Chapter 25

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"Your leg is broken," he stated, "just let me help." I rolled my eyes.
"I can still walk," I snapped, "just...not with this leg." I slowly got too my feet but a flash of pain crossed my leg the moment I put pressure on it. I covered my mouth before I could cry.
"See," E.J said, "just let me help." I glared at him but I left out a groan of fury.

E.J picked me up and began carrying me back. It was silent and embarrassing, but I didn't dare make a sound. If what L.J said was true then I'm not gonna pretend I didn't know it. That's just fucking stupid!
"What bullshit did he tell you?" E.J muttered. I didn't know if telling him was the safest way too go, but I wanted too see his reaction.

"Oh nothing much," I sighed, "just the fact that he stated you were using me..." My voice almost broke as I said this, beginning too feel the emotions clog in my throat. This was the first time I truly felt heartbroken. E.J stopped dead in his tracks starring at me with shock.
"He said what?" he yelled making me flinch. He wasn't his usual type of mad, he usually just yells, but at this moment it looked as if he was about too go on a killing spree.

"Yeah," I mumbled, " it true?"

E.J Pov:

I gazed at Y/n, shocked by their question. God I knew that fucking clown would do some shit like this. No one can bloody trust him!
"Of course not!" I cried, "Y/n I love you and you know that." They moved their gaze away, tears beginning too fall down their cheeks. I slowly sat down but careful not too hurt Y/n as they sat on my lap.

"Look at me," I said wiping away one of their tears and began rubbing their cheek softly, "that clown fucks around with everyone, ask Lulu or something and they'll agree. But Y/n, don't you dare believe the crap he said because none of it is true." I'll admit I never thought I'd ever love someone like this, it felt weird but yet also incredible. Everyone just pissed me off before I met Y/n and I hated them. And it's Y/n's personality that drives me crazy.

The way that they cutely laugh just brightens my day, even I was having a shitty one and just their voice is like music too my ears. Y/n's brave, kind, selfless too the ones they love and kind of a savage but...that's what makes them Y/n. I couldn't ask for anyone better than them. Y/n just gazed at me speechless but gave a sweet smile.

"God I should've listened too you," they sighed.
"Yeah, you should've."
"Hey you didn't give me any good reasons why I should avoid the bastard."
"Cause I'm your boyfriend." We both just laughed, then I leaned in and gave Y/n a kiss. I smirked as they began too blush nonstop.

Y/n Pov:

As expected my leg healed by the time we got back home but E.J wouldn't let me go. That was until we saw L.J starting at us, giving out a evil smirk. E.J put me down carefully and was about too attack but I stopped him.
"Ooh someone's in a bad mood," L.J laughed. I bit my lip too hold my cursing in, but it was real hard as he kept on saying theses shitty lies.

He kept on saying our relationship is toxic and even a child could agree, that made me loose my shit. I launched myself at him and kicked him right in the face, sending him collapsing too the floor.
"Guess what!" I yelled, "no one asked. So fuck off or I'll rip your guts out and shove it back down your throat!" Too be honest I was meant too just say fuck off but it just came out, like...someone else was saying it.

L.J just froze looking up at me, but just chuckled.
"Alright, alright," he sighed getting too his feet, "no need too get fed up." L.J left the room like it was nothing. What the actual fu-
"I wasn't expecting that," E.J said taking my hand, "not bad." For the rest of that night, me and E.J just cuddled in my room and he gave me soft kisses every minute or so.

A/n: Ok I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause I really enjoyed making it. After watching the show Heartstopper I wanted too make this chapter as wholesome as I could ^_^. Anywho~ Chapter 26 is coming out soon!

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