Chapter 27

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"No far," Toby cried, "I never get too be in charge." Hearing this made me laugh, like Toby can't even keep himself out of trouble and he's 17! However I can't really talk...
"How about this," I said, "I'll let you be vice if you help me." I bit my lip too stop chuckling as he literally bounced off the walls hearing this.
"Alright deal," he cried, "so what's the beans?"

"Well~" I said, "I need too find something from Slender's office and I was wondering if you'd help?" Ok so everyone knew that if they snuck into Slender's office their throats would be slit and even though Toby knew this, he was desperate too be vice.
"Consider it done," he scoffed. We both snuck upstairs and looked around to make sure no one saw us. We quickly hurried to Slender's office and when I tried opening it I cursed as it was lock.

"Is there by any chance a spare key is around?" I asked Toby actually hoping there was a way in, but I just rolled my eyes when he pulled out his hatchet.
"In a non violent way..." He simply shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.
"Maybe Slender has one," Toby thought as if it was the best conclusion he's ever created.
"No shit Sherlock!" I snapped, "just...look around for something too help, and don't ask anyone, otherwise Ben will be in charge."

This immediately grabbed his attention and gave me a stupid salut before hunting for anything too unlock it. As Toby ran off I raced outside and too the office window and I almost screamed with joy seeing it was open...but it was on the third flour. Shit, how the fuck...

"Wait..." I glancing up at the trees and their branches. Suddenly a stupid but yet amazing idea popped into my head. With all my strength I launched into the air, grabbing hold of a branch and swinging onto it. I began too climb higher and higher until I was about 18feet up and 5 m away was the window I have to climb into. I glanced down at the gap between me and the window in gulped seeing how far up I was. One false move...and splat.
"One...Two...Three!" I jumped and gasped as I only caught it at the last moment.

I pulled myself up and collapse onto the floor of Slender's office. It worked...I got too my feet and went searching into the draw. No matter how carefully I look, there wasn't a even a clue about me. I sighed sitting at Slender's chair after 20 minutes of searching.
"God fucking dammit," I groaned, "shouldn't it be here?" I glanced around on Slender's messy desk as was about too give up and leave when something caught my eye.

There was a safe under his desk that I hadn't recognised before. It was quite large and could fit about 6 shoe boxes. I reacted down too open it but my heart skipped a beat when it was locket. This must be it! I began searching in the draws again hoping too find any type of keys. Suddenly the office door burst open making me scream.
"JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled sharply turning around, but sighed with relief just too see Toby. He yelled a chain of keys making me excited.

"Found them," Toby smirked. He closed the door and chucked the keys at me.
"Thanks," I laughed, "wait a minute...where were they?"
"I knew Masky had it," he replied, "so I tackled him and got into a fight. I was able too get the keys afterwards." I decided that the less I knew, the better. I began looking through the keys until I found this exact one similar too the keyhole on the safe. I put it in and the safe clicked when I unlocked it. Immediately, I opened it and files fell out.

"What are those?" Toby asked from behind me. I ignored and searched through them, and they were anyway normal files...they were everyone's that lived in the mansion. I began looking through them reading through everything file I saw. Their past, how they got here and what they were. My eyes caught onto another file and when I read the name, goosebumps formed on my skin as I read it.

Name: Y/n L/n
Age: 19
Backstory: Isolated from any human. They then slaughtered their parents a left into the woods.

I was shocked as I read this. Half of it I didn't even know about. Then finally it came too the part of what I was.

Too the discovery, it seems that Y/n L/n is a Hybrid. Half Demon and Human. Y/n has the body of a human but the inner side of a demon. Therefore must devour human flesh at some at a point of time.

The blood drained from my face as I read this, not because I was a Hybrid but the fact that Slender had this evidence this whole time and didn't even bother too tell me. I kept on reading through it when a note fell from my file. I picked it up and I gasped. It was a Nanna's writing.

Dear Y/n

If you are reading this, I'm most likely not with you anymore and that strange things are happening in you that no one can explain. The truth is, you and I aren't normal. You see, our bloodline was granted a gift giving us in human strength and faster regeneration. However whenever there's a gift, must come a prize. Our diet craves human blood more than food, that also explains the killings that always happened. My son also as your father couldn't bare the thought of being a Cambion so he tried changing his diet and forcing himself too eat like a normal human, but too no avail. That it why I always visited too help him.

He despises it but it was better than going psycho on the town. And when your mother gave birth to you and when I saw the look on his was filled with light. However he couldn't bare the thought of you being like him, so he avoided you as much as he could, trying too force himself too dislike you. Your father loves you so much but doesn't wish too show it.

Yours Sincerely


Tears began too fall down my face, guilt beginning too fill in my gut. Millions of questions began too fill my mind. Why didn't he tell me? It felt like everything I believed in before was now crushed. Soon my silent sobs grew into loud weeping.
"O-oh god," I gasped, "I-I killed t-t-them. I killed h-him."
"Y/n, you ok?" Toby asked reacting out his hand and putting it on my shoulder, but I slapped it always.

Toby Pov:

Y/n's eyes were crimson and black, mixed with rage and sadness.
"Don't fucking touch me!" they snapped, getting too their feet storming out of Slender's office. I followed quickly behind. I was actually concerned, but I also wanted too be in charged.

Y/n Pov:

I could hear Toby behind me trying too ask if I was ok, but I ignored him as my emotions kept on running wild. One wrong move and I'll snap. As I stormed downstairs, everyone was in the lounge...including E.J and when he saw me, he got worried.
"What happened?" he asked getting too his feet walking up too me, "are you alright?" He tried hugging me, but I pushed him away.

Everyone was dead silent.
"Just leave me alone," I snarled grabbing my jacket about too head out, but E.J took my arm stopping me.
"Y/n you can tell me," he said, "you know I-" I suddenly snapped and swung my hand around across his face. Everyone gasped as E.J covered his face. He glanced at me in shock as I glared at him.

He slowly removed his hand and the blood drained from my face as huge scratch marks formed on his face, flesh blood dripping down from it. I glanced down at my hand seeing blood stained on it. His blood.

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