Chapter 7

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E.J Pov:

I caught Y/n just in time as they fainted to the floor. I brushed their hair from there eyes, looking down at their peaceful face. this feeling? I asked myself. Suddenly my stomach growled loudly.
"Shit," I muttered. I placed Y/n gently on the bed and walked over too their dead parents, now that I knew.

I grabbed my scalpel and was just gonna steal both their kidneys, but I hesitated glancing at Y/n. Something was off about them and their sense of food, so I cut both of the corpses whole stomachs open and stole A whole heap of organs.

I walked over too Y/n and gently pick them up, carrying them outside and back into the woods. In minutes we both arrive and I kicked the door down without having to put Y/n on the ground. Lulu and Jane were chatting and froze when seeing me enter carrying Y/n.
"What's their problem?" Jane scoffed. I ignored her comment and began walking upstairs.
"Fuck you," I muttered loud enough for her too hear, "go kill Jeff or something."

She began yelling at me, but I ignored her and went to Y/n's room placing them on the bed. Why do I even care? I thought gazing down at them. Some sort of feeling just clouded up inside of me, a strong feeling that I never used...
"I should report back to Slender," I muttered getting up and leaving Y/n to sleep.

Y/n Pov:

Even though I knew what I just did and that I just slaughtered my parents brutally, I felt relaxed by the thought that they were gone. Can't wait to see them both and in hell, I thought giving me slight joy. I slowly begin to wake up looking at my surroundings, it was my room at the mansion. Home...
"Good you're awake."

I glanced at the end of my bed seeing E.J sitting there just watching me still wearing his mask. Does he ever take it off?
"E.J," I said sitting up immediately, " what happened?"
"After you kill your parents you decide to take a little nap," he muttered, " pretty stupid if you ask me."

I rolled my eyes. I suddenly remembered my reflection and my eyes.
"So yeah I could definitely tell I'm not human," I sighed, " what am I?" Of course I wasn't expecting E.J to answer cause how could he possibly know if I didn't even know, but I was taken aback when he actually answered.
"We're still trying too figure that out," he began, " but from what we can tell you usually only eats humans to survive and have in human abilities. Well that's what Slender saying at least. I think you're just like me."

I nodded feeling kind of embarrassed of myself. So yeah I'm just another monster that has bloodshot eyes whenever I get angry, hungry or I just want to. It kind of explains a lot then if I'm gonna be honest.
"Thanks...I guess, " I mumbled getting to my feet. I was about too leave, but E.J's hand suddenly slammed on the door, making stomach slightly twisted. I glanced back at him as he began moving closer too me.

I leaned on the door which was my once only chance to leave, now locked.
"Uhh, don't you think you're a little too close?" I asked. However he ignored my words and by then we were inches apart. He lifted his hand and I flinched feeling him gently rubbing my cheek. What has gotten into him? I thought.
"E-E.J?" I asked gazing into his mask. I heard him curse under his breath.
"Fuck..."he muttered.

Just then, he pulled the mask up only revealing his lower face and came close too my face. I froze on the stop suddenly feeling a warmth blossom in me, only realizing in that moment that he...was kissing me.

A/n: Ive been on holidays so I'll probably be able too upload more when I get back, unfortunately that I can't promise. But I still hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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