Chapter 5

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E.J snapped at me, asking what the hell was going on. I had no answer for him, I wanted too cry. This has never happened before. Sure I've been sick a few times, however I've never seen black vomiting before.
"I-I don't know," I said trying too stay calm. Suddenly my stomach growled louder yelling for food.

I cursed under my breath getting up and flushing the toilet.
"Sorry for bothering you," I mumbled. I got up and was about too leave when suddenly E.J grabbed me. I glanced at him then at his hand. I could feel my face go pale. E.J's skin tone was...greyish. How have I never notice? I thought.
"Come with me," he said and began pulling me away.

My brain was yelling me too run, don't trust him but something else was telling do the complete opposite. E.J lead me to a room and when he opened it, immediately it was a red flag. It was a bedroom except what I saw on the shelves were...pretty disturbing. On the shelves were jars and in the jars were human organs. Hearts, livers and etc. E.J ordered me to sit on the bed and reluctantly I did.

He told me to wait and he left the room, few minutes later he came back with a plastic bag filled with some type of organ.
"Try eating this," he said handing it too me. I just gazed at him like he was the dumbest person in the world.
"What why?" I cried, "is it even cook?" Yes I was more worried if it was cooked or not than what it was.

"Just do it," he snapped, " it's not the end of the world!" I rolled my eyes snatching the plastic bag from him. This really isn't my day, I thought. I glanced down at the bag that was filled with red liquid and an organ floating inside. I slowly took it out and I was petrified seeing it was indeed a human organ. I glanced at E.J who is just looking at me, I couldn't tell what his expression was underneath that stupid mask and to be honest I didn't wanna know.

I glanced back at the organ, uncertain if I should even do it. But then...what would E.J do? I slowly lifted the organs closer and closer to my mouth. I took a deep breath and without hesitation a bit right into it. The flavour was the exact same as the girl's blood, except it had more flavour and taste too it and...I loved it. There was only one thing that was different and I didn't enjoy. The meat was cold.

"Well?" I jumped hearing E.J's voice and I glanced at him.
"It's...ok," I said, "t-thanks." I got up and left, slightly shaking. This is fucked up, I thought. When I got back downstairs I threw the rest of the cereal away and sat back at the table with Sally and Toby.
"You good Y/n?" Toby asked. I nodded my head smiling. I just told them that I haven't been feeling so well for the past few days, but said it was nothing. However, I couldn't get E.J hand outta my head. If he isn't human, I thought, then what is he?

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now