Fanged Geraniums

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"Add powdered moonstone, stir three times counterclockwise, allow to simmer for seven minutes, then add two drops of syrup of hellebore."; Professor Snape's voice sneered through the classroom. "You also have to start cutting your mandrakes within the next few minutes if you still want this potion to be anything but disappointing."
You sighed. The draught of peace was for sure a very useful potion, but very difficult to make. Especially, when Professor Snape hovered over you all the time like an inordinately large bat. You could always feel his piercing gaze and foul breath on your neck, whenever he patiently awaited you to make a mistake. Which unfortunately happened rather often. It wasn't like you were that bad in potion class, but since you happened to be a Gryffindor, he lurked for even the smallest mistakes, always greedy to take any points possible from you. He would for sure have ignored most of them if you would have been one of his beloved Slytherins, but as it was, you were a Gryffindor, and Godric, you couldn't be prouder.
While you watched the potion in the cauldron in front of you simmering -you were pleasantly surprised, when it actually started to turn pink, just like it was supposed to- you noticed that you should have already prepared your mandrakes by now. You glanced at Hermione, who still looked at the instructions on the board with narrowed eyes.
"Do you want me to get some mandrakes for you as well?", you asked your best friend.
Hermione just nodded, without even tearing her gaze from the board. Whenever she was concentrating, nothing could get her out of this state. And even though it was sometimes quite annoying, you were pretty thankful for that ability of hers. Not only Hermione was an amazing learning partner since she forced you to concentrate as well, whenever she simply ignored you while she was studying, but she also had a deep understanding of the material and was always willing to help you out when you were once again hopelessly lost in the sheer mass of homework you had to do.

You made your way to the shelf in the front of the class, scanning it for the mandrakes. You found it on one of the upper boards. You cursed yourself for being so small. You had always trouble to reach them and Professor Snape had strictly forbidden you to use magic to get the ingredients from up there, since one time a simple spell to summon the needed ingredients had ended in Neville being covered in a slimy mass, burning holes into his uniform. But you were also way too proud to ask someone else for help. Standing on your tiptoes, your arm extended as far as possible, your fingertips brushed against the vessel with the mandrakes.
A whistle made you stop trying and turn around. As you did so, you faced the one reason besides Professor Snape, you hated potions class more than most of the other classes. Because he was in there too.
Draco Malfoy was probably one of the worst human beings. Not only he was a Slytherin, but he embodied every single quality that was the reason for the fact the Slytherins were despised by the other houses. He was arrogant, heartless and the only things he truly cared about were the name of his family and the money and influence they had, with which he also bragged regularly. Plus, he didn't get along with any of your friends, especially Harry. Not even speaking of how he treated Hermione because she was a muggleborn, which made her, in his eyes, less worthy than other wizards.
These were only a few reasons why you hated the Slytherin boy so much. And the fact that you were not afraid to show how disgusted you were by his behaviour, made Malfoy hate you just as much.
And now he was standing right in front of you, with a sly grin on his face.
"If I would have known what's under this skirt before, I might have been nicer to you from the beginning (Y/l/n).", he said, while his eyes lazily travelled down your body, scanning every centimetre of it.
You felt your cheeks redden as your hands automatically made sure your skirt was in place again after you had tried to reach up to the shelf, even if you were pretty sure, that there was no chance that Malfoy had actually seen anything he wasn't supposed to, but just wanted to provoke you.
"And if I would know what's inside those pants... But if it looks the same as inside your head, this is going to be very disappointing. But I'm sure you are already used to hearing this from girls, aren't you?", you responded.
"Oh, trust me, love, this would be anything but disappointing. I'm sure any girl will gladly tell you. And you will have to trust them, because unfortunately, you", his cold grey eyes found his way back up to yours, eying you contemptuously, "will never find out."
"Unfortunately for you, luckily for me.", you smiled at him sweetly.
"And unfortunately for you, you have just lost your chance that I will give you any of my mandrakes. Because luckily for me, I'm tall enough to get them myself." Without even having to try, he reached over your head for the vessel with the mandrakes. "But maybe if you would use that pretty mouth of yours to ask me for help nicely instead of insulting me again, I might be willing to help you out anyway."
You just bit your lip. For sure, you weren't that desperate. You hated to ask for help, but you would find someone who would do so. Someone, who wouldn't take as much pleasure in this as Malfoy and wouldn't use this opportunity to humiliate you for the rest of your life.
When Malfoy realized, you wouldn't give in, he placed the vessel with the remaining mandrakes back on the shelf. As he did so, his chest nearly brushed yours, but you refused to step back.
Before Malfoy went back to his place, he looked at you with pity, but the glistening in his eyes betrayed him.
"Good luck brewing your potion, love."
Then he left and you were standing there alone. But just as you wanted to start another attempt to get what you came here for, you saw Ron coming up to you. As you saw the red haired lanky boy, a smile spread across your face.
"Luckily for me, I have tall friends.

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