Chapter 18

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I grabbed E.J's hand and began dragging him away as Nina kept on yapping on about a double date. Just as we were about to enter my room, I lost my patience. I turned around glaring at Nina.
"If we went on the double date then where do we go?" I asked coldly leaving Nina dead silent.
"Uh, going out obviously," she laughed.

"Well~ let me just get something straight," I growled, "I've been here for a week and yet Slender still doesn't trust me. And I ain't going out until he can actually trust me too be alone when doing fucking homicide!"
"Well~," Nina said, "I'll go talk too him, then we can hang." She walked off leaving me speechless.

"W...What the actually fuck," I murmured, "how does Jeff deal with her?"
"I have no idea," E.J replied. Everyone went too bed and the very next morning, a scream of joy broke the twilight. Nina burst into my room and kept on shacking me.
"Wake up, come on," she cried. I groaned trying too push her out, but Nina grabbed my arm beginning too drag me out.

"Can't I just sleep?" I snapped as I sat on the couch, but Nina totally ignored my question and began too talk.
"So as promised," she began, "I had a chat with Slender." I had my fingers crossed, hoping that he said no.
"Anyway," Nina continued, "Slender asked 'what type of date'? And I told him like, going out or shopping and unfortunately he said no. So-"

"Ah shit what a bummer," I sighed getting up, "well at least you tried. Imma go back too bed." I began walking back but Nina grabbed my arm.
"Come on let me finish," she sighed dragging me back, "so yes he did say no. But, I asked if we can do work together tonight, all four of us and he said yes."

I glared at her as she got all excited.
"What about you aren't you happy?" she cried.
"I'd rather have surgery awake," I muttered, "and feel every moment of it." She didn't seem too hear me as she told me we were leaving at 8pm and walked away. I went too E.J's room and was happy as he just woke up. I told him about it and he reluctantly agreed.
"Trust me I don't wanna go either," I sighed.

Basically I made the most of my fun in the mansion until it was time too leave. As me and E.J we're in the lounge, I almost burst into laughter as Jeff matched out with Nina clinging onto his arm.
"What a happy couple," E.J said, sliding his mask on.
"Shut the fuck up," he snapped, "let's just go already." As we walk Nina was the only person chatting at the three of us just rolled our eyes. As Nina kept on yapping, me and Jeff slowly began walked backwards, hoping no one would notice.

I wanted too cry when E.J grabbed us both and began dragging us on. After what seemed like a century, we finally arrived in the dark streets of the town.
"Follow me,"Nina ordered. My jaw dropped when she took us too this house. It had music blasting from inside and disco lights floating out from the windows.

"Why are we here?" Jeff snarled.
"Jeez," Nina sighed, "well for some reason some girl thought it'd be a great idea too make a Halloween cosplay party, I just found out yesterday."

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