Chapter 9

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The very next night, Slender asked for me in his office. When I entered I was even more curious seeing E.J also in there sitting in a chair opposite of Slender's desk.
"Y/n," Slender said seeing me enter, "please take a seat." He gestured for me too sit in the other chair opposite of him, and I did so. He then began ratting on about how I've been there for a few days and that seeming I was gonna have too do the work that the others did...homicide.

And E.J would also be keeping an eye on me, in case I did anything reckless.
"You begin tonight,"Slender sighed beginning too do paper work.  From his words, I could tell he didn't know about my little revenge the other night. We were both dismissed and I put on my favorite grey hoodie and jeans again. I waited out the front for E.J and he scoffed seeing me.
"Why do you always wear that?" he muttered.

I understood why he asked this, but it stills hurts too say the answer.
"My Nanna gave it too me before she died," I said, gripping onto the sleeve, "when I just turned 19." I shook it off before I could begin tearing up.
"Anyway let's go." Again we walked in silence my the silence this time was more tense. After E.J kissed me...I've been trying too avoid talking too him as much as I could.

However even still kissing him...I haven't seen his face once. The surrounding became more clear as we entered the town. As usual, the night created a scary atmosphere, exciting the game. The first house we came across was non other than the bitch that told me too "unalive" myself. E.J and me snuck into the window into on of the bedrooms with two adults laying there sound asleep.

"What are you gonna do?" I whispered to E.J as he glanced down at them. He slowly pulled out something from his hood, only for me too realize it was a scalpel. He leaned over the women and began slowly cutting her side of the stomach open and reached in grabbing one of her kidney's. Sure it may have been a horrific site, but I've done worse. He proceeded too do the man's next, however I told E.J I'd just wonder around.

I walked right over too the door opposite and slowly opened it. Laying peacefully on the bed was her. I quickly, but silently raced downstairs too their garage searching for anything. Too my luck, I found two hooks connected too some chains. Perfect. I went back upstairs carrying the chains and hooks placing them carefully on the floor and opened the window next too the bedside.

I tied the chains up as best as I could too the bed and pulled the sleeping girl out of her bed placing her carefully on the floor. I tied up a rob around her mouth so no one could her her screams.  I grabbed on of the hooks and stabbed it right through her hand. Her eyes shot open and she began too scream, however thanks too the cloth they were very dim. I did the same too her other and picked her up.

I glanced down too the ground then at the bitch who was looking at me with pure horror.
"Bye bye." I threw her out and began she dangled like a piñata. It actually worked! I thought with disbelief. Murmured screams came from her as she wiggles around like a worm. It was more than entertaining. E.J entered the room just then and he came over by the window looking down at the screaming girl.

"That was quick," I scoffed as she slowly began too go still.

E.J Pov:

I watched as Y/n left the room. I glanced back down at the body hanging from the window. I for some reason was surprised that they did this. I climbed out the window and went too search for Y/n. I found them but froze as they were sitting on the ground looking down at a photo in their hands.

In the photo was an elderly women smiling and a young kid laughing as they hugged her. It took me a second too realize that it was Y/n and their now dead grandmother. Y/n was wiping away a tear gazing down at the photo.
"You were wrong," they sniffed, "I'm nothing like you and now...I never will be." For some reason, Y/n just reminded me of myself back when I was...human.

When I walked out, almost immediately Y/n's emotion changed from sad too calm.
"Hi," they said getting too their feet, "at you ready too-" Before they could finish I pulled them in for a hug. They froze as I did this, but I didn't really care. I don't know why, but I hated seeing Y/n like that. I guess it's because...I...
"Are you ok?" they asked. I pulled away as they looked at me nervously. I love that expression. From behind the mask a smirk slightly grew.

Before I could say anything, loud sirens were heard through the dark night as they came closer and closer too our location.

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