Chapter 29 (Final)

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Third Person:

Caitlin sat grumpy as she watched the firewood being devoured by the hungry flames. Her two friends had forced her too come along however all they were doing was making out with their boyfriends Charlie and Kayden. I should've said I was busy, Caitlin thought, this is just boring. Instead of camping, Caitlin would've rather being home watching a movie with her little brother.

Unfortunately her friends don't even give her space for that. When she first met the two Bella and Ashley, they were really kind and welcomed her with open arms, however now they're both bully's. Most of the time they both acted bitchy too her as well. However that was only when Caitlin refuses their offers, like shop lifting, smoking pot or other illegal things. Although, this wasn't as bad as she expected, but still not pleasant feeling like the third wheel.

Just then, the bushes began rustling making everyone dead silent as they stared into the shadows. There was no wind and was absolutely certain that no wild animals were around. Not too mention that small pants came from them, that didn't seem like an animal but yet...not a human.
"What is that?" Ashley whispered, making Caitlin flinch. She was finally the first too break this cold silence.

Suddenly, a figure slowly walked from the bushes into the light, making the girls scream instantly triggering their boyfriends's protective side. The only one how didn't seem afraid was Caitlin. A stranger with a grey hoodie and ripped jeans glanced at them all, fear glowing in their eyes.

"Please," they panted, "" Without even thinking, Caitlin got too her feet, confronting the stranger.
"Caitlin," Bella snapped in a low voice, "they could be dangerous." Bella kept on tried persuading Caitlin too step back from this unknown person, but Caitlin just rolled her eyes.

Bella and Ashley never listened too her, so why should she listen too them? Caitlin took the stranger's hand and led them too the log she sat on.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Caitlin asked in a kind soft voice, ignoring Bella and Ashley's glared.

"I was wondering in town when I felt as if I was being watched," the stranger breathed, "so I began too walk faster until I found myself in the woods. That's when I heard...when I heard it."

A shiver ran down their spine as if having flash backs.
"S-So I began running," they continued tears beginning too form across their face, "until I found you guys."
"Ok," Caitlin said, "do you want too go home?" The stranger nodded getting too their feet about too walk off when Caitlin began walking before them.
"Caitlin what the hell?" Bella shouted, "you your ditching us? You so-"

"Holy shit Bella shut the fuck up," Caitlin cried, "I didn't even wanted too come here but you bitches kept on being fucking dickheads too me and everyone!" She couldn't stopped there but Caitlin kept on going on about how horrible they treated her and everyone, including their boyfriends.

"God I wish you'd just fucking die!" Caitlin suddenly blurted out. However the silence afterwards made her instantly regret it. The hate glare she got from the both of her old friends were filled with hatred and a craving for revenge.
"You fucking bitch!" Ashley yelled marching up too Caitlin lifting her hand prepared too slap her. Caitlin closed her eyes prepared for the blow.

But it never came.

Caitlin slowly opened her eyes and froze in horror seeing the stranger lifting her with one hand above the fire, prepared too let her go any minute. Kayden wanted too move, too save her but the stranger glared at him with their crimson black eyes, freezing him in place. Suddenly a loud crack was head making the blood drain from Caitlin's face as she watched Ashley's body collapse into the fire while her head laid by the side of the hungry flames.

Immediately everyone broke from their trance and began running in opposite directions, screaming for help, however one by one their last screams was a cry of pain before the night went silent. Caitlin froze as the stranger glanced back at her after the final cry was made.
"Sorry," they said licking a drop of blood from their lips, "but we were bored. It must've been quit a night for you as well." Caitlin opened her mouth in order too say something, but nothing came out.

The stranger walked up closer too Caitlin's ear, making her flinch as she felt their breath over their neck.
"Run Caitlin," they whispered, "my games done, but not for him." Immediately, Caitlin broke free from her trance and began running, however she didn't scream for help. Once you die, you're dead and she knew that. However it's just life and sure she was afraid too loose it, but it wasn't as if it wasn't normal.

Suddenly she felt something warm, like spilt coffee on the right of her stomach. Then the pain came. She screamed out in pain collapsing too the ground. The last thing Caitlin saw was a man with empty eye sockets before she slowly faded away.

Y/n Pov:

I opened the door of the mansion and everyone watched as me and E.J walked in with happy smiles on our faces. Then I took my attention too everyone with a look of sadness in my eyes.
"Guys I just wanted too say sorry," I sighed, "I shouldn't have acted like that." However Ben just chuckled.

"It's chill," he scoffed, "but we don't need another Jeff thanks."
"What does that mean?" Jeff yelled glaring at Ben. I smiled happy that they didn't really care. I've still got too learn more. Just then, E.J pulled me by the waist and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek making me blush.
"W-What was that for?" I asked glancing at him but just scoffed when he shrugged.

"Cause I wanted too," he smirk as he pulled me into his embrace, "am I not allowed too kiss my boyfriend/girlfriend?" My heart skipped a beat at his words, putting a smirk across my face.
"I never said that," I sighed placing a hand on his cheek, "I just wasn't expecting it." Before he could reply, I placed my lips against his. I never wanted it too break, I felt relaxed when in E.J's arm. After what seemed like an eternity, he broke the kiss resting both our heads against each other.

"Y/n," E.J whispered, "I love you." I smiled closing my eyes.

"I love you too."

The End...

A/n: Ok thank you so much for reading this story. I didn't exactly know what I should write for this chapter but I kinda got it down.
I'm working on this new story at the moment and it'll be coming soon.

But if you enjoyed and like my stories consider following. I'm not gonna beg cause I don't like forcing people too do things.
Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed ╹◡╹

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