Chapter 10

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Y/n Pov:

I jumped at the sound of the sirens. I hated just the thought of the police and law. Not too mention that it does sometimes scare me. E.J suddenly grasped my hand and we both began running. From close behind I could hear the familiar yelling and gun shots from behind. When we entered the woods I was expecting we'd lose them, however my stomach dropped still hearing them from a far distance.

"Shit," I heard E.J mutter. I felt really bad, believing it was my fault that they caught up. I glanced behind seeing them at a far distance, but we catching up. Suddenly a loud gunshot broke the silent night and I watched in horror as E.J collapsed too the ground in pain.
"E.J," I cried as he laid helpless on the ground in a small puddle of blood.

Shit, shit, shit! I felt my blood temperature being too grow and my eyes suddenly began too throb in this pain I had never experienced as the anger grew over me.
"Get on the ground now!" I heard a cop yell from behind, "I mean it!"

Third Person:

The woods went tense and cold as Y/n began snickering under their breath. All the five cops that cased them and the masked man saw the brutal work they did back at the house, and luckily the paramedics arrived shortly after they did.
"I SAID GET ON THE GROUND DAMMIT!" the young police officer bellowed. He'd only been working there for a month but watched enough cop shows too know the job. The cold bloody murder slowly began too turn around leaving the policemen frozen in shock.

There stood this person wearing this black face mask, their eyes crept from the depths of hell glaring at the cops. Suddenly in a blink of an eye, they vanished into thing air. The officers were left in shock, glancing around at where this stranger vanished too. Suddenly, a loud thud came from behind and the officers glanced around in horror seeing that one of their allies dead corpse layer there. A huge chunk of their throat was bitten out and their arm was ripped off.

Suddenly, Y/n came from the shadows drenched in blood. The officers looked horrified seeing this disgusting site. One by one, Y/n attacked each of the officer's. Screams we're head, then dead silence.

Y/n Pov:

I kicked opened the door of the mansion helping E.J in. Ben was playing video games and when he saw us enter he just laughed.
"What the heck happened too you?" he chuckled. I gave him a death stay making him shut up. I helped E.J upstairs and he just panted that he wanted too go too his room.
"What about your wounds?" I cried, "we need to talk too Slender."
"It's fine," he snapped, "I treat my wounds all the time."

"Yeah but has it always been a bullet?" I yelled. He didn't answer making me scoff with disbelief. I helped E.J too his room and ordered him too wait there. I came back with a med kit and placed it on the bed.
"Could you take you're shirt off," I said, putting on some gloves.
"I told you I can do it myself," he snapped.
"Maybe you can," I sighed, "but you helped me. So I wanna help you."

He hesitated before cursing under his breath, taking off his hood and shirt. I taught my breath at his appearance. I could tell he slightly worked out by the body he had, and breaking it was a bullet in his stomach.
"This might hurt a little," I declared before operating, however E.J didn't even flinch, but I could tell his pain when I saw him clenched onto the quilt.

"So how long have you been here?" I asked trying too distracted him. When he told me he could fix his own wounds, I knew he had been doing this for a long time. But was there anyone there too help him?
"A while," he muttered trying too keep the conversation short. I sighed at my small attempted. I tried asking him about himself, but the more I tried the more he seemed too get pissed.

I just gave up and continued too stitch him up.
"Why do you even care?" E.J asked, making me confused, "why are you helping, and don't give me that shit cause you helped me. Cause I'm not buying it." I actually did have another answer, but the thought of it was...embarrassing.
"If I tell you," I sighed, "you'll probably get real pissed." Because of his mask, I was afraid of what expression he was using.

"Y/n," E.J snarled sending a shiver down my spine.
"Well," I said, "it's cause...I care about you." The room was dead silent after that, making my face go crimson.
"Done," I said cutting the stitch. I got up and was about too leave, but E.J grabbed my arm and pulled me on the bed. I felt so nervous, but it's true. E.J was basically the first person too actually be slightly nice too me, even if he was forced too.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. I froze for a moment, uncertain if any move was ok. Just then, E.J held my face in his palms.
"You know," he said slowly removing the bottom half of his mask yet again, "I do too..." before I can even react, his lips met mine. Butterflies brushed through my stomach as I felt his tongue meet mine. And...I felt good.

He pulled me by the waist closer as I kissed him back. Even though I've never seen his face... I think I really liked him. Suddenly a knock broke the moment and almost immediately, we separated and Sally came jumping in. Noticing E.J's mask have down, she asked what was going on.
"I was just helping E.J with his wound," I insisted hoping Sally wouldn't ask more, unfortunately she did.
"I thought E.J cleaned his own wounds?" Sally questioned.
"That's what I said," E.J said. I rolled my eyes at the both of them. Jeez.

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