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Y/n Pov:

I was always considered...different. My parents thought I was sent from hell to torture them including the rest of my family. I don't know why but every time I tried making a friend they'd find me weird. Eventually I gave up and spent all my time alone reading books and studying for school, making me the "emo kid". The only person that saw me as an ordinary kid was my Nanna.

She was so kind and loving and too my parent's disgust, I was the favourite grandkid. I didn't have any siblings or anything like that, but they didn't understand how a goddess like my Nanna would like a brat like me.
"It's because we have so much in common," Nanna would always say. However I won't lie, I agreed with my parents. I was different. I remember once I accidentally fractured my ankle and sure it hurt like a bitch, but the very next day I could walk without a moon boot.

My parents just thought I was faking it, even though I have the x-ray for proof. Also when I get mad, I get really violent. Like...I'll stab a bitch violent. One day a girl was calling me emo and that type of stuff again. However I lost my shit when she told me too just "unalive" myself, cause I'd be doing everyone a favour.

I launched myself at her, and snapped her arm like a toothpick. The teachers heard her screams in agony and tore us away. The girl was sent too the hospital with a snap of a finger and my parents were called.
"Go wash your hands," Mum snapped when she saw me, "we're gonna have a chat when we get home."

Reluctantly, I went too the bathrooms too wash up. Before I did, I glanced down at my bloody hands. Why do... I thought, why do I wanna...nasty it? I slowly began lifting my hand too my face, hesitating about this choice. I took a deep breath, and licking the fresh blood. It's...sweet? I thought. I washed my hands before I could do anything stupid and raced back too the office at when we got home my Dad literally did worse than give me a black eye.

After my suspension, everyone avoided me like the plague. The girl which I now knew as Emma (sorry if I offended anyone) was spreading rumours about me. How my eyes went black like the night mixed with crimson. She even drew what she saw.

I was honestly shocked when most people believed it, however there were some smart people out there

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I was honestly shocked when most people believed it, however there were some smart people out there. Some of them even stood up for me however I still stayed the quiet kid. This was when I was like 12, seven years ago. I'm now 19 and still living with my shit parents. Or...should I say I was...

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