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It was one of those moments you couldn't help but enjoy, even though you felt horrible for doing so. You watched the poor girl standing there, bursting into tears, as Draco told her, like he had told several girls before, that what the two of them had was just a one-time thing. It was a scene everyone in the Great Hall was already used to. It was always the same. Draco Malfoy started something with a girl. She fell madly in love with him, while for him it was just sex, no feelings involved. And after a few days, when he got bored or the girl got too clingy, he let her down again, leaving her with a broken heart.

Even though you felt really sorry for those girls, you couldn't help but wonder how they still got fooled by him. Everyone knew that Draco just wanted some fun and wasn't looking for a long-term relationship. He didn't even deny it himself. Still, they all thought that they might be the one he would fall for, that they might be the one who would change him and still, the only one who fell was the girl herself, even if she assured him at the beginning that she didn't want a firm relationship herself. You wondered if the girls were just telling him that so he would let them into his dorm or if they actually believed it themselves.

But the fact that it was so predictable and entertaining wasn't the only reason you secretly enjoyed those periodical dramas. Actually, if it was just for this, you would have probably been annoyed by them just like you would be disgusted by the people who placed bets on how long Draco's new girl would last. The actual reason that you felt so satisfied whenever Draco dropped the next girl was that you somehow felt a strange attraction to the blond guy yourself, even though you would never admit it to anyone. Especially because you just couldn't understand yourself why you felt like that. You knew how much of an idiot he was. Not only the way he played with these girls but also how he always bragged about his family and how he treated other people who he considered as not as worthy as himself, which included literally everyone, except maybe some of his friends. He especially aimed for muggleborns, or, how he referred to them, "mudbloods". It made you sick whenever you heard this word, knowing that it was a very bad insult. And whenever you heard it you gave the person who was using it your piece of mind. Everyone except Draco. You never dared to do so, in fact you never dared to speak to him at all. You weren't sure what it was but whenever you looked into those silvery eyes, you would forget what you wanted to say or do. That lead to some very uncomfortable situation, including you stuttering and stumbling, sometimes both at once.

All in all, whenever you were around Draco Malfoy, you behaved like a complete idiot. While normally you would have done anything for him to notice you, in those moments you were just thankful that he never seemed to do so. In fact, you weren't even sure if he knew your name. The two of you attended some classes together but you had never worked with one another and you weren't like Hermione, comfortable with sharing your knowledge with the entire class, especially when you knew Draco was only a few meters away from you. Honestly most of the time of the classes both of you visited, you didn't catch much of the lesson because you were busy admiring him from the distance, watching him whispering with his friends or playing with his stupid rings while he was, in contrast to you, paying attention to what the teacher was saying. Sometimes you thought he might have catch you, staring at him, but if he did so, he never showed you. Luckily, most of your friends excused the fact that you behaved so strange whenever he was around with the fact, that you must have hated him just as much as they did. You never disagreed though. It was better to let them think this than telling them that you were actually feeling the exact opposite.

Lost in your thoughts you watched the girl run away, followed by some friends, while Draco, totally unimpressed went to his friends, rolling his eyes as they asked him about what had just happened.

"Poor girl, she is probably crying her eyes out now", you heard Hermione say right next to you, her gaze following the girl who was storming out of the Great Hall.

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