The ferret

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"It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

Dumbledore's words still echoed in your head. This had been the most amazing message in a very long time. You knew that this year would be amazing. Instead of hunting down giant snakes or supposed serial killers together with Harry, this year you would be able to lean back and watch someone else experience all the adventures. You on the other hand would watch the bustle from a safe distance. There was nothing that could go wrong this year, was there?

You walked along the long corridors with Hermione, Ron and Harry, chatting about the most obvious topic after that announcement.

"It's unfair that no one under the age of seventeen is allowed to participate. I mean it's not my fault I was born too late.", Ron grumbled.

"There's a reason for this rule Ron.", Hermione explained for the tenth time. "It's too dangerous. We aren't educated enough to participate at the tournament. I'm sure that the challenges will be very demanding."

"And besides.", you added, "I don't think we would stand a chance against the older ones. I heard Diggory and Warrington want to participate. They would have some lead anyway."
"Yeah, but imagine all the money... You could do so much with it....", Ron's voice sounded dreamy.

"Maybe your family could finally afford things that aren't used already, Weaselbee.", you heard a voice sneering behind you.

You rolled your eyes. Draco Malfoy somehow always managed to appear in the most adverse moments.

"Just ignore him.", you mumbled, as you felt Ron tense next to you.

"Oh yeah, Weaselbee, listen to her. You're probably too stupid to think for yourself. Lies within the family as my father has told me."

Now, Hermione and you needed to grab Ron and Harry by their shoulders so they wouldn't turn around right away and hex Malfoy in the middle of the hallway. Not that you would have resented. But Malfoy wasn't worth a second of detention. And luckily Hermione thought the same.

"No one can tell me Malfoy wouldn't take the chance to participate if he would have one.", Hermione muttered.

"Obviously. Just another chance to give himself airs.", you agreed with your friend.
"Could you imagine Malfoy as our champion?", Harry asked. "He wouldn't even last ten seconds."

"Dad told me some students had died in the tournament. Wouldn't be a shame if this would happen to Malfoy though." Ron's face was still red, but he smiled at his cruel thoughts. "All the things that could happen to him..."

"He probably wouldn't even dare to compete in the end.", Hermione said.

"Or would give up as soon as he breaks off a fingernail.", Harry laughed.

"His father would definitely hear about this.", you chuckled, making all of you laugh.

Even though you would never admit it, you kinda missed the blond Slytherin boy over the summer holidays. Without his sneered remarks, life was way more boring. But all in all, you corrected yourself, you hadn't missed Malfoy himself, but more the way you and your friends made fun of him. There was no other reason for you to miss him. Because you had never really liked that boy. And there was nothing that could change that.

It was your first actual day back at Hogwarts. Today, the classes had started again. Even though you had missed many things about school, homework wasn't one of them. And after only one day, you had already loads of them. That's why you were at dinner early, before returning to the library, to finish some of your assignments. You didn't want to fall behind already. But not even two hours later, you felt your eyes getting heavy. With a sigh, you closed the book before you and put it back on the shelf. You saw Hermione a few desks away, delving into a book. You didn't dare to talk to her, since you knew how much she hated it when you disturbed her while she was studying. Also, all you wanted to do by now, was get back to your dorm and in your bed.

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