A love like in the tales pt. 2

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A comfortable warmth embraced you. The silk of the bedsheets felt cool on your bare skin, but the body next to you radiated enough heat to make this up again. You let out a comfortable sight as you snuggled up closer to the source of the warmth and inhaled its familiar scent. Your eyes opened fluttery and couldn't help but smile. Your husband's face being the first thing you saw in the morning made you unimaginably happy.

Draco was still asleep. Usually, he was the first to wake up, but on the days he didn't, you loved to watch him like this. His face looked so relaxed. Even though he, by now, also smiled more often when he was awake, you could always see some lines of worry that all those dark years had burned into his face. But when he was asleep you couldn't see them anymore. He truly looked like an angel. Lost in your thoughts you carefully brushed some strands of hair out of his face and listened to the steady breathing of your man.

By now, he was yours for a little more than a year. And by that, you didn't mean the papers you had signed back at your wedding. No, you meant it was a little more than a year since you had decided that you wanted this to work. Since you had finally given in to your feelings. Since his heart belonged to you just like yours belonged to him.

When you watched him like this it was hard to actually remember the time you didn't wanted this. For sure, when you got married you had already known you had a thing for him and he had also known he had a thing for you as well, but neither of you had known about the feelings of the other one. And that's why you had decided to bury your feelings somewhere deep inside you, afraid to show them to anyone else.

But at some point, it had become too much and you two had finally snapped. And on that day you had decided that you wanted to give this relationship a chance, regardless of the rough start.

Since then, you had taken that opportunity every single day. And you knew that you would do so for the rest of your life. Because as bad it had been when you thought Draco hated you, as amazing it felt to know that he loved you. And by that, you didn't mean that he fulfilled all of your wishes before you even knew you had them. All of those expensive gifts and dates were amazing for sure, but what meant the most to you were the small gestures. It was the way his eyes were filled with admiration whenever he looked at you, no matter if you were wearing a dress or your pyjamas. The fact he had tried to learn to cook your favourite meal and nearly burnt the house down. The way he always brought you your favourite flowers. The way he always knew what you were thinking, whether you were angry, happy or sad, no matter what was on your mind. It was almost scary how well Draco knew you by now and how he always knew how to make you smile.

You didn't know how you deserved this man. And just like you thought about him, he wondered how he deserved to be loved by you. Because that was the truth. The both of you were completely and utterly in love. And since you were, your life had become so much better.

But it wasn't just the two of you who had realized for each other. Also, everyone around you had noticed. You still remembered that only a week after had decided to work this out, you had met up with your parents in a ridiculously expensive restaurant. They had always been worried that their plan to get the two of you together to continue their legacy might had failed. But when you had met up that evening, they had soon realized that it was working even better than they had planned. Because neither Draco nor you could keep your hands to yourself, always stealing some secret glances and smiles. That's when your parents had realized that there was no need to worry. The two of you would work out your joint future just great. But when they had asked Draco and you when exactly the two of you were planning to finally start a family, Draco had just smiled nervously and told them that there was plenty of time for this.

And it still was. But your parents seemed to think differently about this. Because any time you had met up with your parents in the past year, sooner or later they had brought this topic up. Asking you with genuine concern if there was anything wrong, which you had always denied.

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