parchment, creating an artwork of words, scribbled down in his beautiful curvaceous yet neat handwriting. While one hand was holding the quill, the other held onto the parchment, preventing it from slipping away. You noticed the way the dim light of the candles was reflected by the rings covering his slim fingers. Your gaze wandered up to his hair, which was shimmering in the light as well, making it look almost golden. It was by now almost long enough to fall into his eyes, and he brushed it out of his face every few minutes with an impatient movement. You could see that the small frown he always held on his face only deepened now that his silvery eyes danced over the pages of the books in front of him before fixing on the parchment he was scribbling on again.
You didn't know how long you had been staring at him like that, taking in every small detail of his presence, before Draco finally noticed your gaze lingering on him. When he looked up and locked his eyes with yours, his delicate facial features softened slightly and his lips curled into a small smile. It took you a few seconds to realize that he had caught you staring, but when you did, you quickly lowered your gaze again, feeling the blush creeping on your cheeks before you remembered that Draco wasn't only someone you had a stupid not-so-little crush on and had to be ashamed that he had caught you staring, but that the boy was also your closest friend and there was nothing wrong with looking at him from time to time. So you slowly glanced up at him again, and realized that his gaze was still fixed on you, still holding so much more tenderness in his eyes than you had ever seen when he looked at someone else. You slowly returned the smile he threw you, trying to get yourself out of that embarrassing spiral of admiration again and back to reality.
"Are you alright?", Draco asked in a low voice, eying you slightly concerned.
Your smile only grew wider and you nodded.
"Yeah, just a bit hard to concentrate today."
Little did Draco know that you mainly struggled to focus on your homework because he was just way too beautiful to not get distracted. All that Draco noticed was the way your hands were still pressed to your temples and you closed your eyes in annoyance when one of the first years keeping your company let out an particularly loud laugh.
"Hey!", Draco barked, as he turned around to the kids and threw them a deadly glare. "Some of us still have to work here, so either be quiet or get lost."
One of the kids already wanted to protest, but as it looked up to Draco, realizing who was just staring down at them, it quickly lowered their gaze again and the children quickly packed their things and fled out of the common room.
Draco crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched them leave with narrowed eyes, but as soon as the door closed behind them, he relaxed again and a smug smile appeared on his face.
He turned around to you again.
"Better now?"
You chuckled.
"That was kinda mean."
Draco mirrored your grin and shrugged his shoulders.
"What did you expect?"
"Oh yeah, when his princess is unwell, he always makes sure to take care of whatever causes her discomfort.", Pansy suddenly stepped in, before you could answer.
She and Blaise exchanged an amused glance, while you just rolled your eyes, trying to hide the blush that threatened to appear on your cheeks once more.
"Don't tell me they didn't annoy you as well, Pansy.", Draco huffed, avoiding your gaze.
"I never said I would mind.", the girl chirped happily.
"But it sounded like you did."
"I'm just questioning your motives."
"My motives are to get rid of those annoying little bastards so I can study in peace?"
"So you can or so (Y/n) can?"
"And if so? Why shouldn't I help her out?"
"Why should you?"
"Have you ever heard of the term friends, Pansy?"
"Is that what you are?", Pansy asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Merlin, Pansy, can't you stop it for once?", you asked, slightly annoyed.
Pansy was fully aware of the feelings you had for Draco. She had somehow already known it even before you did and had teased you about it the entire time. And when you had -not long ago- finally admitted to your roommate that you actually felt something more for the Slytherin than just strictly platonic friendship, you had hoped that this would finally satisfy her curiosity and she would shut up about it. But you couldn't have been more wrong. Because even though Pansy had solemnly promised to not tell Draco about anything you had told her, she still brought it up at every chance, and mostly in not very subtle ways. But luckily Draco wasn't aware of the truth behind her words, even though you sometimes suspected that he had a faint idea that there was more to this than he saw at the moment. Still, he always brushed Pansy off and never brought any of this up to you on other occasions, which left you on the one hand really relieved, but on the other hand also slightly disappointed. Even though you were totally fine with Draco and you being nothing but friends, you still wished from time to time that your feelings weren't one-sided and that someday, Draco would make some kind of move on you. But at the moment, it looked as if it was more likely that hell would freeze than Draco doing so. But just as persistent as Draco was in denying that he had any feelings for you besides friendship, as persistent was Pansy in trying to change his mind.
"I will stop the moment the two of you will stop denying.", Pansy stated with a sly grin on her face.
"Not gonna happen.", you said, and even though you had been the one who said it out loud, you could still feel the stinging in your heart as you saw Draco nodding in confirmation.
"Maybe you should just play pretend at least once. I'm sure she will shut up then.", Blaise snickered.
You let yourself fall back in your chair and sighed dramatically.
"Don't do this to me, Blaise. Not you too."
"I just want your best (Y/n). You know that.", Blaise smirked as he winked at you.
"And what exactly would that be?"
Blaise's gaze wandered from you to Draco and his grin only grew wider, but just as he opened his mouth and you were already preparing for yet another implication you would have to defend yourself against, Draco cut his friend off.
"Speaking of the best, we have to leave, Blaise. Quidditch practice is going to start soon."
You let out a small sigh of relief when Draco and Blaise started packing their things, hoping the topic was over for now. But Pansy wasn't pleased at all.
"You can't leave.", she whined. "Not now that it just got interesting."
Draco threw your friend a sly grin.
"Feel free to join us, Pansy. We can always use some cheerleaders."
Blaise and you snickered, as Pansy pulled a face.
"Have you taken a look outside? You can't expect me to get out there in this weather."
And even though you loved to watch your team -and especially Draco- practice, you had to admit, that the thought of getting out there while it was raining and storming wasn't very intriguing.
Blaise rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, Draco. It's unreasonable to ask her to sit on the stand with an umbrella and a cosy raincoat while we'll only hover on our brooms somewhere in the sky, hoping we won't be struck by a lightning."
Draco grinned at his friend.
"Right Blaise. How could I not think of that." He turned around to Pansy and you and made a slight bow. "Enjoy your evening ladies. Maybe you'll think of us when you're sitting in front of the fireplace while we're out there defending the honour of our house."
Now it was on you to roll your eyes, even though you had to try really hard to hide your smile.
"We will, Draco. I promise.", you said in a honeyed voice.
And when the boys turned around to leave, Pansy couldn't bite her tongue and quickly added: "What is it Draco? Don't you want to kiss your beloved goodbye?"
You nudged Pansy almost as hard as Draco nudged Blaise when the tall boy shouted over his shoulder: "If Draco doesn't want to; I volunteer!"

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