Chapter 11

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It had been a week since I arrived at the mansion and I finally knew who everyone was. Winter slowly began too arrive and it was exciting when it began snowing one morning. Ben and Toby began a snowball fight with Jeff and now I know as Masky. Sally, Lulu, Jane and I now know as Clockwork were making this one huge snowman. I sat on the stairs watching everyone enjoy themselves.

Just then, E.J came out sitting next too me.
"Whenever it snowed," I said, "my parents always stayed indoors and I'd make a snowman and my Nanna would bring out some food." The memories floated back too mind as I remember my Nanna decided it was a good idea too throw a snowball at one of the windows. It shattered into millions of pieces.

"Hey watch out!" Suddenly a snowball came flying right at my face hitting me in the nose. I realized it had rocks in it. I glanced around seeing Ben standing as still as a statue with Toby pointing at him accusingly.
"It was him I swear," Toby cried. I got too my feet, rubbing my now blood nose, feeling my eyes go crimson.
"So you wanna fucking play huh?" I asked coldly grabbing a huge amount of rocks and snow.

Like a baseball, I launched the bundle of ice right at Ben's face, knocking him off his feet. Toby burst out laughing as he saw his shocked face trying too control himself. I began enjoying myself as I joined them in a snowball fight. Jeff immediately went inside afterwards.

Almost everyone, except Jeff were nice too me and I for once...I felt like I belonged. Suddenly, I threw a snowball right at Toby, however at the last moment he dodged leaving the snowball flying at E.J landing right in his mask. I froze as he clenched his fist.

"You're so fucking dead," he snapped.
"Shit." I began running at he cased me around. I kept on apologizing over and over again as everyone was laughing at the sight.

Suddenly, I felt E.J's hand grab me and tugging me backwards sending us both collapsing down a hill. We landed in the soft snow and my face went bright red realising I was right on top of E.J. Immediately I scrambled off, apologizing over and over again in a panic.

E.J Pov:

As Y/n kept on saying sorry, beneath the mask a small smile grew across my face. Cute, I thought. Suddenly out of nowhere, Toby came flying landing face first in the snow making it dead silent.
"Crap..." he mumbled getting up sitting in the snow, glancing at the both of us, "what did I miss?" Just then, a snowball can flying right at his face making him fall over again.
"Eat that bitch!" Ben laughed from the top of the hill.

Y/ n began laughing, their voice filled with life and happiness making me smile. It was the first time I've heard them laugh in such a happy way, and their smile made my heart want to burst. It wasn't the psychotic cackle after they slaughtered their parents, but a laugh that brightened the day. And I was gonna make sure I'd hear it again.

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