Chapter 13

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"Wait...WHAT!?" I gazed at E.J in pure amazement, still processing his words. This isn't real, I thought, is it? However, E.J did stop.
"I always wondered why but I feel something when I'm around you," he said, "I want too keep you too myself. I don't want too see anyone lay a hand on you." He kept on going on and on as I gazed at him.

"I did hate you,"he admitted slightly making me amused, "but I realized my feelings changing over time. I really like you Y/n." He glanced back up at me as my face went a dark red. I glanced away trying to control my blushing. Well now that I think about it...I thought.
"Well..." I began, " you too." After saying that the room went silent. E.J suddenly without any warning pulled me too his chest, I caught my breath by his movement.

I hesitated before relaxing in his embrace.
"E.J..." I mumbled, "could you...take off your mask?" For a moment, I thought he didn't hear me, until he began too speak.
"Not yet," he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver too run down my spine, "but I will." I felt sad by his answer because I didn't give a crap of what he looked like. I just wanted too see his face.
"You're dating E.J?" Ben cried. I told Ben, Toby, Lulu and Sally about everything that happened the night before and how they were gazing at my pink blushed face. It was so embarrassing.
"Well," I said, "we didn't actually...decide anything."
"Bruh you literally said you kissed him," Toby cried, "and that you confessed. Tell me that isn't you dating."

I may have never dated anyone, but I can definitely clarify that you should ask to start dating instead of just saying so, not to mention that I was afraid that E.J would get mad at me for just sharing it to everyone. Just then, Jane walked into the lounge. Seeing us go silent as she enter, her curiosity got the better of her.

"What's going on?" she asked sitting down glancing at us.
"Y/n and E.J are dating," Sally said before I could say anything. It was so annoying I couldn't understand why everyone was making such a big fuss about it.
"Oooooh," Jane said, "I never thought E.J would be the type too date someone. So you've got him wrapped about your finger, huh?"

"W-What no!" I cried becoming more embarrassed, "that's not it at all. All that happened was he told me he liked me and I told him that I liked him too. But...can I ask you something?" Everyone went silent are waiting for my question.
"Have you seen E.J without his mask on?" I questioned, " I asked if I could see and he just said "not yet". So does he have like a bad scar on his face or something?" It took me a second to realize that I asked two questions but to be honest I didn't really give a shit. All I wanted to know was why E.J wouldn't show his face to me.

"Yea we have," Toby said, " but he's always wears his mask. But no it's not a scar or anything that he's hiding. It's just tha-" Just then, Masky and Hoodie walked in. Not more people, I thought.
"Sup," Hoodie said, "what are you guys talking about?"
"NOTHING!" I cried before Sally could answer.

"Oh by the way," Masky said, "Slender wants you in his office." I nodded before I got up and headed there. I knocked on the door and the voice of Slenderman giving me permission too enter. When I walked in I froze with anger boiling up inside of me seeing Jeff there too.

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