Chapter 1

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I was typing at my computer wearing my fav grey hoodie, black t-shirt and ripped jeans. I was still recovering after my Nanna past away. I sighed as I rested my head on my desk. At least she's at peace now, I thought getting up and heading downstairs ready for my normal night adventure. Every night I'd go on a little walk just too freshen up, it'd help me relax.
"Oi," Mum snapped as I was about to leave, "where are you going?"
"Out," I answered coldly.

After this whole time she now care?
"They've been more murders Y/n," she snarled, " it's either you're gonna be the next victim, or you're the one who's making this mess!" At this point I was used to the snobby comments, so I rolled my eyes.
"If I was the killer," I scoffed, "I would've already killed at this moment." I slammed the door shut behind me before she could understand what I meant.

However she did have a fair point, there have been may murders and disappearances. At least I won't have too deal with those two, I thought. I began wandering in the park, daydreaming about my adventure. I enjoyed adventure stories fantasy but most of all, horror. I just found children movies so...silly, like I understood that they are people terrified of the kind of content I watch, but its interesting and thrilling.

Suddenly, sirens echoed in the dark streets, I spun around seeing cop cars racing through the street. I felt myself go pale as the cars stopped dead at the front of the park. Ah shit! Okay after the incident that happened when I was 12, I've done other bad things and may have been... accused for the murders. So I would've been dead if the cops found me out at this time.

So...I bolted. From behind me I could hear yelling ordering me to stop and gunshots. Normal people would've stopped, put their hands on the ground and let the cops arrest em', but as I said before... I ain't normal. I jumped over a fence and began running into the woods. Eventually the sounds of angry cops faded away, I gasped for air collapsing to the dirt.
"Holy shit," I panted glancing back, "that was close."

I suddenly yelped, feeling something sharp. I glanced at my leg horrified too see something metallic piercing through my ankle, however it didn't feel as bad as I expected. I took a deep breath and yanked it out, crying out in pain.
"Fuck!" I glanced at the wound fear of it getting infected, but what I saw left me in shock. The skin around it was slowly beginning too close up and after five minutes or more, all that was left was dried up blood.

I didn't even have time to process before I began hearing rustling in the bushes. I got too my feet glancing around in a panic. I began running again, in fear it was a policeman ready too sneak attack me. I kept on running for what seemed like an eternity, then I saw a light in the distance. I never knew someone lived out here, I thought, kinda strange. I kept on running too the light and my jaw dropped seeing the light came from this huge mansion.
"How?" I muttered, "this is a small town and never have I seen a mansion here before."

I began hearing the rustling in the bushes again, making me jump. I ran too the front and banged on the door in a panic.
"Hello is anyone home?" I cried out, "can you help me please!" I kept on knocking hearing the rustling getting louder and louder. Just then, the door burst open and I was naïve enough too lean on it. I fell too the ground landing face first.

"Ouch," I mumbled getting up. When I glanced up however, I froze dead in my tracks seeing before me were a group of people glaring at me. However...they were different, not the same as normal people. They weren't me.

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now